Enumerator |
operation_success | successful completion
illegal_line | illegal line number
illegal_format | illegal format or data type
illegal_arithmetic | illegal arithmetic expression
ambiguous | ambigous input information
illegal_delimiter | illegal delimiter in expression
zero_divide | divide by zero
work_area_full | working area buffer is full
non_existent | requested target does not exist
invalid_transport | transport medium is not valid
data_size_mismatch | incoming data payload larger than requested ?
no_data_in_range | no data found in input range
un_allocated | requested target is not allocated in the given context
no_such_line | expected line not found in database
illegal_data_size | give data size is illegal or not valid
io_error | bus or network io error
illegal_context | given context is illegal
runtime_error | runtime error
system_error | system internal error
hardware_busy | hardware is busy
argument_list_error | input argument or parameter is invalid (alias for invalid_parameter
invalid_parameter | input argument or parameter is invalid
file_error | file access error
use_stream_transport | datagram message size exceeds the allowable mtu (reserved)
dimension_error | array dimension error
square_root_negative | square root of a negative number
buffer_too_small | supplied buffer is too small to handle the request
string_too_long | supplied string is too long to buffer and cannot be truncated
ipx_socket_error | ipx socket error (reserved)
net_read_error | network read error
not_ready | call to equipment module dispatch is not ready (internal, reserved)
invalid_transport_size | total message size exceeds the configured allowable message size
log_negative | log of a negative or zero number
device_not_connected | requested device is not connected
unauthorised_action | requested operation is not authorized
hardware_error | hardware error
illegal_equipment_number | requested device does not have a table entry (alias for illegal_device_number)
illegal_device_number | requested device does not have a table entry
illegal_device | requested device is illegal
illegal_property | requested property is illegal
out_of_range | given value is out of range
not_implemented | requested operation has not been implemented
no_such_computer | requested host computer does not exist
struct_sealed | tagged structure has already been sealed (reserved)
syntax_error | expression syntax error (unused)
no_such_file | requested file does not exist
file_already_exists | requested file already exists
no_file_space | not enough capacity in pre-allocated random access file to complete the requested operation
link_not_open | presistent link has timed out (alias for link_timeout)
link_timeout | presistent link has timed out
remitted_data_lost | returned only a portion of the requested data set (reserved)
end_of_file | attempt to read past the end of a file (unused)
archive_busy | archive operation is in progress
server_name_in_use | device server name is already being used
no_such_column | expected column not found in database
out_of_client_memory | a client call could not allocate sufficient memory
mcast_access_required | access requires CM_NETWORK which was not supplied! (contract coercion)
address_unresolved | requested target address could not be resolved
invalid_property | requested property is not properly formed
address_unknown | requested target address could not be found
name_unknown | requested name could not be found
invalid_keyword | input globals keyword is invalid
invalid_link | input link id is invalid
string_expected | database file read encountered an end-of-line while expecting a string
out_of_local_memory | a local call to allocated memory was not successful
out_of_shared_memory | a call to obtain a shared-memory buffer was not successful
invalid_structure_tag | the given structure tag is not in the structure registry
invalid_index | the index given does not reference a table entry
illegal_equipment_name | the equipment name given is not valid
link_error | internal error processing data link (reserved)
code_failure | internal failure due to unhandled exceptions, unavailable resource, OS failure, etc.
non_existent_server | requested server does not exist
function_deprecated | requested action or functionality has been deprecated
not_supported | requested action or functionality not supported
illegal_character | error parsing input
parsing_error | error parsing input
illegal_operator | input arithmetic or logical operator is not allowed
not_allowed | requested operation is not allowed
illegal_read_write | requested access is not allowed (typically CA_WRITE)
out_of_server_memory | a server call could not allocate sufficient memory
database_not_loaded | requested operation requires a database which has not been loaded
illegal_command | requested command is illegal
resources_exhausted | requested operation would exceed the configured capacity of an allocation table (clients, contracts, connections, etc.)
header_not_found | expected csv file does not have a header
sedac_error | sedac bus error
reacquire_address | signal to reacquire a server's address from ENS (reserved, internal)
semaphore_error | a semaphore or mutex could not be obtained or released
driver_not_installed | request requires a hardware driver which is not installed
port_not_available | request requires access to a port whichis not available
async_access_required | access to selected property should be asynchronous (contract coercion)
semaphore_busy | a semahpre or mutex could not be obtained within the requested time
non_existent_elem | the requested equipment modules does not exist in the registry
non_existent_fec | the requested FEC does not exist
non_existent_client | (unused)
cannot_lock | not able to obtain an access lock or lock resources
not_running | the requested resource is not running
not_posted | a dispatch routine did not post a reply
not_accepted | the requested operation was refused
operation_timeout | the requested operation did not complete within the time limit specified
illegal_protocol | the incoming tine protocol is not recognized (reserved, internal)
gpib_error | gpib bus error
rs232_error | rs232 bus error
operation_busy | the requested operation is busy and needs more time to complete
connection_timeout | a synchronous link did not return within the time limit specified
illegal_mode | the requested access mode is not valid
not_owner | caller is not the owner of the requested resource
not_defined | the requested operation has not yet been defined
net_write_error | unable to send data on the network
invalid_data | the input data are not valid
software_error | general software error
access_denied | call was refused by the security subsystem
tcp_not_supported | an attempt to use TCP/IP access was made and is not supported on this host (reserved)
ipx_not_supported | an attempt to use IPX access was made and is not supported on this host (reserved)
host_not_resolved | the requested host could not be resolved
tcp_connect_error | unable to connect to a TCP/IP socket (reserved)
tcp_socket_error | general TCP/IP socket error (reserved)
configuration_error | resource configuration error (e.g. redirection information)
invalid_return_code | indicates a systematic error in processing the equipment dispatch handler (reserved)
link_blacklisted | requested link parameters cannot succeed (due to initial return of non_existent_elem, address_unknown, etc.)
link_exists | requested link already exists in the link table indicating a dependent link (reserved,internal)
max_alarms_exceeded | attempt to add an alarm to the local alarm system whose capacity has been reached
not_exported | (unused)
is_switching | switching transition is in progress (unused)
at_limit | setting/value is at a maximum or minimum or range exceeds storage (local history)
get_subscription_id | used by access mode CM_NETWORK (reserved, internal)
renegotiate_contract | used to repackage output data when few bytes are returned than requested (reserved, internal)
server_redirection | used to supply redirection information (reserved, internal)
value_too_high | returned value is too high
value_too_low | returned value is too low
warn_too_high | returned value is approaching too high
warn_too_low | returned value is approaching too low
completion_waiting | dependent link is waiting for parent to complete
cannot_select | select() operation failed (reserved)
has_query_function | query call to PROPERTIES or DEVICES has completed but indicated a hierachical preference (reserved)
not_signalled | contract is waiting to call the equipment module dispatch routine (reserved, internal)
call_redirection | nominal alias for server_redirection
udp_socket_error | general UDP socket error (reserved)
mutex_error | a mutex could not be obtained or released
data_not_local | indicates that a device within a wildcard call needs to span multiple servers (reserved, internal)
name_already_exists | a structure or bitfield field name already exists
already_assigned | the requested resource has already been assigned
invalid_field | a structure or bitfield field is invalid
mcast_init_error | could not initialize a multicast socket (reserved)
invalid_mcast_group | multicast group address is invalid
non_existent_function | an equipment module's dispatch routine is not registered
property_is_mca | requested property is a multi-channel array (contract coercion)
invalid_name | input name is invalid
invalid_value | input value is invalid
device_error | requested device is in an error state
device_not_ready | requested device is not ready
device_busy | requested device is busy
invalid_interval | requested polling interval is invalid (contract coercion)
notification_pending | a link is pending notification (reserved, internal)
thread_error | a thread operation failed
is_terminating | the device server is terminating (reserved, internal)
name_server_unknown | the equipment name server address is unknown (reserved, internal)
lock_required | an access lock is required to process the operation
not_initialized | server is not yet initialized
invalid_structure_size | the input structure size does not match the size in the structure registry
canbus_error | can bus error
profibus_error | profibus error
data_stale | contract's data are stale (reserved)
has_bitfield_tag | reqested contract needs to request a bitfield (reserved, internal)
not_locked | the requested resource does not have an access lock (reserved)
lock_expired | the requested access lock has expired (reserved)
not_registered | the requested property (e.g. SystemScheduleProperty()) has not been registered
non_existent_property | the requested property does not exist
memory_overwrite | a heap error within a dispatch routine has been detected
server_idle | the server is in an idle state
not_applicable | the requested opertion is not applicable in the current context
access_locked | access temporarily suspended due to access lock
invalid_reference | invalid data reference handle
has_structure_tag | reqested contract needs to request a structure (reserved, internal)
warn_disk_space | warn that disk space is low (local alarm system)
low_disk_space | signal that disk space is very low (local alarm system)
information_static | signal that static information is being 'polled' (contract coercion)
reset_mca_property | signal to re-establish all mca single element links
record_too_long | record length is too long to process within kernel
unix_socket_error | an error condition on a unix (pipe) socket
pipe_error | an error condition on a unix (pipe) socket
shm_error | an error occured accessing shared memory
tcp_connection_closed | tcp peer has closed the connection
service_unavailable | requested service is unavailable
device_offline | requested device is offline
out_of_sequence | data value is out of sequence
invalid_datarequest | requested data length or type is invalid (contract coercion)
property_is_mca_elevated | requested property is a multi-channel array with elevated format
name_not_found | named resource was not found in database
out_of_tolerance | data out of tolerance
file_not_open | read/write on file which is not open (re-introduce as some system servers were using it)
low_main_memory | low available main memory detected
tcp_access_required | access requires CM_CONNECT which was not supplied! (contract coercion)