
Acop Magnet Example

Use the ACOP Magnet for displaying a dipole or quadrupole magnet in a synoptic display.


Acop Magnet display Properties

BlinkIntensity set the blink intensity for the table cells (up to 100% lighter or -100% darker) (default = 50)
BlinkInterval set the blink interval (msec) for the table cells (default = 500)
BlinkMagnet set the mode for the magnet

  • off (default)
  • onMagnetOn
  • onMagnetOff
  • always

BlinkSlot set the blink slot for the table cells (0 up to NumberBlinkSlots) (default = 0)
BorderColor border color of magnet region
BorderWidth border width of magnet region
ControlPanelApplication provides an independent expert application to be launched via context menu. If empty then no control panel will be offered in the context menu.
CornerRadius corner radius of magnet region
DipoleGap is the displayed gap height between the magnet poles.
DisplayText if true: display input text/readback value on shape
DisplayValue if non-empty then the displayed value upon update will be the value given
Gradient color gradient for filled region
GradientStyle color gradient style for filled region
MagnetColor background color of magnet region when in an unknown state
MagnetOffColor background color of magnet region when off
MagnetOnColor background color of magnet region when on
MagnetShape gives the specific magnet shape

  • dipole (default)
  • quadrupole

MagnetState gives the startup magnet state

  • off (default)
  • on
  • unknown

NumberBlinkSlots set the number of blink slots for the table cells (at least 2) (default = 2)
Orientation speficies the orientation of the magnet

  • vertical (default)
  • horizontal

OutOfSyncColor background color of magnet when readback and setpoint values are deemed not synchronized.
Precision precision to use for floating point numbers (0 = general display)
TextColor color of display text in magnet region
TextFont font of display text in magnet region
ThresholdInSync the numerical threshold to establish whether the readback and setpoint values are synchronized.
ThresholdOff the numerical threshold of the primary link property used to establish whether the magnet is off.
ThresholdOn the numerical threshold of the primary link property used to establish whether the magnet is on.
ToolTipText specifies the preferred tooltip text for table. If un-specified, then the address parameters will be used.
Units the value units (applied to the component's description)

The Next Level ...

The shape components allow an expert control panel to be launched if configured via the ControlPanelApplication. The magnet shape in addition allows supplementary properties of the targeted power supply controller to be monitored via the addition Acop.Transport property OufOfSyncProperty, ReadBackProperty, SetPointProperty, and StatusProperty. You will typically want to browse directly to a status property as the primary Acop LinkProperty and then make use of the supplementary properties, perhaps making use of a text-based status string as the StatusProperty.

With the following specific settings in Acop.Transport:

OufOfSyncProperty = "Strom.Ims"
ReadBackProperty = "Strom.Ist"
SetPointProperty = "Strom.Soll"
StatusProperty = "Status.Text"

and in Acop.Display:

ControlPanelApplication = "CtrlMagnet.exe"
TextColor = "Navy"

we can via copy and paste add as many synoptic magnet shapes to a panel as we would like, changing only the LinkDevice to a different instance of a magnet controller for each copy and arrive at the following panel, without any additional programming on our part:


We can call up the context menu over any shape with a right mouse click. As we've provided a control panel application we have two choices:


Chooing Information shows the supplementary magnet information for the chosen controller:


Chooing Control Panel launches a modal control panel for the chosen controller:


from which magnet settings for the specific type of magnet displayed can be accessed. Note that the additional control panel application should be written to target the specific type of magnet power supply controller being depicted. The informational supplementary properties on the ACOP magnet shape are generally available to all types of magnet power supply controllers. Any of these additional properties can be optionally omitted, in which case they will not appear on the information panel.

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