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AcopChart Class Reference

A smart Chart control for graphically rendering control system items More...

Inheritance diagram for AcopChart:


class  LegendItem

Public Types

enum  AcopAutoMouseMoveToolTip { off = 0, drawn_data = 1, cursor = 2 }
 Mouse move tool tip specification More...
enum  AcopAxisLabelAnchor { bottom = 0, top = 1 }
 Anchor postion of the X-axis label More...
enum  AcopBarLineFilledStyle { fill_below = -1, no_fill = 0, fill_above = 1 }
 Bar Line color fill style (applies to AcopPlotMode.barline) More...
enum  AcopCaptionPosition { left = -1, center = 1, right = 2 }
 Position of the frame caption More...
enum  AcopDrawStyle {
  PS_SOLID = 0, PS_DASH = 1, PS_DOT = 2, PS_DASH_DOT = 3,
 ALlowable plotting line styles for the data plotting with a 'line' type plotting mode. More...
enum  AcopFitStyle {
 Curve fitting styles More...
enum  AcopGraphStyle {
  LIN_LIN = 0, LIN_LOG = 1, LOG_LIN = 2, LOG_LOG = 3,
 Posible Graphical axes More...
enum  AcopLabelOffsetMode { Normal = 0, UseMinimum = 1, UseModular = 2 }
 Allowable label offset modes. More...
enum  AcopPinTextStyle {
  position_pinned = 0, y_pinned = 1, x_pinned = 2, scalable_unpinned = 3,
  unscalable_unpinned = 4
 Pinned text style (applies to text printed with the PrintText() method) More...
enum  AcopPlotMode {
  polyline = 0, barline = 1, histogram = 2, dots = 3,
  histogram_rastering = 4, rectangle = 5, circle = 6, textbox = 7,
  polyline_dots = 8, barline_dots = 9, histogram_dots = 10, histogram_rastering_dots = 11,
  barline_histo = 12, barline_histo_dots = 13, polyline_cross = 14, annotation = 15,
  status = 16, ganttplot = 17, barline_bit = 18, symbol
 Allowable plotting modes (for line drawing) for the plotted data More...
enum  AcopTextLocation {
  bottom_left = 0, bottom_center = 1, bottom_right = 2, mid_left = 3,
  mid_center = 4, mid_right = 5, top_left = 6, top_center = 7,
  top_right = 8
 Location of text printed with the PrintText() method. More...
enum  AcopZoomModes {
  none = 0, x_axis_unbuffered = 1, y_axis_unbuffered = 2, xy_axes_unbuffered = 3,
  x_axis = 5, y_axis = 6, xy_axes = 7
 Acop Chart zooming modes More...
enum  AutoScaleMode { off = 0, once = 1, always = 2, peak_hold = 3 }
 Possible auto-scale mode settings when auto-link updates = true More...
enum  HistogramPositionEnum { left_adjusted = 0, centered = 1, right_adjusted = 2 }
 Adjusted histogram horizontal position More...
enum  LeadingEdgeCursor { none = 0, horizontal = 1, vertical = 2, both = 3 }
 Available styles for the leading edge cursor More...
enum  LegendLocation {
  upper_right = 0, upper_left = 1, lower_right = 2, lower_left = 3,
  bottom = 4, top = 5
 Possible locations for the chart legend More...
enum  LockScreenMode { probe = -1, unlocked = 0, locked = 1 }
 allowable lock screen modes More...

Public Member Functions

void AddColorToList (String color)
 Adds a color (by string name) to the current color list More...
void AddColorToList (Color color)
 Adds a color to the current color list More...
void AddLegendItem (String text, Color color, AcopPlotMode mode)
 Add an item to the chart's legend (provide 'ShowLegend = true') More...
void AddLegendItem (String text, Color color, AcopPlotMode mode, int index)
 Add an item to the chart's legend at the position given (provide 'ShowLegend = true') More...
void AddLegendItem (String text, Color color, AcopPlotMode mode, AcopDrawStyle style, int index)
 Add an item to the chart's legend at the position given (provide 'ShowLegend = true') More...
void AddLegendItem (String text)
 Add an item to the chart's legend (provided 'ShowLegend = true') More...
void AddLegendItem (String text, int index)
 Add an item to the chart's legend at the position given (provided 'ShowLegend = true') More...
void AddLegendItem (int hDisplay, String text)
 Add an item to the chart's legend (provided 'ShowLegend = true') More...
void AddLegendItem (int hDisplay, String text, int index)
 Add an item to the chart's legend at the position given (provided 'ShowLegend = true') More...
int AppendScreen (Object Yarray, int hDisplay, int Length, int Offset, Object Xarray)
 Appends the given data to the designated display screen. More...
int AppendScreen (Object Yarray, int hDisplay, Object Xarray)
 Appends the given data to the designated display screen. More...
int AppendScreen (Object Yarray, int hDisplay)
 Appends the given data to the designated display screen. More...
void ApplyCurrentReference ()
 Applies the currently drawn reference as a reference function. More...
int ApplyFitToDisplay (int hDisplay, AcopFitStyle fit)
 The display handle passed should refer to an unfitted and non-transformed display. if 'fit' is a proper fit style then an additional 'partner' display showing the original data points will be established, and the original display handle will then refer to the fitted data, otherwise no action will be taken. The call returns a display handle to the partner display (displayed as circled). More...
int Attach ()
 Attaches a transport link to the link target contained in the LinkAddress and LinkProperty fields. Will attempt to discover and use the default output data object More...
int Attach (object DataOut, object DataIn, int Flags, int interval, object reference)
 Attaches a transport link to the link target contained in the LinkAddress and LinkProperty fields. More...
int Attach (object DataOut, object DataIn, string Flags, int interval, object reference)
 Attaches a transport link to the link target contained in the LinkAddress and LinkProperty fields. More...
int Attach (object DataOut, int Offset, int Length, object DataIn, int Flags, int interval, object reference)
 Attaches a transport link to the link target contained in the LinkAddress and LinkProperty fields. More...
int Attach (object DataOut, int Offset, int Length, object DataIn, string Flags, int interval, object reference)
 Attaches a transport link to the link target contained in the LinkAddress and LinkProperty fields. More...
void AutoScale (Boolean autoscale)
 Applies an autoscale to all axes on all displays More...
void AutoScale (Boolean xmx, Boolean xmn, Boolean ymx, Boolean ymn)
 Applies an autoscale on the axes indicated on all displays More...
void AutoScale (Boolean xmx, Boolean xmn, Boolean ymx, Boolean ymn, int hDisplay)
 Applies an autoscale on the axes indicated on the given display More...
int BindToSecondaryYScale (int hDisplay, Boolean bind)
 Bind the given display to the secondary vertical (Y) axis. More...
int BindToSecondaryYScale (int hDisplay)
 Bind the given display to the secondary vertical (Y) axis. More...
void ClearLegend ()
 Removes all items from the chart legend. More...
void ClearScreen ()
 Clears all (unlocked) displays in the chart. More...
void ClearScreen (int hDisplay)
 Clears the selected display in the chart (unless locked). More...
void ClearScreen (int hDisplay, int keep)
 Clears the selected display in the chart (unless locked). More...
void ClearScreen (int hDisplay, int keep, Boolean remove)
 Clears the selected display in the chart (unless locked). More...
void ClearTags ()
 Clears any histogram tags from the all displays More...
void ClearTags (int hDisplay)
 Clears any histogram tags from the given display More...
void ClearText ()
 Clears the acop chart of all displayed text. More...
void ClearText (int hText)
 Clears the text shown in the given text handle location. More...
int Detach (String Protocol, String Address, String Property, object DataOut, object DataIn)
 Detaches the link specifed by the link parameters from the acop control. More...
int Detach (String Address, String Property, object DataOut, object DataIn)
 Detaches the link specifed by the link parameters from the acop control. More...
int Detach (String Protocol, String Address, String Property)
 Detaches the link specifed by the link parameters from the acop control. More...
int Detach (String Address, String Property)
 Detaches the link specifed by the link parameters from the acop control. More...
int Detach ()
 Detaches all links attached to the acop control. More...
int Draw (Object ydata)
 Draws a curve on the acop chart using the data provided as the vertical coordinates (uniform horizontal coordinates from Xmin to Xmax) and the chart display settings More...
int Draw (Object ydata, Object xdata, Boolean bindToSecondaryAxis)
 Draws a curve on the acop chart using the data provided as the vertical and horizontal coordinates and the chart display settings More...
int Draw (Object ydata, Object xdata)
 Draws a curve on the acop chart using the data provided as the vertical and horizontal coordinates and the chart display settings More...
int Draw (Object ydata, Object xdata, Object disable)
 Draws a curve on the acop chart using the data provided as the vertical and horizontal coordinates and the chart display settings More...
int Draw (Object ydata, Object xdata, Object disable, String[] xlabel)
 Draws a curve on the acop chart using the data provided as the vertical and horizontal coordinates and the chart display settings More...
int Draw (Object ydata, Object xdata, Object disable, String[] xlabel, int ArraySize, int MaxNumber)
 Draws a curve on the acop chart using the data provided as the vertical and horizontal coordinates and the chart display settings More...
int Draw (Object ydata, Object xdata, int ArraySize, int MaxNumber)
 Draws a curve on the acop chart using the data provided as the vertical and horizontal coordinates and the chart display settings More...
int Draw (Object ydata, Object xdata, int MaxNumber)
 Draws a curve on the acop chart using the data provided as the vertical and horizontal coordinates and the chart display settings More...
int Draw (Object ydata, Object xdata, int ArraySize, int MaxNumber, Boolean bindToSecondaryAxis)
 Draws a curve on the acop chart using the data provided as the vertical and horizontal coordinates and the chart display settings More...
int Draw (Object ydata, String[] xlabel)
 Draws a curve on the acop chart using the data provided as the vertical and horizontal coordinates and the chart display settings More...
int Draw (Object ydata, Object xdata, String[] xlabel)
 Draws a curve on the acop chart using the data provided as the vertical and horizontal coordinates and the chart display settings More...
int Draw (Object ydata, Object xdata, Object disable, String[] xlabel, int ArraySize, int MaxNumber, Boolean bindToSecondaryAxis)
 Draws a curve on the acop chart using the data provided as the vertical and horizontal coordinates and the chart display settings More...
void DrawTraceData ()
 Plots the current trace (if any) More...
int ErrorWindow (double XMax, double XMin, double YMax, double YMin)
 Assigns an 'error' window range to all displays. Data plotted 'outside' the window are shown in the error color. More...
int ErrorWindow (int hDisplay, double XMax, double XMin, double YMax, double YMin)
 Assigns an 'error' window range to the display given. Data plotted 'outside' the window are shown in the error color. More...
int Execute ()
 Executes a single synchronous transport call to the link target contained in the LinkAddress and LinkProperty fields. Will attempt to discover and use the default output data object More...
int Execute (object DataOut, object DataIn, int Flags, int timeout)
 Executes a single synchronous transport call to the link target contained in the LinkAddress and LinkProperty fields.
int Execute (object DataOut, object DataIn, string Flags, int timeout)
 Executes a single synchronous transport call to the link target contained in the LinkAddress and LinkProperty fields.
int Execute (object DataOut, int Offset, int Length, object DataIn, int Flags, int timeout)
 Executes a single synchronous transport call to the link target contained in the LinkAddress and LinkProperty fields.
int Execute (object DataOut, int Offset, int Length, object DataIn, string Flags, int timeout)
 Executes a single synchronous transport call to the link target contained in the LinkAddress and LinkProperty fields.
AcopControl.AcopTrace GetAcopTrace ()
 retrieves the current AcopTrace object (could be null if not monitoring a trace) More...
int GetBitDisplayMask ()
 Get the current bit display mask setting More...
Color [] GetColorList ()
 Gets the current color list as an array of colors More...
double [] GetCurrentReference ()
 Retrieves the data set currently being used as the displayed reference More...
int GetCursorXPosition ()
 Gives the cursor position in pixels. More...
double GetCursorXValue (int hDisplay)
 Gets the current X (horizontal) data value at the cursor for the display indicated. More...
int GetDataTag ()
 Gets the last data tag (if any) associated with the output data. More...
AcopPlotMode GetDisplayMode ()
 Get the PlotMode from the chart. If no chart a showing return polyline. More...
int GetDrawnData (Object Yarray, Object Xarray, int Length, int Offset, int hDisplay)
 Retrieves the data displayed on the given acop display. More...
int GetDrawnData (Object Yarray, Object Xarray, int hDisplay, double xPosition, double yPosition)
 Retrieves the data displayed on the given acop display. More...
double [] GetDrawnXData (int hDisplay)
 returns the drawn X-axis data for the input display More...
double [] GetDrawnYData (int hDisplay)
 returns the drawn Y-axis data for the input display More...
double [] GetDrawnYData (int hDisplay, Boolean rawData)
 returns the drawn Y-axis data for the input display More...
AcopFitParameters GetFitParameters (int hDisplay)
 Returns the fit parameters for the display given. More...
int GetFlags (String flags)
 Gets the integer flag representation of the input flags string More...
int GetHistogramOffsetLeft ()
 Gives the left offset of histogram displays in the acop chart More...
int GetHistogramOffsetRight ()
 Gives the right offset of histogram displays in the acop chart More...
Link GetLink ()
 Returns the currently bound transport Link More...
object GetLinkOutput ()
 Returns the output data object bound to the default transport link More...
String [] GetLinkOutputChannelNames ()
 Returns a list of discovered channel names for the data bound to the default transport link (In case the transport link is bound to a multi-channel array). More...
double [] GetLinkOutputXAxis ()
 Returns the appropriate X-Axis for the data bound to the default transport link (for use in the chart) More...
double [] GetLinkOutputYAxis ()
 Returns the appropriate Y-Axis for the data bound to the default transport link (for use in the chart) More...
Boolean GetMarker (int hDisplay)
 Gets the display marker setting for the display indicated. More...
int GetOutputCompletionLength ()
 Gets the last delivered link output completion length. More...
object GetOutputDataObject ()
 Returns the output data object appropriate to the current link address More...
object GetOutputDataObject (int instance)
 Returns the output data object appropriate to the current link address and given overload preference More...
double GetScaleBottom ()
 Gives the bottom chart axis setting. More...
double GetScaleLeft ()
 Gives the left hand side chart axis setting. More...
double GetScaleRight ()
 Gives the left hand side chart axis setting. More...
double GetScaleTop ()
 Gives the top chart axis setting. More...
int GetStatus ()
 Gets the current link status as an integer value More...
String GetStatusString ()
 Gets the current transport link status as a string More...
double GetTimeStamp ()
 Get the last link timestamp (as a UTC double). More...
double [][] GetTrendPoints (int Flags)
 gets a trend of history points according to the TrendDepthInPoints setting More...
double GetXDataMax (int hDisplay)
 Gets the maximum X (horizontal) axis data value plotted on the chart for the display indicated. More...
double GetXDataMean (int hDisplay)
 Gets the mean value of the X (horizontal) axis data plotted on the chart for the display indicated. More...
double GetXDataMin (int hDisplay)
 Gets the minimum X (horizontal) axis data value plotted on the chart for the display indicated. More...
double GetXDataRms (int hDisplay)
 Gets the root mean squared (RMS) value of the X (horizontal) axis data plotted on the chart for the display indicated. More...
double GetXDataStdDiv (int hDisplay)
 Gets the standard deviation value of the X (horizontal) axis data plotted on the chart for the display indicated. More...
String [] GetYAxisTickLabels ()
 Gives the series of labels used for the vertical (Y) axis tick marks. More...
double GetYDataMax (int hDisplay)
 Gets the maximum Y (vertical) axis data value plotted on the chart for the display indicated. More...
double GetYDataMean (int hDisplay)
 Gets the mean value of the Y (vertical) axis data plotted on the chart for the display indicated. More...
double GetYDataMin (int hDisplay)
 Gets the minimum Y (vertical) axis data value plotted on the chart for the display indicated. More...
double GetYDataRms (int hDisplay)
 Gets the root mean squared (RMS) value of the Y (vertical) axis data plotted on the chart for the display indicated. More...
double GetYDataScale (int hDisplay)
 Gets the specific Y (vertical) axis scale factor for the display indicated. More...
double GetYDataShift (int hDisplay)
 Gets the specific Y (vertical) axis shift value for the display indicated. More...
double GetYDataStdDiv (int hDisplay)
 Gets the standard deviation value of the Y (vertical) axis data plotted on the chart for the display indicated. More...
double GetYScale (int hDisplay)
 gets the applied y-axis scaling factor More...
double GetYShift (int hDisplay)
 gets the applied y-axis shift offset More...
int GetZoomIndex ()
 Gives the index of the zooming area More...
Boolean IsAttached ()
 Gives the current link attached status based on the Link parameters More...
Boolean IsBindToSecondaryYAxis (int hDisplay)
 Returns 'true' if the given display is bound to the secondary (right hand side) Y Axis More...
Boolean IsForceWidth ()
 If 'ForceWidth' is not true then the pen width setting is allowed to diminish when a large number of points are plotted. Otherwise the requested pen width is used even for a huge amount of data. More...
Boolean IsTagged (int index, int hDisplay)
 Gets tagging on the display and index given (depending on the draw mode). More...
Boolean IsTagged (int index)
 Gets the tagging setting for the index given. More...
Boolean IsTagged ()
 Gets the global tagging setting. More...
Boolean IsTagged (int index, int hDisplay, Boolean value)
 Sets tagging on the display and index given (depending on the draw mode). More...
Boolean IsZoomed ()
 Gives the zoomed stat of the acop chart More...
Boolean isZoomFlag ()
void LinkUpdateInvoker (acopUpdate updater, object sender, Link lnk)
 An invoker helper for cases where InvokeRequired is needed More...
long LockScreen (LockScreenMode mode, int hDisplay)
 Locks the given display screen according to the mode specified. More...
void PersistClear (int hDisplay)
 Clears (terminates) display persistence. More...
int PersistScreen (int hDisplay, int depth, Boolean memCopy, Boolean endlessFlag, Color persistColor)
 Applies a persisence to 'cleared' displays (analogous to clearing with a 'KeepDepth'). More...
int PersistScreen (int hDisplay, int depth, Boolean memCopy, Color persistColor)
 Applies a persisence to 'cleared' displays (analogous to clearing with a 'KeepDepth'). More...
int PersistScreen (int hDisplay, int depth, Color persistColor)
 Applies a persisence to 'cleared' displays (analogous to clearing with a 'KeepDepth'). More...
int PrintText (String Text)
 Prints the given text at the last text position. More...
int PrintText (String Text, double Xposition, double Yposition)
 Prints the given text at the given screen coordinates. More...
void PruneTrendDisplay (int hDisplay, double start)
 Reduces the number of displayed points in the given trend display by decimating the currently plotted data. More...
int Reassign (String Address, String Property)
 Reassigns the current bound default link to the address parameters given. More...
int ReassignList (String newGroupList, String newAddr, String newPrp)
 Reassigns the currently bound grouped links to those in the group list given More...
void RecallScreen (int hDisplay)
 Recalls a previously cleared display. More...
void RecallText (int hText)
 Recalls the previously cleared text in the given text handle location. More...
void RedrawContent ()
 Redraw the full content of the chart More...
int ReferenceFunction (Object ReferenceArray)
 Apply a 'reference function' (i.e. an array used to offset the contents of the drawn array). More...
int ReferenceFunction (Object ReferenceArray, int Length)
 Apply a 'reference function' (i.e. an array used to offset the contents of the drawn array). More...
int RefreshPersistScreen (Object Yarray, int hDisplay)
 Refreshes a displayed array in a persistent screen. More...
int RefreshScreen (Object Yarray, int hDisplay, int Length, int Offset, Object Xarray)
 Refreshes the given display screen with the given data. More...
int RefreshScreen (Object Yarray, int hDisplay, Object Xarray)
 Refreshes the given display screen with the given data. More...
int RefreshScreen (Object Yarray, int hDisplay)
 Refreshes the given display screen with the given data. More...
int RefreshText (String Text, int hText)
 Refreshes the current text in the given text handle location. More...
void RemoveLegend (int index)
 Removes the legend item at the postion indicated More...
void Reset ()
 Closes all monitored links and resets display parameters to their default settings. If AutoAttachLink is 'true' then those links bound to the control will re-link. More...
void Reset (Boolean allLinks)
 Closes all monitored links and resets display parameters to their default settings. If AutoAttachLink is 'true' then those links bound to the control will re-link. More...
void SelectPlot (int hDisplay, Boolean selected)
 if 'selected' = 'true' then the desired display is brought to the foreground by thickening its pen width. More...
void SetBitDisplayMask (int value)
 Set the current bit display mask setting More...
void SetCursorXPosition (int cursor)
 Sets the cursor marker position. More...
void SetDefaultScale ()
 Sets the chart's max and min setting back to the original default conditions More...
void SetDisplayMode (AcopPlotMode apm)
 Set the PlotMode to the chart More...
void SetForceWidth (Boolean value)
 If 'ForceWidth' is not true then the pen width setting is allowed to diminish when a large number of points are plotted. Otherwise the requested pen width is used even for a huge amount of data. More...
void SetGraphColor (int id, Color col)
 Set the color of a graph in the chart More...
void SetGraphVisible (int id, Boolean visible)
 Hide or show a graph in the chart More...
Boolean SetMarker (Boolean MarkerOn, int hDisplay)
 Sets the display marker setting for the display indicated. More...
void SetPlotMode (int hDisplay, AcopPlotMode mode)
 Set the plot for for a specific plot More...
void SetTagged (int index, int hDisplay, Boolean value)
 Sets tagging on the display and index given (depending on the draw mode). More...
void SetTagged (int index, Boolean value)
 Sets tagging on all displays at index given (depending on the draw mode). More...
void SetXRange (double xMin, double xMax)
 Sets the minimum and maximum horizontal (X-axis) display values. More...
void SetXYRange (double xMin, double xMax, double yMin, double yMax)
 Sets the minimum and maximum horizontal (X-axis) and vertical (Y-axis) display values. More...
void SetYAxisTickLabels (String[] ylabels, int start, int interval)
 Specifies a series of labels to use for the vertical (Y) axis tick marks. More...
void SetYAxisTickLabels (String[] ylabel)
 Specifies a series of labels to use for the vertical (Y) axis tick marks. More...
void SetYRange (double yMin, double yMax)
 Sets the minimum and maximum vertical (Y-axis) display values. More...
void SetZoom (Boolean ZoomXMax, Boolean ZoomXMin, Boolean ZoomYMax, Boolean ZoomYMin, Boolean SecondaryYMax, Boolean SecondaryYMin, double xmx, double xmn, double ymx, double ymn, double ymxSecondary, double ymnSecondary)
 Sets the Zoom state of the given acop chart (as if it were zoomed per hand). More...
void SetZoom (Boolean ZoomXMax, Boolean ZoomXMin, Boolean ZoomYMax, Boolean ZoomYMin, double xmx, double xmn, double ymx, double ymn)
 Sets the Zoom state of the given acop chart (as if it were zoomed per hand). More...
void SetZoom (double xmx, double xmn, double ymx, double ymn, double ymxSecondary, double ymnSecondary)
 Sets the Zoom state of the given acop chart (as if it were zoomed per hand). More...
void SetZoom (double xmx, double xmn, double ymx, double ymn)
 Sets the Zoom state of the given acop chart (as if it were zoomed per hand). More...
void ShowMoreOptionsContext (Boolean value)
 Activate or deactivate the "More Option" menuitem in contextmenu. More...
int SingleUpdate ()
 Applies a single link update to the acop user component if the component is not already in a monitoring state. More...
int WeightFunction (Object WeightArray)
 Apply a 'weight function' (i.e. an array used to scale the contents of the drawn array) More...
int WeightFunction (Object WeightArray, int Length)
 Apply a 'weight function' (i.e. an array used to scale the contents of the drawn array) More...

Static Public Member Functions

static AcopPlotMode GetPlotMode (int m)
 Converts to the Acop PlotMode enumeration from an integer More...
static double getUtcNow ()
 Returns the current UTC time (seconds since 1970) as a double (with fractional seconds). More...


bool AbsoluteTimeDisplay [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the absolute time tick-labels attribute. More...
object AcopReferenceObject [get, set]
 An optional assigned object associated with this Acop control ... More...
bool AppendDisplayInfoInTextMode [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the add-display-info-to-text attribute (calls to Draw() in 'textbox' mode). More...
Boolean ApplyAcopLinkUpdateAfterAutoUpdate [get, set]
 Determines the firing order of a user-defined acopLinkUpdate delegate More...
UnitsLocation ApplyLocation [get, set]
 the prefered location to apply units (default = description) More...
bool AutoLinkAttach [get, set]
 if set to true, instructs ACOP to automatically monitor the data provided by LinkAddress and LinkProperty More...
int AutoLinkCapacity [get, set]
 if non-zero, provides the requested data size to use when AutoLinkUpdate is set to true More...
bool AutoLinkUpdate [get, set]
 if set to true, instructs ACOP to update this component's contents upon receipt of new link data (provided no user-defined event handle is in play) More...
AcopAutoMouseMoveToolTip AutoMouseMoveToolTip [get, set]
 If not 'off', instructs ACOP to make use of the current link data as tool tip text when the mouse hovers over the chart More...
AutoScaleMode AutoScaleUpdate [get, set]
 If set to true, instructs ACOP acquire and apply appropriate chart setting based on the input link address and property More...
bool AutoTrendUpdate [get, set]
 If set to true, instructs ACOP apply a trend-chart and update this chart's contents upon receipt of new link data (provided no user-defined event handle is in play) More...
Color BackgroundColor [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the background color to use within the display frame. More...
Image BackgroundPlotImage [get, set]
 Gets/Sets an image into the plot area. More...
bool BackgroundPlotImageZoom [get, set]
 Activate or deactivate the zooming of the background image. More...
Boolean CloseLinkOnMinimized [get, set]
 If true the Link will be closed if the form is minimized More...
Color CursorMarkerColor [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the color to use for the cursor marker in the display frame. More...
AcopMarkerModeEnum CursorMarkerMode [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the cursor marker mode in the display frame. More...
AcopDrawStyle CursorMarkerStyle [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the draw style (SOLID, DASH, etc.) of the cursor marker in the display frame. More...
int CursorMarkerWidth [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the width of the cursor marker in the displayed frame. More...
double CursorMarkerXExtent [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the horizontal (X) extent of the cursor marker (when enabled)." More...
double CursorMarkerYExtent [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the vertical (Y) extent of the cursor marker (when enabled). More...
Boolean DataPointMarker [get, set]
 If 'true' then the drawn data at the mouse position will be highlighted. More...
int DefaultMonitorInterval [get, set]
 The default monitoring interval in msec More...
bool DisplayIndexInTextMode [get, set]
 If true and the display mode is 'textbox': The array element index will precede the contents of each string array element More...
AcopDrawStyle DrawStyle [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the draw style (SOLID, DASH, etc.) in the display frame. More...
int DrawWidth [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the pen-width to use for plots in the display frame. More...
int DrawWidthPointsLimit [get, set]
 "Gets/Sets the number of points at which the draw width automatically resets to '1'" More...
Color ErrorColor [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the color to use for error data in the display frame. More...
String ErrorValue [get, set]
 value to use when there are link errors More...
AcopFitStyle Fitting [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the data-fitting attribute. More...
Color ForegroundColor [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the foreground color to use within the display frame. More...
ListItemEditorValue ForegroundColorList [get, set]
 Specifies a list of foreground colors to use in multiple plots More...
bool FrameBorder [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the acop frame border visibility. More...
int FrameBottomOffset [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the postioning offset (positive or negative) to apply to the bottom of the display frame. More...
String FrameCaption [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the display frame caption (top margin). More...
AcopCaptionPosition FrameCaptionLocation [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the relative position of the frame caption. More...
Font FrameFont [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the font used in the acop frame. More...
float FrameFontSize [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the font sized used in the acop frame. More...
Color FrameForeColor [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the forecolor used within the acop frame. More...
int FrameLeftOffset [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the postioning offset (positive or negative) to apply to the lefthand side of the display frame. More...
int FrameRightOffset [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the postioning offset (positive or negative) to apply to the righthand side of the display frame. More...
int FrameTopOffset [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the postioning offset (positive or negative) to apply to the top of the display frame. More...
int FrameWidth [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the display frame width More...
AcopGraphStyle GraphStyle [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the graph style (LIN_LIN, LOG_LIN, etc.) in the display frame. More...
Color GridColor [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the grid color. More...
AcopDrawStyle GridStyle [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the draw style (SOLID, DASH, etc.) of the grid lines in the display frame. More...
int GridWidth [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the grid width. More...
Color KeepColor [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the keep color (for 'kept' curves during a RefreshScreen()). More...
int KeepDepth [get, set]
 Specifies the number of the 'kept' curves (during a 'RefreshScreen()' operation) in the displayed grid. More...
Boolean KeepPersistent [get, set]
 if 'true' then cleared display curves will be displayed in the chart background until the image is invalidated. More...
AcopDrawStyle KeepStyle [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the draw style (SOLID, DASH, etc.) of the kept curves. More...
int KeepWidth [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the draw width (for 'kept' curves during a RefreshScreen()). More...
int LabelRotationX [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the text rotation to use for horizontal (X) axis tick mark labels. More...
Color LeadingEdgeColor [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the the color to use for the leading edge in the display frame. More...
Boolean LeadingEdgeFixed [get, set]
 Determines whether the leading edge is fixed (true) or moving (false) More...
int LeadingEdgeGapSize [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the gap size to use for the leading edge in the display frame. More...
LeadingEdgeCursor LeadingEdgeMode [get, set]
 Cursor mode for the leading edge in an updating trend chart More...
AcopDrawStyle LeadingEdgeStyle [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the draw style (SOLID, DASH, etc.) of the leading edge in the display frame. More...
int LeadingEdgeWidth [get, set]
 Specifies the pen width a leading edge when the LeadingEdgeMode is not 'none' More...
bool LeftTimeLabel [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the time-label-on-left attribute. More...
bool LeftYLabel [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the left-side Y-axis tick label visibility. More...
Color LegendBackColor [get, set]
 Specifies the legend box back color when ShowLegendBox = true More...
Boolean LegendInFrame [get, set]
 Establishes whether the chart legend should appear on the chart (false) or in the chart frame (true) More...
String [] LegendItems [get, set]
 provides an array of plot descriptions to be used as a legend (if ShowLegend = 'true') More...
LegendLocation LegendPosition [get, set]
 Establishes the location of the chart legend More...
String LinkAddress [get, set]
 Identifies the transport link target. The target end point is given by the LinkAddress and the LinkProperty. More...
String LinkContext [get, set]
 The design-time browseable link context (part of the link address) More...
String LinkDevice [get, set]
 The design-time browseable/editable link device (part of the link address) More...
String LinkFlags [get, set]
 An optional design-time browseable flags set which can be applied to the underlying link More...
Boolean LinkGrouped [get, set]
 gets/sets whether all associated links have a grouped event More...
String LinkInputValue [get, set]
 optional value to use as input for automatic links More...
String LinkList [get, set]
 A design-time list of targeted links. If there is more than one target then 'LinkGrouped' is automatically set to 'true' More...
String LinkProperty [get, set]
 The design-time browseable/editable link property (suppliments the link address)" More...
String LinkProtocol [get, set]
 The link control system protocol More...
String LinkServer [get, set]
 The design-time browseable link server (part of the link address) More...
String LinkSubSystem [get, set]
 The design-time browseable link subsystem More...
int LinkTrendDepth [get, set]
 Specifies the trend depth in points More...
double LinkTrendHours [get, set]
 Specifies the trend depth in hours to use in a trend display More...
bool Marker [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the display marker attribute More...
Color MarkerColor [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the color to use for the marker in the display frame. More...
Boolean MarkerKeepMaximum [get, set]
 If true specifies that the data marker follows the maximum data value More...
AcopMarkerModeEnum MarkerMode [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the data-point marker mode in the display frame. More...
AcopDrawStyle MarkerStyle [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the draw style (SOLID, DASH, etc.) of the marker in the display frame. More...
int MarkerWidth [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the width of the data-point used marker in the displayed frame. More...
double MarkerXExtent [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the horizontal (X) extent of the data-point markers (when enabled). More...
double MarkerYExtent [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the vertical (Y) extent of the data-point markers (when enabled). More...
bool MarkPrintedTextLocation [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the mark-print-text-location attribute. More...
bool NormalizePlottedData [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the add-display-info-to-text attribute (calls to Draw() in 'textbox' mode). More...
String PlotFilledList [get, set]
 Specifies list plot filled settings ('no-fill', 'fill-below' or 'fill-above') to apply to consecutive plots More...
AcopPlotMode PlotMode [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the plot mode (polyline, histogram, dots, etc.) in the display frame. More...
char PlotSymbol [get, set]
 Specifies the plot symbol when the AcopPlotMode = symbol More...
AcopBarLineFilledStyle PlottedBarLinesFilled [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the 'barline-filled' attribute. More...
bool PlottedDotsFilled [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the 'dots-filled-with-foreground color' attribute. More...
int Precision [get, set]
 precision to use for floating point numbers (0 => general format) More...
AcopTextLocation PrintTextLocation [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the relative text location for text printed on a chart with the PrintText() method. More...
int PrintTextRotation [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the text rotation to use for the text printed on the chart via calls to PrintText(). More...
AcopPinTextStyle PrintTextStickyAttribute [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the printed-text-pinned attribute. More...
bool Reciprocal [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the data-inversion (reciprocal) attribute. More...
bool ReuseScreen [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the reuse-screen attribute. More...
bool ReuseText [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the reuse-text attribute. More...
Boolean ReverseMultiChannelArrays [get, set]
 If 'true' and AutoLinkUpdate is 'true' then multi-channel arrays obtained will be reversed in order prior to display More...
int ScreenDepth [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the number of buffers in use for data drawn on the display More...
bool SecondaryYAxis [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the visibility of the secondary Y axis. More...
String SecondaryYAxisLabel [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the label to use on the secondary Y-axis. More...
bool SecondaryYBestScale [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the secondary Y-axis best scale attribute. More...
Boolean SecondaryYFineTicks [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the secondary Y-axis fine tick mark visibility. More...
AcopLabelOffsetMode SecondaryYLabelOffsetMode [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the secondary Y-axis label offset mode. More...
bool SecondaryYLogScale [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the secondary Y-axis log scale attribute. More...
double SecondaryYMax [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the secondary (right-hand side) Y-axis display maximum. More...
double SecondaryYMaxDisplayed [get]
 Gets the secondary (right-hand side) Y-axis displayed maximum. More...
double SecondaryYMin [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the secondary (right-hand side) Y-axis display minimum. More...
double SecondaryYMinDisplayed [get]
 Gets the secondary (right-hand side) Y-axis display minimum. More...
Color SecondaryYTickLabelColor [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the secondary Y-axis tick label color. More...
int SecondaryYTicks [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the number of right-hand side vertical (secondary Y-axis) tick marks to display on the display frame (0 => best value). More...
int SecondaryYTicksFine [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the secondary Y-axis fine tick mark visibility. More...
bool SecondaryYTicksText [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the secondary Y-axis tick coordinate visibility. More...
Boolean SecondaryYTicksVisible [get, set]
 If true: makeright-hand side vertical (secondary Y-axis) tick marks visible on the display frame. More...
Boolean ShowLegend [get, set]
 Determines whether or not a legend should appear on the chart More...
Boolean ShowLegendBox [get, set]
 If ShowLegend = true, specifies whether or not a legend box should apear around the legend or the legend should be drawn directly on the chart More...
bool ShowPropertiesInContextMenu [get, set]
 If true, the chart's context menu will offer certain chart properties. More...
Color TagColor [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the color to use for tagged data in the display frame. More...
bool Tagging [get, set]
 Get/Sets the data tagging attribute. More...
Int32 TagWidth [get, set]
 Specifies the pen width to use for tagged data in the display frame. More...
int TextDepth [get, set]
 Specifies the number of text buffers in use for text printed on the display More...
double ThresholdHighTrip [get, set]
 If != 1e100 then treshold violations are added to the application's trip log More...
double ThresholdLowTrip [get, set]
 If != -1e100 then treshold violations are added to the application's trip log More...
Color ToolTipBackColor [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the tool tip backcolor. More...
Boolean ToolTipCommonChannelNames [get, set]
 If 'true' then 'AutoToolTip' will insert a common list of channel names in grouped updates More...
Color ToolTipForeColor [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the tool tip forecolor. More...
new String ToolTipText [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the tool tip text to hover over thee acop frame More...
TraceChart TraceSettings [get, set]
 Shows the data as a trace, if available More...
String Units [get, set]
 the value units More...
bool WeightStatistics [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the statistical weighting attribute. More...
bool WrapAround [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the wrap-around attribute when scrolling the display frame via 'mouse-down'. More...
String XAxisLabel [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the label to use on the X-axis. More...
bool XBestScale [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the X-axis best scale attribute. More...
double XExtent [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the horizontal extent of the data-point rectangles used when 'dots' are plotted. More...
bool XGrid [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the X-axis grid visibility. More...
AcopAxisLabelAnchor XLabelAnchor [get, set]
 Anchors the X-Axis label to the an area of the chart frame More...
bool XLabelLowerLeft [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the X-axis 'tick-marks on bottom' attribute. More...
AcopLabelOffsetMode XLabelOffsetMode [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the X-axis label offset mode. More...
String XLeftCaption [get, set]
 Gets/Sets a short text to use on the lower left X-axis. More...
double XMax [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the X-axis display maximum. More...
double XMaxDisplayed [get]
 Gets the X-axis displayed maximum. More...
double XMin [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the X-axis display minimum. More...
double XMinDisplayed [get]
 Gets the X-axis displayed minimum. More...
String XRightCaption [get, set]
 Gets/Sets a short text to use on the lower right X-axis. More...
double XScale [get, set]
 Gets/Sets a multiplication scale factor to apply to the X-axis of the plotted array More...
double XShift [get, set]
 Gets/Sets an additive shift factor to apply to the X-axis of the plotted array. More...
Color XTickLabelColor [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the X-axis tick label color. More...
int XTicks [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the X-axis tick mark visibility. More...
bool XTicksBottom [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the X-axis 'tick marks at bottom' attribute. More...
int XTicksFine [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the X-axis fine tick mark visibility. More...
bool XTicksText [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the X-axis tick coordinate visibility. More...
Boolean XTicksVisible [get, set]
 If true: make horizontal (X-axis) tick marks visible on the display frame. More...
Boolean YAbsoluteValue [get, set]
 If 'true' then the absolute value of Y-Axis data will be plotted. More...
String YAxisLabel [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the label to use on the Y-axis. More...
String YAxisList [get, set]
 Specifies a list of Y-Axis settings ('left' or 'right') to which consecutive plots are bound More...
bool YBestScale [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the Y-axis best scale attribute. More...
double YExtent [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the vertical extent of the data-point rectangles used when 'dots' are plotted. More...
Boolean YFineTicks [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the fine Y-axis tick mark visibility. More...
bool YGrid [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the Y-axis grid visibility. More...
AcopLabelOffsetMode YLabelOffsetMode [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the Y-axis label offset mode. More...
double YMax [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the Y-axis display maximum. More...
double YMaxDisplayed [get]
 Gets the Y-axis displayed maximum. More...
double YMin [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the Y-axis display minimum. More...
double YMinDisplayed [get]
 Gets the Y-axis display minimum. More...
double YScale [get, set]
 Gets/Sets a multiplication scale factor to apply to the Y-axis of the plotted array. More...
double YShift [get, set]
 Gets/Sets an additive shift factor to apply to the Y-axis of the plotted array. More...
Color YTickLabelColor [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the Y-axis tick label color More...
int YTicks [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the preferred number Y-axis tick marks (0 => best value). More...
int YTicksFine [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the fine Y-axis tick mark visibility. More...
bool YTicksLeft [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the Y-axis 'tick-marks on left-hand-side' attribute. More...
bool YTicksText [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the Y-axis tick coordinate visibility. More...
Boolean YTicksVisible [get, set]
 If true: make vertical (Y-axis) tick marks visible on the display frame. More...
AcopZoomModes ZoomMode [get, set]
 Gets/Sets the zoom mode (both axes, x-axis only, etc.) of the display frame. More...


acopAnnotationClick acopAnnotationClicked
 Occurs when a chart annotation has been clicked. More...
acopAutoScaleEvent AcopAutoScaled
 Occurs when a chart has been autoscaled. More...
acopMouseClick acopClicked
 Occurs when a chart has been clicked. More...
acopMouseDoubleClick acopDoubleClick
 Occurs when a chart has been double-clicked. More...
acopError acopLinkError
 Occurs when the underlying monitored link enters an error state (via acopApply or acopLinkUpdate) More...
acopUpdate acopLinkUpdate
 Occurs when the underlying monitored link has updated its data More...
acopMouseDragged acopMsDragged
 Occurs when the mouse is being dragged over the chart. More...
acopMouseEnter acopMsEnter
 Occurs when the mouse is moved into the chart. More...
acopMouseExit acopMsExit
 Occurs when the mouse is moved out of the chart. More...
acopMouseMove acopMsMove
 Occurs when the mouse hovers over the chart. More...
acopMousePressed acopMsPressed
 Occurs when the mouse has been pressed on the chart. More...
acopResetSetting acopReset
 Occurs when the control attempts to reset the setting shown to the link address More...
acopMouseZoom acopZoom
 Occurs when the acop chart is zoomed. More...

Detailed Description

A smart Chart control for graphically rendering control system items

Various display modes are available. These include simple lines, symbols, histograms, gantt displays, or even text.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ AcopAutoMouseMoveToolTip

Mouse move tool tip specification


no auto mouse move tooltip


mouse move tooltip shows the nearest plotted data values


mouse move tooltip shows the coordinates at the cursor position

◆ AcopAxisLabelAnchor

enum AcopAxisLabelAnchor

Anchor postion of the X-axis label


bottom of the frame


top of the frame

◆ AcopBarLineFilledStyle

Bar Line color fill style (applies to AcopPlotMode.barline)


fill with color below the drawn bar line.


no color fill


fill with color above the drawn bar line.

◆ AcopCaptionPosition

enum AcopCaptionPosition

Position of the frame caption







◆ AcopDrawStyle

enum AcopDrawStyle

ALlowable plotting line styles for the data plotting with a 'line' type plotting mode.


solid line


dashed line


dotted line


dash-dotted line


dash-dot-dotted line

◆ AcopFitStyle

enum AcopFitStyle

Curve fitting styles


no fit


FFT power spectrum


FFT phase


FFT spectrum and phase


FFT real and imaginary


FFT real part only


FFT imaginary part only


FFT inverse Real and Imaginary


differential statistics


integral statistics


linear fit


exponential fit


Gaussian fit


parabolic fit


cubic fit


quartic fit


FFT inverse spectrum and phase

◆ AcopGraphStyle

enum AcopGraphStyle

Posible Graphical axes


linear x, linear y


linear x, log y


log x, linear y


log x, log y


UTC time x, linear y


UTC linear x, log y

◆ AcopLabelOffsetMode

enum AcopLabelOffsetMode

Allowable label offset modes.

Adjusts axis tick labels to account for large but insignifcant common offsets. Does not adjust data!


No adjustment


Add minimum spacing


Add modular spacing

◆ AcopPinTextStyle

enum AcopPinTextStyle

Pinned text style (applies to text printed with the PrintText() method)


text position is pinned to its printed location.


text position is pinned only to its vertical location.


text position is pinned only to its horizontal location.


text position is not pinned but is scalable.


text position is neither pinned nor scalable.

◆ AcopPlotMode

enum AcopPlotMode

Allowable plotting modes (for line drawing) for the plotted data


most common connect-the-dots line display


connect-the-dots with a step-line display


simple histogram display (not-adjusted for aliasing effects)


dots-only display


histogram display (adjusted for aliasing effects)


rectangle-only display (centered at data points)


oval-only display (centered at data points)


text-only display (simple drop-down list)


most common connect-the-dots line display (with the dots)


connect-the-dots with a step-line display (with the dots)


simple histogram display (with the dots)


adjusted histogram display (with the dots)


histogram bar display


histogram bar display (with the dots)


most common connect-the-dots line display (with an X at dots locations)


annotation icons at the data point locations


status icons at the data point locations


gantt chart display


connect-the-dots for each bit


display the assigned plot symbol at the data point location

◆ AcopTextLocation

enum AcopTextLocation

Location of text printed with the PrintText() method.


bottom left


bottom center


bottom right


middle left


middle center


middle right


top left


top center


top right

◆ AcopZoomModes

enum AcopZoomModes

Acop Chart zooming modes


no zooming


x axis only (no buffered zoom history)


y axis only (no buffered zoom history)


both x and y axes (no buffered zoom history)


x axis only


y axis only


both x and y axes

◆ AutoScaleMode

enum AutoScaleMode

Possible auto-scale mode settings when auto-link updates = true


no auto-scale


auto-scale once


auto-scale always


peak hold

◆ HistogramPositionEnum

enum HistogramPositionEnum

Adjusted histogram horizontal position


left adjusted




right adjusted

◆ LeadingEdgeCursor

enum LeadingEdgeCursor

Available styles for the leading edge cursor


no cursor


horizontal only


vertical only


vertical and horizontal

◆ LegendLocation

enum LegendLocation

Possible locations for the chart legend


upper right


upper left


lower right


lower left





◆ LockScreenMode

enum LockScreenMode

allowable lock screen modes


check if locked





Member Function Documentation

◆ AddColorToList() [1/2]

void AddColorToList ( String  color)

Adds a color (by string name) to the current color list

colorthe color (as a string) to add the color list

Referenced by AcopUserComponent.AddColorToList().

◆ AddColorToList() [2/2]

void AddColorToList ( Color  color)

Adds a color to the current color list

colorthe color to add to the color list

References AcopUserComponent.AddColorToList().

◆ AddLegendItem() [1/7]

void AddLegendItem ( String  text,
Color  color,
AcopPlotMode  mode 

Add an item to the chart's legend (provide 'ShowLegend = true')

textThe text to show for the next legend item
colorThe color of the curve associated with the legend item
modeThe draw mode associated with the legend item

Referenced by AcopChart.AddLegendItem().

◆ AddLegendItem() [2/7]

void AddLegendItem ( String  text,
Color  color,
AcopPlotMode  mode,
int  index 

Add an item to the chart's legend at the position given (provide 'ShowLegend = true')

textThe text to show for the next legend item
colorThe color of the curve associated with the legend item
modeThe draw mode associated with the legend item
indexThe legend index position which should display the legend text

References AcopChart.AddLegendItem().

◆ AddLegendItem() [3/7]

void AddLegendItem ( String  text,
Color  color,
AcopPlotMode  mode,
AcopDrawStyle  style,
int  index 

Add an item to the chart's legend at the position given (provide 'ShowLegend = true')

textThe text to show for the next legend item
colorThe color of the curve associated with the legend item
modeThe draw mode associated with the legend item
styleThe draw style (PS_LINE,PS_DASH, etc.) associated with the legend item
indexThe legend index position which should display the legend text

◆ AddLegendItem() [4/7]

void AddLegendItem ( String  text)

Add an item to the chart's legend (provided 'ShowLegend = true')

textThe text to show for the next legend item

References AcopChart.AddLegendItem().

◆ AddLegendItem() [5/7]

void AddLegendItem ( String  text,
int  index 

Add an item to the chart's legend at the position given (provided 'ShowLegend = true')

textThe text to show for the next legend item
indexThe legend index position which should display the legend text

References AcopChart.AddLegendItem().

◆ AddLegendItem() [6/7]

void AddLegendItem ( int  hDisplay,
String  text 

Add an item to the chart's legend (provided 'ShowLegend = true')

hDisplayThe display handle associated with the legend item
textThe text to show for the next legend item

References AcopChart.AddLegendItem(), and AcopChart.GetPlotMode().

◆ AddLegendItem() [7/7]

void AddLegendItem ( int  hDisplay,
String  text,
int  index 

Add an item to the chart's legend at the position given (provided 'ShowLegend = true')

hDisplayThe display handle associated with the legend item
textThe text to show for the next legend item
indexThe legend index position which should display the legend text

References AcopChart.AddLegendItem(), and AcopChart.GetPlotMode().

◆ AppendScreen() [1/3]

int AppendScreen ( Object  Yarray,
int  hDisplay,
int  Length,
int  Offset,
Object  Xarray 

Appends the given data to the designated display screen.

YarrayIs the vertical (Y) axis data to use in the new screen.
hDisplayIs the handle to the screen to update (given by the initial 'draw' call).
LengthIs the number of points from the Yarray data to use in the screen udpate.
OffsetIs the offset in the drawn data buffer where the given Yarray data should be applied.
XarrayIs a corresponding horizontal (X) axis update array.
0 upon success.

Referenced by AcopChart.PruneTrendDisplay().

◆ AppendScreen() [2/3]

int AppendScreen ( Object  Yarray,
int  hDisplay,
Object  Xarray 

Appends the given data to the designated display screen.

YarrayIs the vertical (Y) axis data to use in the new screen.
hDisplayIs the handle to the screen to update (given by the initial 'draw' call).
XarrayIs a corresponding horizontal (X) axis update array.
0 upon success.

◆ AppendScreen() [3/3]

int AppendScreen ( Object  Yarray,
int  hDisplay 

Appends the given data to the designated display screen.

YarrayIs the vertical (Y) axis data to use in the new screen.
hDisplayIs the handle to the screen to update (given by the initial 'draw' call).
0 upon success.

◆ ApplyCurrentReference()

void ApplyCurrentReference ( )

Applies the currently drawn reference as a reference function.

The reference values will be subtracted from the displayed data.

References AcopChart.ReferenceFunction().

◆ ApplyFitToDisplay()

int ApplyFitToDisplay ( int  hDisplay,
AcopFitStyle  fit 

The display handle passed should refer to an unfitted and non-transformed display. if 'fit' is a proper fit style then an additional 'partner' display showing the original data points will be established, and the original display handle will then refer to the fitted data, otherwise no action will be taken. The call returns a display handle to the partner display (displayed as circled).

hDisplaythe display handle for which the fit is desired
fitthe desired fit style
-1 if the no fit was applied or the display handle of the (un-fitted) partner display

◆ Attach() [1/5]

int Attach ( )

Attaches a transport link to the link target contained in the LinkAddress and LinkProperty fields. Will attempt to discover and use the default output data object

A positive link ID or -1 if the link cannot be established.

References AcopUserComponent.DefaultMonitorInterval, AcopUserComponent.GetFlags(), and Link.GetLinkId().

Referenced by AcopUserComponent.Attach(), and AcopUserComponent.Reassign().

◆ Attach() [2/5]

int Attach ( object  DataOut,
object  DataIn,
int  Flags,
int  interval,
object  reference 

Attaches a transport link to the link target contained in the LinkAddress and LinkProperty fields.

DataOutA reference to the output data object which is to be filled
DataInA reference to an input data object to be sent to the link address
FlagsAny optional link flags
intervalAn update interval (or timeout) in milliseconds
referenceAny reference which should be returned in the link's update event
A positive link ID or -1 if the link cannot be established.

References Link.GetLinkId().

◆ Attach() [3/5]

int Attach ( object  DataOut,
object  DataIn,
string  Flags,
int  interval,
object  reference 

Attaches a transport link to the link target contained in the LinkAddress and LinkProperty fields.

DataOutA reference to the output data object which is to be filled
DataInA reference to an input data object to be sent to the link address
FlagsAny optional link flags
intervalAn update interval (or timeout) in milliseconds
referenceAny reference which should be returned in the link's update event
A positive link ID or -1 if the link cannot be established.

References AcopUserComponent.Attach(), and AcopUserComponent.GetFlags().

◆ Attach() [4/5]

int Attach ( object  DataOut,
int  Offset,
int  Length,
object  DataIn,
int  Flags,
int  interval,
object  reference 

Attaches a transport link to the link target contained in the LinkAddress and LinkProperty fields.

DataOutA reference to the output data object which is to be filled
OffsetA specific offset into the output data object (array) reference. Output data will begin filling at this offset.
LengthThe length of the output data object (array) which is to be filled in.
DataInA reference to an input data object to be sent to the link address
FlagsAny optional link flags string (i.e. one of the values shown in the property grid)
intervalAn update interval (or timeout) in milliseconds
referenceAny reference which should be returned in the link's update event
A positive link ID or -1 if the link cannot be established.

References Link.GetLinkId().

◆ Attach() [5/5]

int Attach ( object  DataOut,
int  Offset,
int  Length,
object  DataIn,
string  Flags,
int  interval,
object  reference 

Attaches a transport link to the link target contained in the LinkAddress and LinkProperty fields.

DataOutA reference to the output data object which is to be filled
OffsetA specific offset into the output data object (array) reference. Output data will begin filling at this offset.
LengthThe length of the output data object (array) which is to be filled in.
DataInA reference to an input data object to be sent to the link address
FlagsAny optional link flags string (i.e. one of the values shown in the property grid)
intervalAn update interval (or timeout) in milliseconds
referenceAny reference which should be returned in the link's update event
A positive link ID or -1 if the link cannot be established.

References AcopUserComponent.Attach(), and AcopUserComponent.GetFlags().

◆ AutoScale() [1/3]

void AutoScale ( Boolean  autoscale)

Applies an autoscale to all axes on all displays

autoscaleIf true applies an autoscale.

Referenced by AcopChart.AutoScale().

◆ AutoScale() [2/3]

void AutoScale ( Boolean  xmx,
Boolean  xmn,
Boolean  ymx,
Boolean  ymn 

Applies an autoscale on the axes indicated on all displays

xmxIf true apply autoscale to the Horizontal (X) maximum.
xmnIf true apply autoscale to the Horizontal (X) minimum.
ymxIf true apply autoscale to the Vertical (Y) maximum.
ymnIf true apply autoscale to the Vertical (Y) minimum.

References AcopChart.AutoScale().

◆ AutoScale() [3/3]

void AutoScale ( Boolean  xmx,
Boolean  xmn,
Boolean  ymx,
Boolean  ymn,
int  hDisplay 

Applies an autoscale on the axes indicated on the given display

xmxIf true apply autoscale to the Horizontal (X) maximum.
xmnIf true apply autoscale to the Horizontal (X) minimum.
ymxIf true apply autoscale to the Vertical (Y) maximum.
ymnIf true apply autoscale to the Vertical (Y) minimum.
hDisplayThe display handle of the curve to apply an autoscale (returned from Draw() method). '-1' applies to all curves.

◆ BindToSecondaryYScale() [1/2]

int BindToSecondaryYScale ( int  hDisplay,
Boolean  bind 

Bind the given display to the secondary vertical (Y) axis.

hDisplayThe display handle of the curve to be bound to secondary axis (returned from Draw() method).
bindIf 'true' the data associated with the display will be drawn according to the secondary axis criteria. If 'false' the display will be associated with the primary Y axis.
0 upon success or -1 if the given display handle does not refer to a displayed curve.

Referenced by AcopChart.BindToSecondaryYScale().

◆ BindToSecondaryYScale() [2/2]

int BindToSecondaryYScale ( int  hDisplay)

Bind the given display to the secondary vertical (Y) axis.

hDisplayThe display handle of the curve to be bound to secondary axis (returned from Draw() method).
0 upon success or -1 if the given display handle does not refer to a displayed curve.

References AcopChart.BindToSecondaryYScale().

◆ ClearLegend()

void ClearLegend ( )

Removes all items from the chart legend.

◆ ClearScreen() [1/4]

void ClearScreen ( )

◆ ClearScreen() [2/4]

void ClearScreen ( int  hDisplay)

Clears the selected display in the chart (unless locked).

hDisplayThe display handle of the curve to clear (returned from Draw() method). '-1' clears all curves.

References AcopChart.ClearScreen().

◆ ClearScreen() [3/4]

void ClearScreen ( int  hDisplay,
int  keep 

Clears the selected display in the chart (unless locked).

hDisplayThe display handle of the curve to clear (returned from Draw() method). '-1' clears all curves.
keepThe number of cleared curves to keep and display in the 'keep color'.

References AcopChart.ClearScreen().

◆ ClearScreen() [4/4]

void ClearScreen ( int  hDisplay,
int  keep,
Boolean  remove 

Clears the selected display in the chart (unless locked).

hDisplayThe display handle of the curve to clear (returned from Draw() method). '-1' clears all curves.
keepThe number of cleared curves to keep and display in the 'keep color'.
removeif 'true' then the display item will be removed from the screen cache

References AcopChart.ClearScreen().

◆ ClearTags() [1/2]

void ClearTags ( )

Clears any histogram tags from the all displays

◆ ClearTags() [2/2]

void ClearTags ( int  hDisplay)

Clears any histogram tags from the given display

hDisplayThe display handle of the curve whose tags are to be cleared (returned from Draw() method). '-1' clears all tags from all curves.

◆ ClearText() [1/2]

void ClearText ( )

Clears the acop chart of all displayed text.

◆ ClearText() [2/2]

void ClearText ( int  hText)

Clears the text shown in the given text handle location.

hTextA handle to the text to be displayed (given by initial call to PrintText()).

◆ Detach() [1/5]

int Detach ( String  Protocol,
String  Address,
String  Property,
object  DataOut,
object  DataIn 

Detaches the link specifed by the link parameters from the acop control.

ProtocolControl system protocol
AddressThe link address
PropertyThe link property
DataOutThe output data object
DataInThe input data object
0 upon success or -1 on error

References AcopUserComponent.AutoLinkAttach, AcopChart.AutoTrendUpdate, AcopChart.ClearScreen(), Link.GetAddress(), Link.GetDisplayId(), Link.GetProperty(), AcopUserComponent.LinkAddress, and AcopUserComponent.LinkProperty.

◆ Detach() [2/5]

int Detach ( String  Address,
String  Property,
object  DataOut,
object  DataIn 

Detaches the link specifed by the link parameters from the acop control.

AddressThe link address
PropertyThe link property
DataOutThe output data object
DataInThe input data object
0 upon success or -1 on error

References AcopUserComponent.Detach().

◆ Detach() [3/5]

int Detach ( String  Protocol,
String  Address,
String  Property 

Detaches the link specifed by the link parameters from the acop control.

ProtocolControl system protocol
AddressThe link address
PropertyThe link property
0 upon success or -1 on error

References AcopUserComponent.Detach().

◆ Detach() [4/5]

int Detach ( String  Address,
String  Property 

Detaches the link specifed by the link parameters from the acop control.

AddressThe link address
PropertyThe link property
0 upon success or -1 on error

References AcopUserComponent.Detach().

◆ Detach() [5/5]

int Detach ( )

Detaches all links attached to the acop control.

0 upon success or -1 on error

Referenced by AcopUserComponent.Detach().

◆ Draw() [1/12]

int Draw ( Object  ydata)

Draws a curve on the acop chart using the data provided as the vertical coordinates (uniform horizontal coordinates from Xmin to Xmax) and the chart display settings

ydatais an array object containing the data points to be plotted on the vertical axis. If ydata is not an array of a number type (e.g. a string array) then the draw method will only succeed if the acop chart display mode is set to 'textbox'.
The horizontal (x) axis coordinates will be an array of monotonically increasing integers.
a positive display handle which refers to the plot shown on the chart. This handle can be used in other acop API calls to for example refresh or clear a particular plot. Upon error, and negative value is returned.

Referenced by AcopChart.Draw().

◆ Draw() [2/12]

int Draw ( Object  ydata,
Object  xdata,
Boolean  bindToSecondaryAxis 

Draws a curve on the acop chart using the data provided as the vertical and horizontal coordinates and the chart display settings

ydatais an array object containing the data points to be plotted on the vertical axis. If ydata is not an array of a number type (e.g. a string array) then the draw method while only succeed if the acop chart display mode is set to 'textbox'.
xdatais an array object containing the data points to be plotted on the horizontal axis. If xdata is not an array of a number type (e.g. a string array) then the draw method will not succeed.
bindToSecondaryAxisIf true, applies the y-axis data to the 'secondary' Y-axis
a positive display handle which refers to the plot shown on the chart. This handle can be used in other acop API calls to for example refresh or clear a particular plot. Upon error, and negative value is returned.

References AcopChart.Draw().

◆ Draw() [3/12]

int Draw ( Object  ydata,
Object  xdata 

Draws a curve on the acop chart using the data provided as the vertical and horizontal coordinates and the chart display settings

ydatais an array object containing the data points to be plotted on the vertical axis. If ydata is not an array of a number type (e.g. a string array) then the draw method while only succeed if the acop chart display mode is set to 'textbox'.
xdatais an array object containing the data points to be plotted on the horizontal axis. If xdata is not an array of a number type (e.g. a string array) then the draw method will not succeed.
a positive display handle which refers to the plot shown on the chart. This handle can be used in other acop API calls to for example refresh or clear a particular plot. Upon error, and negative value is returned.

References AcopChart.Draw().

◆ Draw() [4/12]

int Draw ( Object  ydata,
Object  xdata,
Object  disable 

Draws a curve on the acop chart using the data provided as the vertical and horizontal coordinates and the chart display settings

ydatais an array object containing the data points to be plotted on the vertical axis. If ydata is not an array of a number type (e.g. a string array) then the draw method while only succeed if the acop chart display mode is set to 'textbox'.
xdatais an array object containing the data points to be plotted on the horizontal axis. If xdata is not an array of a number type (e.g. a string array) then the draw method will not succeed.
disableis a boolean array object designating specific elements to be shown in a disabled color.
a positive display handle which refers to the plot shown on the chart. This handle can be used in other acop API calls to for example refresh or clear a particular plot. Upon error, and negative value is returned.

References AcopChart.Draw().

◆ Draw() [5/12]

int Draw ( Object  ydata,
Object  xdata,
Object  disable,
String []  xlabel 

Draws a curve on the acop chart using the data provided as the vertical and horizontal coordinates and the chart display settings

ydatais an array object containing the data points to be plotted on the vertical axis. If ydata is not an array of a number type (e.g. a string array) then the draw method while only succeed if the acop chart display mode is set to 'textbox'.
xdatais an array object containing the data points to be plotted on the horizontal axis. If xdata is not an array of a number type (e.g. a string array) then the draw method will not succeed.
disableis a boolean array object designating specific elements to be shown in a disabled color.
xlabelis a string array object containing x-axis labels for each x-axis entry. The length of this array should match that of the ydata and xdata arrays.
a positive display handle which refers to the plot shown on the chart. This handle can be used in other acop API calls to for example refresh or clear a particular plot. Upon error, and negative value is returned.

References AcopChart.Draw().

◆ Draw() [6/12]

int Draw ( Object  ydata,
Object  xdata,
Object  disable,
String []  xlabel,
int  ArraySize,
int  MaxNumber 

Draws a curve on the acop chart using the data provided as the vertical and horizontal coordinates and the chart display settings

ydatais an array object containing the data points to be plotted on the vertical axis. If ydata is not an array of a number type (e.g. a string array) then the draw method while only succeed if the acop chart display mode is set to 'textbox'.
xdatais an array object containing the data points to be plotted on the horizontal axis. If xdata is not an array of a number type (e.g. a string array) then the draw method will not succeed.
disableis a boolean array object designating specific elements to be shown in a disabled color.
xlabelis a string array object containing x-axis labels for each x-axis entry. The length of this array should match that of the ydata and xdata arrays.
ArraySizeis the size of the 'internal' drawn buffer array used to reflect the ydata displayed. If not specified, this will be of the same length as the ydata array provided.
MaxNumberIs the maximum size of the 'internal' drawn buffer array. a positive display handle which refers to the plot shown on the chart. This handle can be used in other acop API calls to for example refresh or clear a particular plot.

References AcopChart.Draw().

◆ Draw() [7/12]

int Draw ( Object  ydata,
Object  xdata,
int  ArraySize,
int  MaxNumber 

Draws a curve on the acop chart using the data provided as the vertical and horizontal coordinates and the chart display settings

ydatais an array object containing the data points to be plotted on the vertical axis. If ydata is not an array of a number type (e.g. a string array) then the draw method while only succeed if the acop chart display mode is set to 'textbox'.
xdatais an array object containing the data points to be plotted on the horizontal axis. If xdata is not an array of a number type (e.g. a string array) then the draw method will not succeed.
ArraySizeis the size of the 'internal' drawn buffer array used to reflect the ydata displayed. If not specified, this will be of the same length as the ydata array provided.
MaxNumberIs the maximum size of the 'internal' drawn buffer array.
a positive display handle which refers to the plot shown on the chart. This handle can be used in other acop API calls to for example refresh or clear a particular plot.

References AcopChart.Draw().

◆ Draw() [8/12]

int Draw ( Object  ydata,
Object  xdata,
int  MaxNumber 

Draws a curve on the acop chart using the data provided as the vertical and horizontal coordinates and the chart display settings

ydatais an array object containing the data points to be plotted on the vertical axis. If ydata is not an array of a number type (e.g. a string array) then the draw method while only succeed if the acop chart display mode is set to 'textbox'.
xdatais an array object containing the data points to be plotted on the horizontal axis. If xdata is not an array of a number type (e.g. a string array) then the draw method will not succeed.
MaxNumberIs the maximum size of the 'internal' drawn buffer array.
a positive display handle which refers to the plot shown on the chart. This handle can be used in other acop API calls to for example refresh or clear a particular plot.

References AcopChart.Draw().

◆ Draw() [9/12]

int Draw ( Object  ydata,
Object  xdata,
int  ArraySize,
int  MaxNumber,
Boolean  bindToSecondaryAxis 

Draws a curve on the acop chart using the data provided as the vertical and horizontal coordinates and the chart display settings

ydatais an array object containing the data points to be plotted on the vertical axis. If ydata is not an array of a number type (e.g. a string array) then the draw method while only succeed if the acop chart display mode is set to 'textbox'.
xdatais an array object containing the data points to be plotted on the horizontal axis. If xdata is not an array of a number type (e.g. a string array) then the draw method will not succeed.
ArraySizeis the size of the 'internal' drawn buffer array used to reflect the ydata displayed. If not specified, this will be of the same length as the ydata array provided.
MaxNumberIs the maximum size of the 'internal' drawn buffer array.
bindToSecondaryAxisIf true, applies the y-axis data to the 'secondary' Y-axis
a positive display handle which refers to the plot shown on the chart. This handle can be used in other acop API calls to for example refresh or clear a particular plot. Upon error, and negative value is returned.

References AcopChart.Draw().

◆ Draw() [10/12]

int Draw ( Object  ydata,
String []  xlabel 

Draws a curve on the acop chart using the data provided as the vertical and horizontal coordinates and the chart display settings

ydatais an array object containing the data points to be plotted on the vertical axis. If ydata is not an array of a number type (e.g. a string array) then the draw method while only succeed if the acop chart display mode is set to 'textbox'.
xlabelis a string array object containing x-axis labels for each x-axis entry. The length of this array should match that of the ydata and xdata arrays.
a positive display handle which refers to the plot shown on the chart. This handle can be used in other acop API calls to for example refresh or clear a particular plot. Upon error, and negative value is returned.

References AcopChart.Draw().

◆ Draw() [11/12]

int Draw ( Object  ydata,
Object  xdata,
String []  xlabel 

Draws a curve on the acop chart using the data provided as the vertical and horizontal coordinates and the chart display settings

ydatais an array object containing the data points to be plotted on the vertical axis. If ydata is not an array of a number type (e.g. a string array) then the draw method while only succeed if the acop chart display mode is set to 'textbox'.
xdatais an array object containing the data points to be plotted on the horizontal axis. If xdata is not an array of a number type (e.g. a string array) then the draw method will not succeed.
xlabelis a string array object containing x-axis labels for each x-axis entry. The length of this array should match that of the ydata and xdata arrays.
a positive display handle which refers to the plot shown on the chart. This handle can be used in other acop API calls to for example refresh or clear a particular plot. Upon error, and negative value is returned.

References AcopChart.Draw().

◆ Draw() [12/12]

int Draw ( Object  ydata,
Object  xdata,
Object  disable,
String []  xlabel,
int  ArraySize,
int  MaxNumber,
Boolean  bindToSecondaryAxis 

Draws a curve on the acop chart using the data provided as the vertical and horizontal coordinates and the chart display settings

ydatais an array object containing the data points to be plotted on the vertical axis. If ydata is not an array of a number type (e.g. a string array) then the draw method while only succeed if the acop chart display mode is set to 'textbox'.
xdatais an array object containing the data points to be plotted on the horizontal axis. If xdata is not an array of a number type (e.g. a string array) then the draw method will not succeed.
disableis a boolean array object designating specific elements to be shown in a disabled color.
xlabelis a string array object containing x-axis labels for each x-axis entry. The length of this array should match that of the ydata and xdata arrays.
ArraySizeis the size of the 'internal' drawn buffer array used to reflect the ydata displayed. If not specified, this will be of the same length as the ydata array provided.
MaxNumberIs the maximum size of the 'internal' drawn buffer array.
bindToSecondaryAxisIf true, applies the y-axis data to the 'secondary' Y-axis
a positive display handle which refers to the plot shown on the chart. This handle can be used in other acop API calls to for example refresh or clear a particular plot. Upon error, and negative value is returned.

References AcopChart.PersistScreen(), and AcopChart.SecondaryYAxis.

◆ DrawTraceData()

void DrawTraceData ( )

Plots the current trace (if any)

◆ ErrorWindow() [1/2]

int ErrorWindow ( double  XMax,
double  XMin,
double  YMax,
double  YMin 

Assigns an 'error' window range to all displays. Data plotted 'outside' the window are shown in the error color.

XMaxThe maximum non-error X value.
XMinThe minimum non-error X value.
YMaxThe maximum non-error Y value.
YMinThe minimum non-error Y value.

References AcopChart.XMax, AcopChart.XMin, AcopChart.YMax, and AcopChart.YMin.

◆ ErrorWindow() [2/2]

int ErrorWindow ( int  hDisplay,
double  XMax,
double  XMin,
double  YMax,
double  YMin 

Assigns an 'error' window range to the display given. Data plotted 'outside' the window are shown in the error color.

hDisplayThe display handle of the curve to apply the error window (returned from Draw() method). '-1' applies to all curves.
XMaxThe maximum non-error X value.
XMinThe minimum non-error X value.
YMaxThe maximum non-error Y value.
YMinThe minimum non-error Y value.

References AcopChart.XMax, AcopChart.XMin, AcopChart.YMax, and AcopChart.YMin.

◆ Execute() [1/5]

int Execute ( )

Executes a single synchronous transport call to the link target contained in the LinkAddress and LinkProperty fields. Will attempt to discover and use the default output data object

0 upon success or -1 if there is a link error.

References AcopUserComponent.DefaultMonitorInterval, and AcopUserComponent.GetFlags().

Referenced by AcopUserComponent.Execute(), and AcopUserComponent.SingleUpdate().

◆ Execute() [2/5]

int Execute ( object  DataOut,
object  DataIn,
int  Flags,
int  timeout 

Executes a single synchronous transport call to the link target contained in the LinkAddress and LinkProperty fields.

DataOutA reference to the output data object which is to be filled
DataInA reference to an input data object to be sent to the link address
FlagsAny optional link flags
timeouttimeout in milliseconds
0 upon success or -1 if there is a link error.

◆ Execute() [3/5]

int Execute ( object  DataOut,
object  DataIn,
string  Flags,
int  timeout 

Executes a single synchronous transport call to the link target contained in the LinkAddress and LinkProperty fields.

DataOutA reference to the output data object which is to be filled
DataInA reference to an input data object to be sent to the link address
FlagsAny optional link flags string (i.e. one of the values shown in the property grid)
timeouttimeout in milliseconds
0 upon success or -1 if there is a link error.

References AcopUserComponent.Execute(), and AcopUserComponent.GetFlags().

◆ Execute() [4/5]

int Execute ( object  DataOut,
int  Offset,
int  Length,
object  DataIn,
int  Flags,
int  timeout 

Executes a single synchronous transport call to the link target contained in the LinkAddress and LinkProperty fields.

DataOutA reference to the output data object which is to be filled
OffsetA specific offset into the output data object (array) reference. Output data will begin filling at this offset.
LengthThe length of the output data object (array) which is to be filled in.
DataInA reference to an input data object to be sent to the link address
FlagsAny optional link flags
timeouttimeout in milliseconds
0 upon success or -1 if there is a link error.

◆ Execute() [5/5]

int Execute ( object  DataOut,
int  Offset,
int  Length,
object  DataIn,
string  Flags,
int  timeout 

Executes a single synchronous transport call to the link target contained in the LinkAddress and LinkProperty fields.

DataOutA reference to the output data object which is to be filled
OffsetA specific offset into the output data object (array) reference. Output data will begin filling at this offset.
LengthThe length of the output data object (array) which is to be filled in.
DataInA reference to an input data object to be sent to the link address
FlagsAny optional link flags string (i.e. one of the values shown in the property grid)
timeouttimeout in milliseconds
0 upon success or -1 if there is a link error.

References AcopUserComponent.Execute(), and AcopUserComponent.GetFlags().

◆ GetAcopTrace()

AcopControl.AcopTrace GetAcopTrace ( )

retrieves the current AcopTrace object (could be null if not monitoring a trace)

the current AcopTrace object

◆ GetBitDisplayMask()

int GetBitDisplayMask ( )

Get the current bit display mask setting

the current bit display mask setting

◆ GetColorList()

Color [] GetColorList ( )

Gets the current color list as an array of colors

the current color list as an array of colors

◆ GetCurrentReference()

double [] GetCurrentReference ( )

Retrieves the data set currently being used as the displayed reference

the data set currently being used as the displayed reference

if there is no displayed reference the call returns null

◆ GetCursorXPosition()

int GetCursorXPosition ( )

Gives the cursor position in pixels.

The cursor position in pixels.

◆ GetCursorXValue()

double GetCursorXValue ( int  hDisplay)

Gets the current X (horizontal) data value at the cursor for the display indicated.

hDisplayIs the display handle of the acop display for which the data are desired (returned via a call to Draw()).
the current X data Value at the cursor for the display indicated.

◆ GetDataTag()

int GetDataTag ( )

Gets the last data tag (if any) associated with the output data.

The last data tag (if any) associated with the output data.

References Link.GetDataTag().

◆ GetDisplayMode()

AcopPlotMode GetDisplayMode ( )

Get the PlotMode from the chart. If no chart a showing return polyline.

The plot mode

◆ GetDrawnData() [1/2]

int GetDrawnData ( Object  Yarray,
Object  Xarray,
int  Length,
int  Offset,
int  hDisplay 

Retrieves the data displayed on the given acop display.

YarrayIs a reference to an array object which will be filled with the vertical (Y-axis) coordinates of the plotted data.
XarrayIs a reference to an array object which will be filled with the horizontal (X-axis) coordinates of the plotted data.
LengthIs the desired length within the array provided which should be filled with plotted data.
OffsetIs the desired offset within the array provided which should be filled with plotted data.
hDisplayIs the display handle of the acop display for which the data are desired (returned via a call to Draw()).
number of points or a negative value on error

Referenced by AcopChart.PruneTrendDisplay().

◆ GetDrawnData() [2/2]

int GetDrawnData ( Object  Yarray,
Object  Xarray,
int  hDisplay,
double  xPosition,
double  yPosition 

Retrieves the data displayed on the given acop display.

YarrayIs a reference to an array object which will be filled with the vertical (Y-axis) coordinates of the plotted data.
XarrayIs a reference to an array object which will be filled with the horizontal (X-axis) coordinates of the plotted data.
hDisplayIs the display handle of the acop display for which the data are desired (returned via a call to Draw()).
xPositionIs the screen X position for which the displayed data are desired.
yPositionIs the screen Y position for which the displayed data are desired.
number of points or a negative value on error

◆ GetDrawnXData()

double [] GetDrawnXData ( int  hDisplay)

returns the drawn X-axis data for the input display

hDisplaythe display id for the targeted curve (-1 => the initially drawn curve)
the drawn X-axis data for the input display

◆ GetDrawnYData() [1/2]

double [] GetDrawnYData ( int  hDisplay)

returns the drawn Y-axis data for the input display

hDisplaythe display id for the targeted curve (-1 => the initially drawn curve)
the drawn Y-axis data for the input display

◆ GetDrawnYData() [2/2]

double [] GetDrawnYData ( int  hDisplay,
Boolean  rawData 

returns the drawn Y-axis data for the input display

hDisplaythe display id for the targeted curve (-1 => the initially drawn curve)
rawDataspecifies whether the unscaled and unshifted data should be returned
the drawn Y-axis data for the input display

◆ GetFitParameters()

AcopFitParameters GetFitParameters ( int  hDisplay)

Returns the fit parameters for the display given.


◆ GetFlags()

int GetFlags ( String  flags)

Gets the integer flag representation of the input flags string

the integer flag representation of the input flags string

Referenced by AcopUserComponent.Attach(), AcopUserComponent.Execute(), and AcopUserComponent.SingleUpdate().

◆ GetHistogramOffsetLeft()

int GetHistogramOffsetLeft ( )

Gives the left offset of histogram displays in the acop chart

The left offset of histogram displays in the acop chart.

◆ GetHistogramOffsetRight()

int GetHistogramOffsetRight ( )

Gives the right offset of histogram displays in the acop chart

The right offset of histogram displays in the acop chart.

◆ GetLink()

Link GetLink ( )

Returns the currently bound transport Link

the currently bound transport Link or null if no Link is attached

◆ GetLinkOutput()

object GetLinkOutput ( )

Returns the output data object bound to the default transport link

the output data object bound to the default transport link

References Link.GetOutputDataObject().

◆ GetLinkOutputChannelNames()

String [] GetLinkOutputChannelNames ( )

Returns a list of discovered channel names for the data bound to the default transport link (In case the transport link is bound to a multi-channel array).

a list of discovered channel names for the data bound to the default transport link

References Link.GetOutputChannelNames().

◆ GetLinkOutputXAxis()

double [] GetLinkOutputXAxis ( )

Returns the appropriate X-Axis for the data bound to the default transport link (for use in the chart)

the appropriate X-Axis for the data bound to the default transport link

References Link.GetOutputXAxis().

◆ GetLinkOutputYAxis()

double [] GetLinkOutputYAxis ( )

Returns the appropriate Y-Axis for the data bound to the default transport link (for use in the chart)

the appropriate Y-Axis for the data bound to the default transport link

References Link.GetOutputYAxis().

◆ GetMarker()

Boolean GetMarker ( int  hDisplay)

Gets the display marker setting for the display indicated.

hDisplayThe display handle of the curve to retrieve the marker setting from (returned from Draw() method). '-1' applies to all curves.
The display marker setting for the display indicated

◆ GetOutputCompletionLength()

int GetOutputCompletionLength ( )

Gets the last delivered link output completion length.

The last delivered link output completion length.

References Link.GetOutputCompletionLength().

◆ GetOutputDataObject() [1/2]

object GetOutputDataObject ( )

Returns the output data object appropriate to the current link address

the output data object appropriate to the current link address

◆ GetOutputDataObject() [2/2]

object GetOutputDataObject ( int  instance)

Returns the output data object appropriate to the current link address and given overload preference

instancethe desired overload
the output data object appropriate to the current link address

◆ GetPlotMode()

static AcopPlotMode GetPlotMode ( int  m)

Converts to the Acop PlotMode enumeration from an integer

mthe integer representation of a display plot mode
the Acop PlotMode enumeration

Referenced by AcopChart.AddLegendItem(), AcopUserComponent.Reassign(), and AcopUserComponent.Reset().

◆ GetScaleBottom()

double GetScaleBottom ( )

Gives the bottom chart axis setting.

The bottom chart axis setting.

◆ GetScaleLeft()

double GetScaleLeft ( )

Gives the left hand side chart axis setting.

The left hand side chart axis setting.

◆ GetScaleRight()

double GetScaleRight ( )

Gives the left hand side chart axis setting.

The left hand side chart axis setting.

◆ GetScaleTop()

double GetScaleTop ( )

Gives the top chart axis setting.

The top chart axis setting.

◆ GetStatus()

int GetStatus ( )

Gets the current link status as an integer value

The current link status as an integer value

References Link.GetStatus().

◆ GetStatusString()

String GetStatusString ( )

Gets the current transport link status as a string

The current transport link status as a string

References Link.GetStatusString().

◆ GetTimeStamp()

double GetTimeStamp ( )

Get the last link timestamp (as a UTC double).

The last link timestamp (as a UTC double).

References Link.GetTimeStamp().

◆ GetTrendPoints()

double [][] GetTrendPoints ( int  Flags)

gets a trend of history points according to the TrendDepthInPoints setting

Flagsoptional flags
a trend of history points according to the TrendDepthInPoints setting

References AcopUserComponent.getUtcNow().

◆ getUtcNow()

static double getUtcNow ( )

Returns the current UTC time (seconds since 1970) as a double (with fractional seconds).

the current UTC time (seconds since 1970) as a double (with fractional seconds)

Referenced by AcopChart.GetTrendPoints(), and AcopTable.GetTrendPoints().

◆ GetXDataMax()

double GetXDataMax ( int  hDisplay)

Gets the maximum X (horizontal) axis data value plotted on the chart for the display indicated.

hDisplayIs the display handle of the acop display for which the data are desired (returned via a call to Draw()).
The maximum data value for the display indicated.

◆ GetXDataMean()

double GetXDataMean ( int  hDisplay)

Gets the mean value of the X (horizontal) axis data plotted on the chart for the display indicated.

hDisplayIs the display handle of the acop display for which the data are desired (returned via a call to Draw()).
The mean data value for the display indicated.

◆ GetXDataMin()

double GetXDataMin ( int  hDisplay)

Gets the minimum X (horizontal) axis data value plotted on the chart for the display indicated.

hDisplayIs the display handle of the acop display for which the data are desired (returned via a call to Draw()).
The minimum data value for the display indicated.

◆ GetXDataRms()

double GetXDataRms ( int  hDisplay)

Gets the root mean squared (RMS) value of the X (horizontal) axis data plotted on the chart for the display indicated.

hDisplayIs the display handle of the acop display for which the data are desired (returned via a call to Draw()).
The rms data value for the display indicated.

◆ GetXDataStdDiv()

double GetXDataStdDiv ( int  hDisplay)

Gets the standard deviation value of the X (horizontal) axis data plotted on the chart for the display indicated.

hDisplayIs the display handle of the acop display for which the data are desired (returned via a call to Draw()).
The standard deviation of the data for the display indicated.

◆ GetYAxisTickLabels()

String [] GetYAxisTickLabels ( )

Gives the series of labels used for the vertical (Y) axis tick marks.

An array of labels used for the vertical (Y) axis tick marks

◆ GetYDataMax()

double GetYDataMax ( int  hDisplay)

Gets the maximum Y (vertical) axis data value plotted on the chart for the display indicated.

hDisplayIs the display handle of the acop display for which the data are desired (returned via a call to Draw()).
The maximum data value for the display indicated.

◆ GetYDataMean()

double GetYDataMean ( int  hDisplay)

Gets the mean value of the Y (vertical) axis data plotted on the chart for the display indicated.

hDisplayIs the display handle of the acop display for which the data are desired (returned via a call to Draw()).
The mean data value for the display indicated.

◆ GetYDataMin()

double GetYDataMin ( int  hDisplay)

Gets the minimum Y (vertical) axis data value plotted on the chart for the display indicated.

hDisplayIs the display handle of the acop display for which the data are desired (returned via a call to Draw()).
The minimum data value for the display indicated.

◆ GetYDataRms()

double GetYDataRms ( int  hDisplay)

Gets the root mean squared (RMS) value of the Y (vertical) axis data plotted on the chart for the display indicated.

hDisplayIs the display handle of the acop display for which the data are desired (returned via a call to Draw()).
The rms data value for the display indicated.

◆ GetYDataScale()

double GetYDataScale ( int  hDisplay)

Gets the specific Y (vertical) axis scale factor for the display indicated.

hDisplayIs the display handle of the acop display for which the value is desired (returned via a call to Draw()).
the specific Y (vertical) axis scale factor for the display indicated.

◆ GetYDataShift()

double GetYDataShift ( int  hDisplay)

Gets the specific Y (vertical) axis shift value for the display indicated.

hDisplayIs the display handle of the acop display for which the value is desired (returned via a call to Draw()).
the specific Y (vertical) axis shift value for the display indicated.

◆ GetYDataStdDiv()

double GetYDataStdDiv ( int  hDisplay)

Gets the standard deviation value of the Y (vertical) axis data plotted on the chart for the display indicated.

hDisplayIs the display handle of the acop display for which the data are desired (returned via a call to Draw()).
The standard deviation of the data for the display indicated.

◆ GetYScale()

double GetYScale ( int  hDisplay)

gets the applied y-axis scaling factor

hDisplayIs the display handle of the acop display for which the scale factor is desired.

References AcopChart.YScale.

◆ GetYShift()

double GetYShift ( int  hDisplay)

gets the applied y-axis shift offset

hDisplayIs the display handle of the acop display for which the shift offset is desired.

References AcopChart.YShift.

◆ GetZoomIndex()

int GetZoomIndex ( )

Gives the index of the zooming area

The index of the zooming area (how many zoom ins have been performed from the original data area)

◆ IsAttached()

Boolean IsAttached ( )

Gives the current link attached status based on the Link parameters

'true' if the component is attached to its link parameters

◆ IsBindToSecondaryYAxis()

Boolean IsBindToSecondaryYAxis ( int  hDisplay)

Returns 'true' if the given display is bound to the secondary (right hand side) Y Axis

hDisplayThe display handle designating the display for which the setting is desired
'true' if the given display is bound to the secondary (right hand side) Y Axis.

◆ IsForceWidth()

Boolean IsForceWidth ( )

If 'ForceWidth' is not true then the pen width setting is allowed to diminish when a large number of points are plotted. Otherwise the requested pen width is used even for a huge amount of data.

the current setting

◆ IsTagged() [1/4]

Boolean IsTagged ( int  index,
int  hDisplay 

Gets tagging on the display and index given (depending on the draw mode).

indexis the array index for which the tagging information is desired
hDisplayis the display handle for which the tagging information is desired
tagging setting on the display and index given

◆ IsTagged() [2/4]

Boolean IsTagged ( int  index)

Gets the tagging setting for the index given.

indexis the array index for which the tagging information is desired
the tagging setting for the index given

◆ IsTagged() [3/4]

Boolean IsTagged ( )

Gets the global tagging setting.

the global tagging setting

◆ IsTagged() [4/4]

Boolean IsTagged ( int  index,
int  hDisplay,
Boolean  value 

Sets tagging on the display and index given (depending on the draw mode).

indexis the array index for which to apply the tagging
hDisplayis the display handle for which to apply the tagging
valuetrue => apply tagging
the current setting

Please use SetTagged() instead.

◆ IsZoomed()

Boolean IsZoomed ( )

Gives the zoomed stat of the acop chart

True if the acop chart is in a zoomed state. Otherwise False.

◆ isZoomFlag()

Boolean isZoomFlag ( )

Returns the Customizer instance for this component.

the Customizer instance for this component.

◆ LinkUpdateInvoker()

void LinkUpdateInvoker ( acopUpdate  updater,
object  sender,
Link  lnk 

An invoker helper for cases where InvokeRequired is needed

updateris the delegate to invoke
senderis the sender object
lnkis the Link object

◆ LockScreen()

long LockScreen ( LockScreenMode  mode,
int  hDisplay 

Locks the given display screen according to the mode specified.

modeIs the desired lock mode. 'probe' is only reads and returns the current lock mode.
Otherwise 'unlocked' and 'locked' will set the screen to the desired lock mode if not already in that mode.
hDisplayIs the desired screen to apply the lock settings. A '-1' will apply the setting to all display screens.
The current lock state as an integer (0: unlocked, 1: locked, -1: not applicable).

◆ PersistClear()

void PersistClear ( int  hDisplay)

Clears (terminates) display persistence.

hDisplayThe display handle of the curve for which persisence should be terminated (returned from Draw() method). '-1' applies to all curves.

◆ PersistScreen() [1/3]

int PersistScreen ( int  hDisplay,
int  depth,
Boolean  memCopy,
Boolean  endlessFlag,
Color  persistColor 

Applies a persisence to 'cleared' displays (analogous to clearing with a 'KeepDepth').

hDisplayThe display handle of the curve to apply persisence (returned from Draw() method). '-1' applies to primary curve.
depthIs the 'keep' depth of the cleared displays(non-volatile).
memCopyIf true will actually maintain cleared displays in memory up to the depth given.
endlessFlagIf true will maintain 'graphical' persistence. A 'volatile' conditions which disappears when the dispalyed window is invalidated.
persistColorIs the desired color of the persistence display.
Returns 0 is successful.

Referenced by AcopChart.Draw(), and AcopChart.PersistScreen().

◆ PersistScreen() [2/3]

int PersistScreen ( int  hDisplay,
int  depth,
Boolean  memCopy,
Color  persistColor 

Applies a persisence to 'cleared' displays (analogous to clearing with a 'KeepDepth').

hDisplayThe display handle of the curve to apply persisence (returned from Draw() method). '-1' applies to primary curve.
depthIs the 'keep' depth of the cleared displays (non-volatile).
memCopyIf true will actually maintain cleared displays in memory up to the depth given.
persistColorIs the desired color of the persistence display.
Returns 0 is successful.

References AcopChart.PersistScreen().

◆ PersistScreen() [3/3]

int PersistScreen ( int  hDisplay,
int  depth,
Color  persistColor 

Applies a persisence to 'cleared' displays (analogous to clearing with a 'KeepDepth').

hDisplayThe display handle of the curve to apply persisence (returned from Draw() method). '-1' applies to primary curve.
depthIs the 'keep' depth of the cleared displays (non-volatile).
persistColorIs the desired color of the persistence display.
Returns 0 is successful.

References AcopChart.PersistScreen().

◆ PrintText() [1/2]

int PrintText ( String  Text)

Prints the given text at the last text position.

TextThe desired text to display on the screen.
A handle to the printed text (can be used in ClearText(), RecallText(), or RefreshText())

◆ PrintText() [2/2]

int PrintText ( String  Text,
double  Xposition,
double  Yposition 

Prints the given text at the given screen coordinates.

TextThe desired text to display on the screen.
XpositionThe horizontal (X) axis position used to place the text.
YpositionThe vertical (Y) axis position used to place the text.
A handle to the printed text (can be used in ClearText(), RecallText(), or RefreshText())

◆ PruneTrendDisplay()

void PruneTrendDisplay ( int  hDisplay,
double  start 

Reduces the number of displayed points in the given trend display by decimating the currently plotted data.

A long running trend chart is liable to 'recent-biased' if it is being updated at e.g. 1 Hz but has a time depth in seconds greater than the number of points in the trend buffer. In such cases, where one is managing the drawing of the trend oneself programatically, the trend data can be pruned with this method, in lieu of re-acquiring a new set of trend data points over the current time interval.

hDisplayis the display handle of the trend whose data require pruning
startis the start time (in UTC) to be used as the oldest point in the pruned data set

References AcopChart.AppendScreen(), and AcopChart.GetDrawnData().

◆ Reassign()

int Reassign ( String  Address,
String  Property 

Reassigns the current bound default link to the address parameters given.

Addressthe desired new target link address
Propertythe desired new target link property
a positive link handle to the new link upon success, otherwise -1.

References AcopUserComponent.Attach(), AcopChart.ClearScreen(), AcopChart.ForegroundColor, AcopChart.GetPlotMode(), TraceChart.IsTrace, AcopChart.PlotMode, AcopUserComponent.ReassignList(), AcopTable.ResetInput(), AcopTable.ShowInputColumn, and AcopChart.TraceSettings.

◆ ReassignList()

int ReassignList ( String  newGroupList,
String  newAddr,
String  newPrp 

Reassigns the currently bound grouped links to those in the group list given

The new group list must have the same number of links as the list it is to replace, else an "Invalid Length" exception is thrown.

newGroupListis the ';' separated list of grouped link addresses
newAddris the new assigned LinkAddress
newPrpis the new assigned LinkProperty
0 upon success

References AcopUserComponent.LinkAddress, AcopUserComponent.LinkProperty, and AcopTable.ResetInput().

Referenced by AcopUserComponent.Reassign().

◆ RecallScreen()

void RecallScreen ( int  hDisplay)

Recalls a previously cleared display.

hDisplayThe display handle of the display to recall.

Referenced by AcopChart.SetGraphVisible().

◆ RecallText()

void RecallText ( int  hText)

Recalls the previously cleared text in the given text handle location.

hTextA handle to the text to be displayed (given by initial call to PrintText()).

◆ RedrawContent()

void RedrawContent ( )

Redraw the full content of the chart

◆ ReferenceFunction() [1/2]

int ReferenceFunction ( Object  ReferenceArray)

Apply a 'reference function' (i.e. an array used to offset the contents of the drawn array).

ReferenceArrayThe array used to offset (element by element) the drawn Y-axis array.
0 upon success

Referenced by AcopChart.ApplyCurrentReference().

◆ ReferenceFunction() [2/2]

int ReferenceFunction ( Object  ReferenceArray,
int  Length 

Apply a 'reference function' (i.e. an array used to offset the contents of the drawn array).

ReferenceArrayThe array used to offset (element by element) the drawn Y-axis array.
LengthThe length of the input array to apply.
0 upon success

◆ RefreshPersistScreen()

int RefreshPersistScreen ( Object  Yarray,
int  hDisplay 

Refreshes a displayed array in a persistent screen.

YarrayIs the vertical (Y) axis data to be used in the refresh action.
hDisplayThe display handle of the curve be refreshed (returned from Draw() method).
Returns 0 is successful.

Referenced by AcopChart.RefreshScreen().

◆ RefreshScreen() [1/3]

int RefreshScreen ( Object  Yarray,
int  hDisplay,
int  Length,
int  Offset,
Object  Xarray 

Refreshes the given display screen with the given data.

YarrayIs the vertical (Y) axis data to use in the new screen.
hDisplayIs the handle to the screen to update (given by the initial 'draw' call).
LengthIs the number of points from the Yarray data to use in the screen udpate.
OffsetIs the offset in the drawn data buffer where the given Yarray data should be applied.
XarrayIs a corresponding horizontal (X) axis update array.
0 upon success.

◆ RefreshScreen() [2/3]

int RefreshScreen ( Object  Yarray,
int  hDisplay,
Object  Xarray 

Refreshes the given display screen with the given data.

YarrayIs the vertical (Y) axis data to use in the new screen.
hDisplayIs the handle to the screen to update (given by the initial 'draw' call).
XarrayIs a corresponding horizontal (X) axis update array.
0 upon success.

◆ RefreshScreen() [3/3]

int RefreshScreen ( Object  Yarray,
int  hDisplay 

Refreshes the given display screen with the given data.

YarrayIs the vertical (Y) axis data to use in the new screen.
hDisplayIs the handle to the screen to update (given by the initial 'draw' call).
0 upon success.

References AcopChart.RefreshPersistScreen().

◆ RefreshText()

int RefreshText ( String  Text,
int  hText 

Refreshes the current text in the given text handle location.

TextIs the new text to be used in the text location.
hTextA handle to the text to be displayed (given by initial call to PrintText()).

◆ RemoveLegend()

void RemoveLegend ( int  index)

Removes the legend item at the postion indicated

indexThe legend position index for the item to be removed

◆ Reset() [1/2]

void Reset ( )

Closes all monitored links and resets display parameters to their default settings. If AutoAttachLink is 'true' then those links bound to the control will re-link.

Referenced by AcopUtils.ResetAcopLinks().

◆ Reset() [2/2]

void Reset ( Boolean  allLinks)

Closes all monitored links and resets display parameters to their default settings. If AutoAttachLink is 'true' then those links bound to the control will re-link.

allLinksif 'true' then all bound links are examined.

References AcopChart.ClearScreen(), AcopChart.ForegroundColor, AcopChart.GetPlotMode(), TraceChart.IsTrace, AcopChart.PlotMode, and AcopChart.TraceSettings.

◆ SelectPlot()

void SelectPlot ( int  hDisplay,
Boolean  selected 

if 'selected' = 'true' then the desired display is brought to the foreground by thickening its pen width.

hDisplayThe display handle designating the display for which the setting is desired
selected'true' to select, 'false' to de-select

References AcopChart.DrawWidth.

◆ SetBitDisplayMask()

void SetBitDisplayMask ( int  value)

Set the current bit display mask setting

valuethe desired bit display mask setting

◆ SetCursorXPosition()

void SetCursorXPosition ( int  cursor)

Sets the cursor marker position.


◆ SetDefaultScale()

void SetDefaultScale ( )

Sets the chart's max and min setting back to the original default conditions

References AcopChart.AcopAutoScaled, AcopChart.SecondaryYMax, AcopChart.SecondaryYMin, AcopChart.XMax, AcopChart.XMin, AcopChart.YMax, and AcopChart.YMin.

◆ SetDisplayMode()

void SetDisplayMode ( AcopPlotMode  apm)

Set the PlotMode to the chart

apmThe desired plot mode

◆ SetForceWidth()

void SetForceWidth ( Boolean  value)

If 'ForceWidth' is not true then the pen width setting is allowed to diminish when a large number of points are plotted. Otherwise the requested pen width is used even for a huge amount of data.

valuethe desired setting

◆ SetGraphColor()

void SetGraphColor ( int  id,
Color  col 

Set the color of a graph in the chart

idthe id of the graph
colthe color

◆ SetGraphVisible()

void SetGraphVisible ( int  id,
Boolean  visible 

Hide or show a graph in the chart

idthe id of the graph
visiblefalse to hide graph in chart

References AcopChart.ClearScreen(), and AcopChart.RecallScreen().

◆ SetMarker()

Boolean SetMarker ( Boolean  MarkerOn,
int  hDisplay 

Sets the display marker setting for the display indicated.

MarkerOnThe disired marker display setting.
hDisplayThe display handle of the curve to apply the marker setting (returned from Draw() method). '-1' applies to all curves.
The display marker setting for the display indicated

◆ SetPlotMode()

void SetPlotMode ( int  hDisplay,
AcopPlotMode  mode 

Set the plot for for a specific plot

hDisplaythe display handle for the plot (returned by the initial call to Draw())
modethe desired plot mode

◆ SetTagged() [1/2]

void SetTagged ( int  index,
int  hDisplay,
Boolean  value 

Sets tagging on the display and index given (depending on the draw mode).

indexis the array index for which to apply the tagging
hDisplayis the display handle for which to apply the tagging
valuetrue => apply tagging

◆ SetTagged() [2/2]

void SetTagged ( int  index,
Boolean  value 

Sets tagging on all displays at index given (depending on the draw mode).

indexis the array index for which to apply the tagging
valuetrue => apply tagging

◆ SetXRange()

void SetXRange ( double  xMin,
double  xMax 

Sets the minimum and maximum horizontal (X-axis) display values.

xMinThe desired minimum display value.
xMaxThe desired maximum display value.

◆ SetXYRange()

void SetXYRange ( double  xMin,
double  xMax,
double  yMin,
double  yMax 

Sets the minimum and maximum horizontal (X-axis) and vertical (Y-axis) display values.

xMinThe desired minimum horizontal display value.
xMaxThe desired maximum horizontal display value.
yMinThe desired minimum vertical display value.
yMaxThe desired maximum vertical display value.

◆ SetYAxisTickLabels() [1/2]

void SetYAxisTickLabels ( String []  ylabels,
int  start,
int  interval 

Specifies a series of labels to use for the vertical (Y) axis tick marks.

ylabelsAn array of labels to use at the Y axis tick mark locations
startThe starting Y-position for the initial label
intervalThe Y-interval over which to apply the given labels.

◆ SetYAxisTickLabels() [2/2]

void SetYAxisTickLabels ( String []  ylabel)

Specifies a series of labels to use for the vertical (Y) axis tick marks.

◆ SetYRange()

void SetYRange ( double  yMin,
double  yMax 

Sets the minimum and maximum vertical (Y-axis) display values.

yMinThe desired minimum display value.
yMaxThe desired maximum display value.

◆ SetZoom() [1/4]

void SetZoom ( Boolean  ZoomXMax,
Boolean  ZoomXMin,
Boolean  ZoomYMax,
Boolean  ZoomYMin,
Boolean  SecondaryYMax,
Boolean  SecondaryYMin,
double  xmx,
double  xmn,
double  ymx,
double  ymn,
double  ymxSecondary,
double  ymnSecondary 

Sets the Zoom state of the given acop chart (as if it were zoomed per hand).

ZoomXMaxIf true will accept zoomed X-axis maximum coordinates
ZoomXMinIf true will accept zoomed X-axis minimum coordinates
ZoomYMaxIf true will accept zoomed Y-axis maximum coordinates
ZoomYMinIf true will accept zoomed Y-axis minimum coordinates
SecondaryYMaxIf true will accept zoomed secondary Y-axis maximum coordinates
SecondaryYMinIf true will accept zoomed secondary Y-axis minimum coordinates
xmxIs the desired X-axis maximum following the zoom action.
xmnIs the desired X-axis minimum following the zoom action.
ymxIs the desired Y-axis maximum following the zoom action.
ymnIs the desired Y-axis minimum following the zoom action.
ymxSecondaryIs the desired secondary Y-axis maximum following the zoom action.
ymnSecondaryIs the desired secondary Y-axis minimum following the zoom action

References AcopChart.SecondaryYMax, and AcopChart.SecondaryYMin.

Referenced by AcopChart.SetZoom().

◆ SetZoom() [2/4]

void SetZoom ( Boolean  ZoomXMax,
Boolean  ZoomXMin,
Boolean  ZoomYMax,
Boolean  ZoomYMin,
double  xmx,
double  xmn,
double  ymx,
double  ymn 

Sets the Zoom state of the given acop chart (as if it were zoomed per hand).

ZoomXMaxIf true will accept zoomed X-axis maximum coordinates
ZoomXMinIf true will accept zoomed X-axis minimum coordinates
ZoomYMaxIf true will accept zoomed Y-axis maximum coordinates
ZoomYMinIf true will accept zoomed Y-axis minimum coordinates
xmxIs the desired X-axis maximum following the zoom action.
xmnIs the desired X-axis minimum following the zoom action.
ymxIs the desired Y-axis maximum following the zoom action.
ymnIs the desired Y-axis minimum following the zoom action.

References AcopChart.SetZoom().

◆ SetZoom() [3/4]

void SetZoom ( double  xmx,
double  xmn,
double  ymx,
double  ymn,
double  ymxSecondary,
double  ymnSecondary 

Sets the Zoom state of the given acop chart (as if it were zoomed per hand).

xmxIs the desired X-axis maximum following the zoom action.
xmnIs the desired X-axis minimum following the zoom action.
ymxIs the desired Y-axis maximum following the zoom action.
ymnIs the desired Y-axis minimum following the zoom action.
ymxSecondaryIs the desired secondary Y-axis maximum following the zoom action.
ymnSecondaryIs the desired secondary Y-axis minimum following the zoom action

References AcopChart.SetZoom().

◆ SetZoom() [4/4]

void SetZoom ( double  xmx,
double  xmn,
double  ymx,
double  ymn 

Sets the Zoom state of the given acop chart (as if it were zoomed per hand).

xmxIs the desired X-axis maximum following the zoom action.
xmnIs the desired X-axis minimum following the zoom action.
ymxIs the desired Y-axis maximum following the zoom action.
ymnIs the desired Y-axis minimum following the zoom action.

References AcopChart.SetZoom().

◆ ShowMoreOptionsContext()

void ShowMoreOptionsContext ( Boolean  value)

Activate or deactivate the "More Option" menuitem in contextmenu.

valuetrue to show "More Option" false to hide (default: false)

◆ SingleUpdate()

int SingleUpdate ( )

Applies a single link update to the acop user component if the component is not already in a monitoring state.

0 upon success or -1 if there is a link error.

References AcopUserComponent.acopLinkError, AcopUserComponent.acopLinkUpdate, AcopUserComponent.DefaultMonitorInterval, AcopUserComponent.Execute(), AcopUserComponent.GetFlags(), Link.GetOutputDataObject(), and Link.GetStatus().

◆ WeightFunction() [1/2]

int WeightFunction ( Object  WeightArray)

Apply a 'weight function' (i.e. an array used to scale the contents of the drawn array)

WeightArrayThe array used to multiply (element by element) the drawn Y-axis array.
0 upon success

◆ WeightFunction() [2/2]

int WeightFunction ( Object  WeightArray,
int  Length 

Apply a 'weight function' (i.e. an array used to scale the contents of the drawn array)

WeightArrayThe array used to multiply (element by element) the drawn Y-axis array.
LengthThe length of the input array to apply.
0 upon success

Property Documentation

◆ AbsoluteTimeDisplay

bool AbsoluteTimeDisplay

Gets/Sets the absolute time tick-labels attribute.

◆ AcopReferenceObject

object AcopReferenceObject

An optional assigned object associated with this Acop control ...

◆ AppendDisplayInfoInTextMode

bool AppendDisplayInfoInTextMode

Gets/Sets the add-display-info-to-text attribute (calls to Draw() in 'textbox' mode).

◆ ApplyAcopLinkUpdateAfterAutoUpdate

Boolean ApplyAcopLinkUpdateAfterAutoUpdate

Determines the firing order of a user-defined acopLinkUpdate delegate

◆ ApplyLocation

UnitsLocation ApplyLocation

the prefered location to apply units (default = description)

◆ AutoLinkAttach

bool AutoLinkAttach

if set to true, instructs ACOP to automatically monitor the data provided by LinkAddress and LinkProperty

Referenced by AcopUserComponent.Detach().

◆ AutoLinkCapacity

int AutoLinkCapacity

if non-zero, provides the requested data size to use when AutoLinkUpdate is set to true

◆ AutoLinkUpdate

bool AutoLinkUpdate

if set to true, instructs ACOP to update this component's contents upon receipt of new link data (provided no user-defined event handle is in play)

◆ AutoMouseMoveToolTip

AcopAutoMouseMoveToolTip AutoMouseMoveToolTip

If not 'off', instructs ACOP to make use of the current link data as tool tip text when the mouse hovers over the chart

◆ AutoScaleUpdate

AutoScaleMode AutoScaleUpdate

If set to true, instructs ACOP acquire and apply appropriate chart setting based on the input link address and property

◆ AutoTrendUpdate

bool AutoTrendUpdate

If set to true, instructs ACOP apply a trend-chart and update this chart's contents upon receipt of new link data (provided no user-defined event handle is in play)

Referenced by AcopUserComponent.Detach().

◆ BackgroundColor

Color BackgroundColor

Gets/Sets the background color to use within the display frame.

◆ BackgroundPlotImage

Image BackgroundPlotImage

Gets/Sets an image into the plot area.

◆ BackgroundPlotImageZoom

bool BackgroundPlotImageZoom

Activate or deactivate the zooming of the background image.

◆ CloseLinkOnMinimized

Boolean CloseLinkOnMinimized

If true the Link will be closed if the form is minimized

◆ CursorMarkerColor

Color CursorMarkerColor

Gets/Sets the color to use for the cursor marker in the display frame.

◆ CursorMarkerMode

AcopMarkerModeEnum CursorMarkerMode

Gets/Sets the cursor marker mode in the display frame.

◆ CursorMarkerStyle

AcopDrawStyle CursorMarkerStyle

Gets/Sets the draw style (SOLID, DASH, etc.) of the cursor marker in the display frame.

◆ CursorMarkerWidth

int CursorMarkerWidth

Gets/Sets the width of the cursor marker in the displayed frame.

◆ CursorMarkerXExtent

double CursorMarkerXExtent

Gets/Sets the horizontal (X) extent of the cursor marker (when enabled)."

◆ CursorMarkerYExtent

double CursorMarkerYExtent

Gets/Sets the vertical (Y) extent of the cursor marker (when enabled).

◆ DataPointMarker

Boolean DataPointMarker

If 'true' then the drawn data at the mouse position will be highlighted.

◆ DefaultMonitorInterval

int DefaultMonitorInterval

The default monitoring interval in msec

Referenced by AcopUserComponent.Attach(), AcopUserComponent.Execute(), and AcopUserComponent.SingleUpdate().

◆ DisplayIndexInTextMode

bool DisplayIndexInTextMode

If true and the display mode is 'textbox': The array element index will precede the contents of each string array element

◆ DrawStyle

AcopDrawStyle DrawStyle

Gets/Sets the draw style (SOLID, DASH, etc.) in the display frame.

◆ DrawWidth

int DrawWidth

Gets/Sets the pen-width to use for plots in the display frame.

Referenced by AcopChart.SelectPlot().

◆ DrawWidthPointsLimit

int DrawWidthPointsLimit

"Gets/Sets the number of points at which the draw width automatically resets to '1'"

◆ ErrorColor

Color ErrorColor

Gets/Sets the color to use for error data in the display frame.

◆ ErrorValue

String ErrorValue

value to use when there are link errors

◆ Fitting

AcopFitStyle Fitting

Gets/Sets the data-fitting attribute.

◆ ForegroundColor

Color ForegroundColor

Gets/Sets the foreground color to use within the display frame.

Referenced by AcopUserComponent.Reassign(), and AcopUserComponent.Reset().

◆ ForegroundColorList

ListItemEditorValue ForegroundColorList

Specifies a list of foreground colors to use in multiple plots

◆ FrameBorder

bool FrameBorder

Gets/Sets the acop frame border visibility.

◆ FrameBottomOffset

int FrameBottomOffset

Gets/Sets the postioning offset (positive or negative) to apply to the bottom of the display frame.

◆ FrameCaption

String FrameCaption

Gets/Sets the display frame caption (top margin).

◆ FrameCaptionLocation

AcopCaptionPosition FrameCaptionLocation

Gets/Sets the relative position of the frame caption.

◆ FrameFont

Font FrameFont

Gets/Sets the font used in the acop frame.

◆ FrameFontSize

float FrameFontSize

Gets/Sets the font sized used in the acop frame.

◆ FrameForeColor

Color FrameForeColor

Gets/Sets the forecolor used within the acop frame.

◆ FrameLeftOffset

int FrameLeftOffset

Gets/Sets the postioning offset (positive or negative) to apply to the lefthand side of the display frame.

◆ FrameRightOffset

int FrameRightOffset

Gets/Sets the postioning offset (positive or negative) to apply to the righthand side of the display frame.

◆ FrameTopOffset

int FrameTopOffset

Gets/Sets the postioning offset (positive or negative) to apply to the top of the display frame.

◆ FrameWidth

int FrameWidth

Gets/Sets the display frame width

◆ GraphStyle

AcopGraphStyle GraphStyle

Gets/Sets the graph style (LIN_LIN, LOG_LIN, etc.) in the display frame.

◆ GridColor

Color GridColor

Gets/Sets the grid color.

◆ GridStyle

AcopDrawStyle GridStyle

Gets/Sets the draw style (SOLID, DASH, etc.) of the grid lines in the display frame.

◆ GridWidth

int GridWidth

Gets/Sets the grid width.

◆ KeepColor

Color KeepColor

Gets/Sets the keep color (for 'kept' curves during a RefreshScreen()).

◆ KeepDepth

int KeepDepth

Specifies the number of the 'kept' curves (during a 'RefreshScreen()' operation) in the displayed grid.

◆ KeepPersistent

Boolean KeepPersistent

if 'true' then cleared display curves will be displayed in the chart background until the image is invalidated.

◆ KeepStyle

AcopDrawStyle KeepStyle

Gets/Sets the draw style (SOLID, DASH, etc.) of the kept curves.

◆ KeepWidth

int KeepWidth

Gets/Sets the draw width (for 'kept' curves during a RefreshScreen()).

◆ LabelRotationX

int LabelRotationX

Gets/Sets the text rotation to use for horizontal (X) axis tick mark labels.

◆ LeadingEdgeColor

Color LeadingEdgeColor

Gets/Sets the the color to use for the leading edge in the display frame.

◆ LeadingEdgeFixed

Boolean LeadingEdgeFixed

Determines whether the leading edge is fixed (true) or moving (false)

◆ LeadingEdgeGapSize

int LeadingEdgeGapSize

Gets/Sets the gap size to use for the leading edge in the display frame.

◆ LeadingEdgeMode

LeadingEdgeCursor LeadingEdgeMode

Cursor mode for the leading edge in an updating trend chart

◆ LeadingEdgeStyle

AcopDrawStyle LeadingEdgeStyle

Gets/Sets the draw style (SOLID, DASH, etc.) of the leading edge in the display frame.

◆ LeadingEdgeWidth

int LeadingEdgeWidth

Specifies the pen width a leading edge when the LeadingEdgeMode is not 'none'

◆ LeftTimeLabel

bool LeftTimeLabel

Gets/Sets the time-label-on-left attribute.

◆ LeftYLabel

bool LeftYLabel

Gets/Sets the left-side Y-axis tick label visibility.

◆ LegendBackColor

Color LegendBackColor

Specifies the legend box back color when ShowLegendBox = true

◆ LegendInFrame

Boolean LegendInFrame

Establishes whether the chart legend should appear on the chart (false) or in the chart frame (true)

◆ LegendItems

String [] LegendItems

provides an array of plot descriptions to be used as a legend (if ShowLegend = 'true')

◆ LegendPosition

LegendLocation LegendPosition

Establishes the location of the chart legend

◆ LinkAddress

String LinkAddress

Identifies the transport link target. The target end point is given by the LinkAddress and the LinkProperty.

Referenced by AcopSlider.applySliderSetting(), AcopUserComponent.Detach(), and AcopUserComponent.ReassignList().

◆ LinkContext

String LinkContext

The design-time browseable link context (part of the link address)

◆ LinkDevice

String LinkDevice

The design-time browseable/editable link device (part of the link address)

◆ LinkFlags

String LinkFlags

An optional design-time browseable flags set which can be applied to the underlying link

◆ LinkGrouped

Boolean LinkGrouped

gets/sets whether all associated links have a grouped event

◆ LinkInputValue

String LinkInputValue

optional value to use as input for automatic links

◆ LinkList

String LinkList

A design-time list of targeted links. If there is more than one target then 'LinkGrouped' is automatically set to 'true'

◆ LinkProperty

String LinkProperty

The design-time browseable/editable link property (suppliments the link address)"

Referenced by AcopSlider.applySliderSetting(), AcopUserComponent.Detach(), and AcopUserComponent.ReassignList().

◆ LinkProtocol

String LinkProtocol

The link control system protocol

Referenced by AcopSlider.applySliderSetting().

◆ LinkServer

String LinkServer

The design-time browseable link server (part of the link address)

◆ LinkSubSystem

String LinkSubSystem

The design-time browseable link subsystem

◆ LinkTrendDepth

int LinkTrendDepth

Specifies the trend depth in points

◆ LinkTrendHours

double LinkTrendHours

Specifies the trend depth in hours to use in a trend display

◆ Marker

bool Marker

Gets/Sets the display marker attribute

◆ MarkerColor

Color MarkerColor

Gets/Sets the color to use for the marker in the display frame.

◆ MarkerKeepMaximum

Boolean MarkerKeepMaximum

If true specifies that the data marker follows the maximum data value

◆ MarkerMode

AcopMarkerModeEnum MarkerMode

Gets/Sets the data-point marker mode in the display frame.

◆ MarkerStyle

AcopDrawStyle MarkerStyle

Gets/Sets the draw style (SOLID, DASH, etc.) of the marker in the display frame.

◆ MarkerWidth

int MarkerWidth

Gets/Sets the width of the data-point used marker in the displayed frame.

◆ MarkerXExtent

double MarkerXExtent

Gets/Sets the horizontal (X) extent of the data-point markers (when enabled).

◆ MarkerYExtent

double MarkerYExtent

Gets/Sets the vertical (Y) extent of the data-point markers (when enabled).

◆ MarkPrintedTextLocation

bool MarkPrintedTextLocation

Gets/Sets the mark-print-text-location attribute.

◆ NormalizePlottedData

bool NormalizePlottedData

Gets/Sets the add-display-info-to-text attribute (calls to Draw() in 'textbox' mode).

◆ PlotFilledList

String PlotFilledList

Specifies list plot filled settings ('no-fill', 'fill-below' or 'fill-above') to apply to consecutive plots

◆ PlotMode

AcopPlotMode PlotMode

Gets/Sets the plot mode (polyline, histogram, dots, etc.) in the display frame.

Referenced by AcopUserComponent.Reassign(), and AcopUserComponent.Reset().

◆ PlotSymbol

char PlotSymbol

Specifies the plot symbol when the AcopPlotMode = symbol

◆ PlottedBarLinesFilled

AcopBarLineFilledStyle PlottedBarLinesFilled

Gets/Sets the 'barline-filled' attribute.

◆ PlottedDotsFilled

bool PlottedDotsFilled

Gets/Sets the 'dots-filled-with-foreground color' attribute.

◆ Precision

int Precision

precision to use for floating point numbers (0 => general format)

◆ PrintTextLocation

AcopTextLocation PrintTextLocation

Gets/Sets the relative text location for text printed on a chart with the PrintText() method.

◆ PrintTextRotation

int PrintTextRotation

Gets/Sets the text rotation to use for the text printed on the chart via calls to PrintText().

◆ PrintTextStickyAttribute

AcopPinTextStyle PrintTextStickyAttribute

Gets/Sets the printed-text-pinned attribute.

◆ Reciprocal

bool Reciprocal

Gets/Sets the data-inversion (reciprocal) attribute.

◆ ReuseScreen

bool ReuseScreen

Gets/Sets the reuse-screen attribute.

◆ ReuseText

bool ReuseText

Gets/Sets the reuse-text attribute.

◆ ReverseMultiChannelArrays

Boolean ReverseMultiChannelArrays

If 'true' and AutoLinkUpdate is 'true' then multi-channel arrays obtained will be reversed in order prior to display

◆ ScreenDepth

int ScreenDepth

Gets/Sets the number of buffers in use for data drawn on the display

◆ SecondaryYAxis

bool SecondaryYAxis

Gets/Sets the visibility of the secondary Y axis.

Referenced by AcopChart.Draw().

◆ SecondaryYAxisLabel

String SecondaryYAxisLabel

Gets/Sets the label to use on the secondary Y-axis.

◆ SecondaryYBestScale

bool SecondaryYBestScale

Gets/Sets the secondary Y-axis best scale attribute.

◆ SecondaryYFineTicks

Boolean SecondaryYFineTicks

Gets/Sets the secondary Y-axis fine tick mark visibility.

◆ SecondaryYLabelOffsetMode

AcopLabelOffsetMode SecondaryYLabelOffsetMode

Gets/Sets the secondary Y-axis label offset mode.

◆ SecondaryYLogScale

bool SecondaryYLogScale

Gets/Sets the secondary Y-axis log scale attribute.

◆ SecondaryYMax

double SecondaryYMax

Gets/Sets the secondary (right-hand side) Y-axis display maximum.

Referenced by AcopChart.SetDefaultScale(), and AcopChart.SetZoom().

◆ SecondaryYMaxDisplayed

double SecondaryYMaxDisplayed

Gets the secondary (right-hand side) Y-axis displayed maximum.

◆ SecondaryYMin

double SecondaryYMin

Gets/Sets the secondary (right-hand side) Y-axis display minimum.

Referenced by AcopChart.SetDefaultScale(), and AcopChart.SetZoom().

◆ SecondaryYMinDisplayed

double SecondaryYMinDisplayed

Gets the secondary (right-hand side) Y-axis display minimum.

◆ SecondaryYTickLabelColor

Color SecondaryYTickLabelColor

Gets/Sets the secondary Y-axis tick label color.

◆ SecondaryYTicks

int SecondaryYTicks

Gets/Sets the number of right-hand side vertical (secondary Y-axis) tick marks to display on the display frame (0 => best value).

◆ SecondaryYTicksFine

int SecondaryYTicksFine

Gets/Sets the secondary Y-axis fine tick mark visibility.

◆ SecondaryYTicksText

bool SecondaryYTicksText

Gets/Sets the secondary Y-axis tick coordinate visibility.

◆ SecondaryYTicksVisible

Boolean SecondaryYTicksVisible

If true: makeright-hand side vertical (secondary Y-axis) tick marks visible on the display frame.

◆ ShowLegend

Boolean ShowLegend

Determines whether or not a legend should appear on the chart

◆ ShowLegendBox

Boolean ShowLegendBox

If ShowLegend = true, specifies whether or not a legend box should apear around the legend or the legend should be drawn directly on the chart

◆ ShowPropertiesInContextMenu

bool ShowPropertiesInContextMenu

If true, the chart's context menu will offer certain chart properties.

◆ TagColor

Color TagColor

Gets/Sets the color to use for tagged data in the display frame.

◆ Tagging

bool Tagging

Get/Sets the data tagging attribute.

◆ TagWidth

Int32 TagWidth

Specifies the pen width to use for tagged data in the display frame.

◆ TextDepth

int TextDepth

Specifies the number of text buffers in use for text printed on the display

◆ ThresholdHighTrip

double ThresholdHighTrip

If != 1e100 then treshold violations are added to the application's trip log

◆ ThresholdLowTrip

double ThresholdLowTrip

If != -1e100 then treshold violations are added to the application's trip log

◆ ToolTipBackColor

Color ToolTipBackColor

Gets/Sets the tool tip backcolor.

◆ ToolTipCommonChannelNames

Boolean ToolTipCommonChannelNames

If 'true' then 'AutoToolTip' will insert a common list of channel names in grouped updates

◆ ToolTipForeColor

Color ToolTipForeColor

Gets/Sets the tool tip forecolor.

◆ ToolTipText

new String ToolTipText

Gets/Sets the tool tip text to hover over thee acop frame

◆ TraceSettings

TraceChart TraceSettings

Shows the data as a trace, if available

Referenced by AcopUserComponent.Reassign(), and AcopUserComponent.Reset().

◆ Units

String Units

the value units

◆ WeightStatistics

bool WeightStatistics

Gets/Sets the statistical weighting attribute.

◆ WrapAround

bool WrapAround

Gets/Sets the wrap-around attribute when scrolling the display frame via 'mouse-down'.

◆ XAxisLabel

String XAxisLabel

Gets/Sets the label to use on the X-axis.

◆ XBestScale

bool XBestScale

Gets/Sets the X-axis best scale attribute.

◆ XExtent

double XExtent

Gets/Sets the horizontal extent of the data-point rectangles used when 'dots' are plotted.

◆ XGrid

bool XGrid

Gets/Sets the X-axis grid visibility.

◆ XLabelAnchor

AcopAxisLabelAnchor XLabelAnchor

Anchors the X-Axis label to the an area of the chart frame

◆ XLabelLowerLeft

bool XLabelLowerLeft

Gets/Sets the X-axis 'tick-marks on bottom' attribute.

◆ XLabelOffsetMode

AcopLabelOffsetMode XLabelOffsetMode

Gets/Sets the X-axis label offset mode.

◆ XLeftCaption

String XLeftCaption

Gets/Sets a short text to use on the lower left X-axis.

◆ XMax

double XMax

Gets/Sets the X-axis display maximum.

Referenced by AcopChart.ErrorWindow(), and AcopChart.SetDefaultScale().

◆ XMaxDisplayed

double XMaxDisplayed

Gets the X-axis displayed maximum.

◆ XMin

double XMin

Gets/Sets the X-axis display minimum.

Referenced by AcopChart.ErrorWindow(), and AcopChart.SetDefaultScale().

◆ XMinDisplayed

double XMinDisplayed

Gets the X-axis displayed minimum.

◆ XRightCaption

String XRightCaption

Gets/Sets a short text to use on the lower right X-axis.

◆ XScale

double XScale

Gets/Sets a multiplication scale factor to apply to the X-axis of the plotted array

◆ XShift

double XShift

Gets/Sets an additive shift factor to apply to the X-axis of the plotted array.

◆ XTickLabelColor

Color XTickLabelColor

Gets/Sets the X-axis tick label color.

◆ XTicks

int XTicks

Gets/Sets the X-axis tick mark visibility.

◆ XTicksBottom

bool XTicksBottom

Gets/Sets the X-axis 'tick marks at bottom' attribute.

◆ XTicksFine

int XTicksFine

Gets/Sets the X-axis fine tick mark visibility.

◆ XTicksText

bool XTicksText

Gets/Sets the X-axis tick coordinate visibility.

◆ XTicksVisible

Boolean XTicksVisible

If true: make horizontal (X-axis) tick marks visible on the display frame.

◆ YAbsoluteValue

Boolean YAbsoluteValue

If 'true' then the absolute value of Y-Axis data will be plotted.

◆ YAxisLabel

String YAxisLabel

Gets/Sets the label to use on the Y-axis.

◆ YAxisList

String YAxisList

Specifies a list of Y-Axis settings ('left' or 'right') to which consecutive plots are bound

◆ YBestScale

bool YBestScale

Gets/Sets the Y-axis best scale attribute.

◆ YExtent

double YExtent

Gets/Sets the vertical extent of the data-point rectangles used when 'dots' are plotted.

◆ YFineTicks

Boolean YFineTicks

Gets/Sets the fine Y-axis tick mark visibility.

◆ YGrid

bool YGrid

Gets/Sets the Y-axis grid visibility.

◆ YLabelOffsetMode

AcopLabelOffsetMode YLabelOffsetMode

Gets/Sets the Y-axis label offset mode.

◆ YMax

double YMax

Gets/Sets the Y-axis display maximum.

Referenced by AcopChart.ErrorWindow(), and AcopChart.SetDefaultScale().

◆ YMaxDisplayed

double YMaxDisplayed

Gets the Y-axis displayed maximum.

◆ YMin

double YMin

Gets/Sets the Y-axis display minimum.

Referenced by AcopChart.ErrorWindow(), and AcopChart.SetDefaultScale().

◆ YMinDisplayed

double YMinDisplayed

Gets the Y-axis display minimum.

◆ YScale

double YScale

Gets/Sets a multiplication scale factor to apply to the Y-axis of the plotted array.

Referenced by AcopChart.GetYScale().

◆ YShift

double YShift

Gets/Sets an additive shift factor to apply to the Y-axis of the plotted array.

Referenced by AcopChart.GetYShift().

◆ YTickLabelColor

Color YTickLabelColor

Gets/Sets the Y-axis tick label color

◆ YTicks

int YTicks

Gets/Sets the preferred number Y-axis tick marks (0 => best value).

◆ YTicksFine

int YTicksFine

Gets/Sets the fine Y-axis tick mark visibility.

◆ YTicksLeft

bool YTicksLeft

Gets/Sets the Y-axis 'tick-marks on left-hand-side' attribute.

◆ YTicksText

bool YTicksText

Gets/Sets the Y-axis tick coordinate visibility.

◆ YTicksVisible

Boolean YTicksVisible

If true: make vertical (Y-axis) tick marks visible on the display frame.

◆ ZoomMode

AcopZoomModes ZoomMode

Gets/Sets the zoom mode (both axes, x-axis only, etc.) of the display frame.

Event Documentation

◆ acopAnnotationClicked

acopAnnotationClick acopAnnotationClicked

Occurs when a chart annotation has been clicked.

◆ AcopAutoScaled

acopAutoScaleEvent AcopAutoScaled

Occurs when a chart has been autoscaled.

Referenced by AcopChart.SetDefaultScale().

◆ acopClicked

acopMouseClick acopClicked

Occurs when a chart has been clicked.

◆ acopDoubleClick

acopMouseDoubleClick acopDoubleClick

Occurs when a chart has been double-clicked.

◆ acopLinkError

acopError acopLinkError

Occurs when the underlying monitored link enters an error state (via acopApply or acopLinkUpdate)

Referenced by AcopUserComponent.SingleUpdate().

◆ acopLinkUpdate

acopUpdate acopLinkUpdate

Occurs when the underlying monitored link has updated its data

Referenced by AcopUserComponent.SingleUpdate().

◆ acopMsDragged

acopMouseDragged acopMsDragged

Occurs when the mouse is being dragged over the chart.

◆ acopMsEnter

acopMouseEnter acopMsEnter

Occurs when the mouse is moved into the chart.

◆ acopMsExit

acopMouseExit acopMsExit

Occurs when the mouse is moved out of the chart.

◆ acopMsMove

acopMouseMove acopMsMove

Occurs when the mouse hovers over the chart.

◆ acopMsPressed

acopMousePressed acopMsPressed

Occurs when the mouse has been pressed on the chart.

◆ acopReset

acopResetSetting acopReset

Occurs when the control attempts to reset the setting shown to the link address

◆ acopZoom

acopMouseZoom acopZoom

Occurs when the acop chart is zoomed.

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