Classes | Enumerations
Acop Namespace Reference


class  AcopAlarmsViewer
 A prepared form for displaying alarms of drag-and-dropped control end points More...
class  AcopBitRegister
 A smart bit-register display which can be attached to a control system element. More...
class  AcopButton
 A smart Button which can be attach to a control system element. More...
class  AcopCavity
 A smart cavity display, which can be associated with a control system element. More...
class  AcopChart
 A smart Chart control for graphically rendering control system items More...
class  AcopCheckBox
 A smart CheckBox control which can be assigned to control system elements. More...
class  AcopChooser
 A control system address element Chooser. More...
class  AcopChooserContextMenu
class  AcopComboBox
 A smart ComboBox which can toggle among control system elements. More...
class  AcopCommandsViewer
 A prepared form for displaying the server commands of drag-and-dropped control end points More...
class  AcopComponent
 A non-GUI component which can be attached to one or more control system elements. More...
class  AcopForm
 Base form for acop applications More...
class  AcopGauge
 A smart Gauge displayer which can be attached to a control system element. More...
class  AcopGaugeContextMenu
class  AcopGroupBox
 A Group box that allows you to set the border properties More...
class  AcopInputBox
 A smart Input panel which can be attached to a control system element. More...
class  AcopInputBoxMenu
class  AcopJaw
 A smart jaw display, which can be associated with a control system element. More...
class  AcopLabel
 A smart Label for display control system items. More...
class  AcopLine
 A smart Line display, which can be associated with a control system element. More...
class  AcopLineContextMenu
class  AcopLink
class  AcopMagnet
 A smart magnet display shape, which can be associated with a control system element. More...
class  AcopOval
 A smart Oval display, which can be associated with a control system element. More...
class  AcopPrintInfoDialog
class  AcopPrintScreenshot
class  AcopRadioButton
 A smart RadioButtonGroup control which can be assigned to control system elements. More...
class  AcopRectangle
 A smart Rectangle display, which can be associated with a control system element. More...
class  AcopRing
 A smart Ring display, which can be associated with a control system element. More...
class  AcopShape
 Base class of ACOP shape components. More...
class  AcopShapeUtils
class  AcopSlider
 A smart Slider control which can be attached to a control system element. More...
class  AcopSliderContextMenu
class  AcopSpider
 A useful GUI component which signals the general health (all green!) of the underlying communication with the control system elements. More...
class  AcopSpot
class  AcopStatusBar
 A smart StatusStrip which is typically anchored at the bottom (a footer) of an ACOP GUI application. More...
class  AcopTable
 A smart Table allowing rows and columns of control system items. More...
class  AcopTableContextMenu
class  AcopTableInputMenu
class  AcopTrendViewer
 A prepared form for displaying trends of drag-and-dropped control end points More...
class  AcopTriangle
 A smart Triangle display, which can be associated with a control system element. More...
class  AcopUserComponent
 Base class for all ACOP gui components More...
class  AcopUtils
 Some static utilities which could be of use when programming. More...
class  AcopValve
 A smart valve display, which can be associated with a control system element. More...
class  AcopVideo
 A smart Video display which can be attached to a control system video server. More...
class  AcopWheelSwitch
 A smart WheelSwitch (i.e. dial) display which can be associated with a control system element. More...
class  AcopWheelSwitchContextMenu
class  AddressEditor
class  Alarm
interface  ApplierControl
class  ApplierEditorConverter
class  ApplierEditorValue
class  ApplyToEditor
class  ApplyToEditorConverter
class  ApplyToEditorValue
class  CBItem
class  ChooserEditor
class  ComponentSelector
class  DataTypeName
class  DescriptionLabel
class  DescriptionValuesEditor
class  FrmProperties
class  InputDialog
class  Link
class  LinkAddressEditor
class  LinkProperties
class  ListItemEditor
class  ListItemEditorConverter
class  ListItemEditorValue
class  ListItemSelector
class  MoveableJaw
class  MoveableJawConverter
class  needlePanel
class  PrinterConverter
class  PropertyInformation
class  RadioButtonsSettings
class  RadioButtonsSettingsEditor
class  RegionChangedEventArgs
class  RegionOfInterest
class  RegionOfInterestConverter
class  RegisterBitLabel
class  RingOctantConverter
class  ScaleableControl
class  ScaleableControlComparer
class  SelectorEditor
class  ShapeInfoForm
class  Spot
class  SpotConverter
class  StyleList
class  StylesEditor
class  StylesEditorConverter
class  TargetControlEditor
class  TargetControlEditorConverter
class  TargetControlEditorValue
class  TargetControlSelector
class  ThresholdListEditor
class  ThresholdListEditorConverter
class  ThresholdListEditorValue
class  ThresholdSelector
class  TraceChart
class  TraceChartConverter
class  TripLogFrm
class  TripMessage
class  UpdateItem
class  VideoAnalysis
class  VideoAnalysisConverter


enum  StandardLinkFlags
 Protocol independent flags which can be applied to the Attach and Execute methods when coding. Otherwise reference AcopTransport and use protocol specific flags. More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ StandardLinkFlags

enum StandardLinkFlags

Protocol independent flags which can be applied to the Attach and Execute methods when coding. Otherwise reference AcopTransport and use protocol specific flags.

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