
Acop StatusBar Example

Use the ACOP StatusBar for providing access to transport information, printing, and other application information.

The ACOP StatusBar embeds the ACOP Spider control, ACOP printing, the ACOP TrendViewer, and the ACOP AlarmViewer. If any components have been assigned to the application mode control then the Application Mode button label is visable and offers a dialog to swith from Read Only to Expert mode (where the assigned components or their context menu items will be enabled). If ACOP components with thresholds are included on the display and the threshold settings are in use, then Trip Events button label will indicate the number of events (unacknowledged in red). As the StatusBar is included on Form1 in all standard ACOP templates, this diagnostic information is readily available.


Acop StatusBar display Properties

AcquireAnyDevice if true then alarm data acquire should be for any device and not just the specific device contained in the link address. (default = false).
AlarmsViewerVisible if true (default) then the AlarmsViewer icon is visible in the status bar.
BlinkOnAlarms specifies the AlarmsViewer icon blink state, one of:

  • never
  • any_alarm
  • active_alarms_only

DepthInHours gives the startup alarm history depth in hours.
StartupAlarmsList can provide a list of link addresses whose alarms should be monitored at application start, irrespective of any future drag-and-drop activity.


ExpertComponents launches an editor where those components to be enabled in expert mode can be selected.


ExpertModeBackColor specifies the back color to use when expert mode has been selected
ExpertModeForeColor specifies the fore color to use when expert mode has been selected
StartupMode specifies the mode (ReadOnly or Expert) in which the application is to be started.
Header specifies the header message to appear in an electronic logbook entry
Logbook specifies the electronic logbook print queue which is to receive the application snapshot. PrintPreview is always an available option.
MonitoredProtocol gives the desired control system protocol for which the link information is to be monitored within the ACOP spider. Generally this is simply the default protocol. If an application makes use of multiple protocols then this setting could be useful. One can also switch protocols at runtime.
BackgroundColor is the background color setting of the trend chart in the trend viewer when it is called up.
Caption is the frame caption on the trend chart in the trend viewer when it is called up.
DataPointMarker if true then the drawn data at the mouse position will be highlighted.
DataToolTip gives the tool tip mode on the trend chart in the trend viewer. (default = drawn_data)
DrawWidth gives the DrawWidth on the trend chart in the trend viewer.
ForegroundColorList provides a color list for each of the displayed trends in the trend chart. The default settings can be overridden with this property setting.


MarkerColor the color setting for the marker (if turned on) in the trend chart (default = Red).
MarkerMode is the marker mode setting in the trend chart (default = Vertical).
MarkerMode specifies the data-point marker mode in the display frame (0 = none).

  • None
  • Horizontal
  • Vertical
  • CrossHair

Normalized is the initial setting for the normalized mode within the trend chart. If true then the data of all displayed trends will be normalized so as to fit in the frame boundaries (default = true).
Protocol is the protocol to use when the link address dropped into the trend chart does not contain protocol information.
ShowDataPoints if true will draw data points along with the polyline for each trend (default = false).
StartupTrendList can provide a list of link addresses and properties which should be trended when the trend viewer is opened.


TrendDepth provides the initial trend depth of the trend chart (default = 24 hours).
TrendUpdateInterval provides the update interval for data being added to a trend.
TrendViewerVisible determines whether the trend viewer icon is visible in the status bar (default = true).
YMax provides the preferred y-axis maximum setting for the trend chart when it is not in normalized mode.
YMin provides the preferred y-axis minimum setting for the trend chart when it is not in normalized mode.
MonitorThresholdViolations if true will make the trip counter visible in the status bar. The trip visible will nonetheless not appear if there are no controls with configured thresholds.


Acop StatusBar display Events

modeChange occurs when the application is toggled to/from ReadOnly from/to Expert. acopResetLinks occurs when Reset Links is called from the Acop Spider's context menu. This will call the event delegate provide in addition to reseting all ACOP links configured with AutoLinkAttach = True.


Acop StatusBar: No Threshold Events


Acop StatusBar: Unseen Threshold Events


Acop StatusBar: Acknowledged Threshold Events

Various ACOP components allow the setting of low and high readback data thresholds. These include the AcopLabel, the AcopTable, the AcopShape components, and the AcopChart. Often a threshold violation can be a transient event which might go unnoticed if the user is not viewing the application during the violation. The application can nonetheless maintain a list of such threshold violations for later perusal as well as alert the application use as to their occurence.

Clicking on the Threshold Event Counter will open the Threshold Violations Popup, which is in itself enough to acknowledge having seen the threshold violations. One can optionally reset the event counter or print the current screen, as well as refresh the display.


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