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Data Fields
ExportListTag Struct Reference

Linked list structure used to hold equipment module information. More...

#include <srvcore.h>

Data Fields

AccessLock accessLock
AclInfoType aclLst
ADSList * adsTable
short adsTableSize
short alarmSystem
short almdone
AlmInfo almInfo
AMSDynSet amsDynSet
short bkgbusy
short busycnt
short capfollowers
int chkAcl
char EqmAlias [EQM_NAME_SIZE]
time_t eqmBaseline
char EqmContext [CONTEXT_NAME_SIZE]
CRS EqmCrs
ExportDeviceType * EqmDevLst
short EqmDevLstCapacity
HashXRefStruct ** EqmDevXRef
char EqmExportName [EXPORT_NAME_SIZE]
char EqmGroup [EXPORT_NAME_SIZE]
char EqmGroupDevPostfix [XFIX_SIZE]
char EqmGroupDevPrefix [XFIX_SIZE]
int EqmLastErrorCode
char EqmMaster [EXPORT_NAME_SIZE]
char EqmName [EQM_NAME_SIZE]
int EqmNumCalls
short EqmNumDevices
short EqmNumProperties
ExportPropertyListStruct * EqmPrpLst [PROPERTY_HASH_SIZE+1]
void * EqmRef
char EqmRegion [TAG_NAME_SIZE]
char EqmSlaveMaster [EXPORT_NAME_SIZE]
time_t eqmStartupTime
int EqmWcPrpLstCapacity
int exportId
int failoverState
int failoverType
int groupIndex
short hasDevQry
short hasPropertyDeviceNames
int hasPropertyHandler
int hasReference
short hasRegisteredDevicesNames
MXHANDLE hDataProtectionMutex
MXHANDLE hEqmBusyMutex
short hstdone
short inidone
short isbusy
short isidle
BYTE isinside
BYTE isterminating
struct timeval lastBkg
short nclients
short ncontracts
char netsFileName [32]
int netsScanFlag
struct ExportListTagnext
short nfollowers
int nRegionItems
SINT32 rateBkg
short region
DeviceRegionItem * regionsLst
short registered
void * staChgRef
char usersFileName [32]
int usersScanFlag

Detailed Description

Linked list structure used to hold equipment module information.

Field Documentation

◆ accessLock

AccessLock ExportListTag::accessLock

possible access lock

◆ aclLst

AclInfoType ExportListTag::aclLst

eqm specific acls

◆ adsTable

ADSList* ExportListTag::adsTable

alarm definition structure table (linked List)

◆ adsTableSize

short ExportListTag::adsTableSize

number of alarm definitions

◆ alarmSystem

short ExportListTag::alarmSystem

alarm system flag

◆ almdone

short ExportListTag::almdone

alarm init done flag

◆ almInfo

AlmInfo ExportListTag::almInfo

alarm snapshot information

◆ amsDynSet

AMSDynSet ExportListTag::amsDynSet

brief alarm message containing totals

◆ bkgbusy

short ExportListTag::bkgbusy

background busy semaphore

◆ busycnt

short ExportListTag::busycnt

busy counter for 'not_ready'

◆ capfollowers

short ExportListTag::capfollowers

capacity of followers list

◆ chkAcl

int ExportListTag::chkAcl


◆ EqmAlias

char ExportListTag::EqmAlias[EQM_NAME_SIZE]

local equipment alias name

◆ eqmBaseline

time_t ExportListTag::eqmBaseline

eqm baseline

◆ eqmBkg

EQMTSKP ExportListTag::eqmBkg

associated background task

◆ EqmContext

char ExportListTag::EqmContext[CONTEXT_NAME_SIZE]

exported equipment name context

◆ EqmCrs

CRS ExportListTag::EqmCrs

ContractResourceStruct (mutex protected)

◆ EqmDevLst

ExportDeviceType* ExportListTag::EqmDevLst

pointer to device name list

◆ EqmDevLstCapacity

short ExportListTag::EqmDevLstCapacity

total amount of space initially allocated

◆ EqmDevXRef

HashXRefStruct** ExportListTag::EqmDevXRef

ModuleName cross-reference (DEVICES_HASH_SIZE in length)

◆ eqmExi

EQMTSKP ExportListTag::eqmExi

associated cleanup

◆ EqmExportName

char ExportListTag::EqmExportName[EXPORT_NAME_SIZE]

exported equipment module name

◆ eqmFcn

EQMFCNP ExportListTag::eqmFcn

associated equipment function

◆ EqmGroup

char ExportListTag::EqmGroup[EXPORT_NAME_SIZE]

group name, if applicable

◆ EqmGroupDevPostfix

char ExportListTag::EqmGroupDevPostfix[XFIX_SIZE]

group device postfix, if applicable

◆ EqmGroupDevPrefix

char ExportListTag::EqmGroupDevPrefix[XFIX_SIZE]

group device prefix, if applicable

◆ eqmIni

EQMTSKP ExportListTag::eqmIni

associated initialization

◆ EqmLastErrorCode

int ExportListTag::EqmLastErrorCode

last EQM access status

◆ EqmMaster

char ExportListTag::EqmMaster[EXPORT_NAME_SIZE]

applicable if master or slave

◆ EqmName

char ExportListTag::EqmName[EQM_NAME_SIZE]

local equipment module name

◆ EqmNumCalls

int ExportListTag::EqmNumCalls

number of times this EQM has been called since startup

◆ EqmNumDevices

short ExportListTag::EqmNumDevices

total number of devices supported

◆ EqmNumProperties

short ExportListTag::EqmNumProperties

total number of properties supported

◆ EqmPrpLst

ExportPropertyListStruct* ExportListTag::EqmPrpLst[PROPERTY_HASH_SIZE+1]

< pointer to chained equipment property hash list Add room for Wild-card list

◆ EqmRef

void* ExportListTag::EqmRef

reference pointer to use in extended dispatch functions

◆ EqmRegion

char ExportListTag::EqmRegion[TAG_NAME_SIZE]

default region tag

◆ EqmSlaveMaster

char ExportListTag::EqmSlaveMaster[EXPORT_NAME_SIZE]

applicable if slave

◆ eqmStartupTime

time_t ExportListTag::eqmStartupTime

eqm specific startup time

◆ EqmSubSystem

char ExportListTag::EqmSubSystem[SUBSYSTEM_NAME_SIZE]

equipment module sub system

◆ EqmWcPrpLst

NAME64* ExportListTag::EqmWcPrpLst

pointer to property list buffer space used in eqm wildcard queries

◆ EqmWcPrpLstCapacity

int ExportListTag::EqmWcPrpLstCapacity

size of list buffer space used in eqm wildcard queries

◆ exportId

int ExportListTag::exportId

local ID

◆ failoverState

int ExportListTag::failoverState

_NONE, _MASTER, or _SLAVE - this is the current state

◆ failoverType

int ExportListTag::failoverType


◆ followers

NAME64* ExportListTag::followers

list of known possible clients (followers)

◆ groupIndex

int ExportListTag::groupIndex

group index if applicable

◆ hasDevQry

short ExportListTag::hasDevQry

boolean flag for device-query precedence

◆ hasPropertyDeviceNames

short ExportListTag::hasPropertyDeviceNames

TRUE if a property sepcific device list is known

◆ hasPropertyHandler

int ExportListTag::hasPropertyHandler

true if any property handler or equipment function registered

◆ hasReference

int ExportListTag::hasReference

TRUE => use prototypes with EqmRef !

◆ hasRegisteredDevicesNames

short ExportListTag::hasRegisteredDevicesNames

TRUE if a property sepcific device list is registered via API

◆ hDataProtectionMutex

MXHANDLE ExportListTag::hDataProtectionMutex

handle to EQM mutex for dispatch and background synchronization

◆ hEqmBkg

THRHANDLE ExportListTag::hEqmBkg

handle to background task (in case of threads)

◆ hEqmBusyMutex

MXHANDLE ExportListTag::hEqmBusyMutex

handle to EQM primary mutex

◆ hstdone

short ExportListTag::hstdone

history init done flag

◆ inidone

short ExportListTag::inidone

init task done flag

◆ isbusy

short ExportListTag::isbusy

eqm fcn call is busy with WRITE call

◆ isidle

short ExportListTag::isidle

eqm + tasks are in an idle state

◆ isinside

BYTE ExportListTag::isinside

eqm fcn is being accessed

◆ isterminating

BYTE ExportListTag::isterminating

termination signal

◆ lastBkg

struct timeval ExportListTag::lastBkg

background task last polled

◆ nclients

short ExportListTag::nclients

number of active clients

◆ ncontracts

short ExportListTag::ncontracts

number of active contracts

◆ netsFileName

char ExportListTag::netsFileName[32]

either ipnets.csv or <eqm>/ipnets.csv

◆ netsScanFlag

int ExportListTag::netsScanFlag

-1 => don't scan, 1 => scan in FEC_HOME, 2 => scan in <eqm> dir

◆ next

struct ExportListTag* ExportListTag::next

Linked list

◆ nfollowers

short ExportListTag::nfollowers

number of known possible clients, i.e. 'followers'

◆ nRegionItems

int ExportListTag::nRegionItems

size of acquired region patterns list

◆ rateBkg

SINT32 ExportListTag::rateBkg

background polling rate msec

◆ region

short ExportListTag::region

default region setting for device instances

◆ regionsLst

DeviceRegionItem* ExportListTag::regionsLst

acquired region patterns for device instances

◆ registered

short ExportListTag::registered

registered with name server

◆ staChgCb

SCCBFCNP ExportListTag::staChgCb

possible state-change callback

◆ staChgRef

void* ExportListTag::staChgRef

possible state-change callback reference

◆ usersFileName

char ExportListTag::usersFileName[32]

either users.csv or <eqm>/users.csv

◆ usersScanFlag

int ExportListTag::usersScanFlag

-1 => don't scan, 1 => scan in FEC_HOME, 2 => scan in <eqm> dir

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