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Client API Calls File Reference

TINE Client-side API Routines. More...


int AttachLink (const char *devName, const char *devProperty, DTYPE *dout, DTYPE *din, short access, int pollingRate, void(*cbFcn)(int, int), int mode)
 Initiates an asynchronous link. More...
int AttachLinkEx (const char *devName, const char *devProperty, DTYPE *dout, DTYPE *din, short access, int pollingRate, void(*cbFcn)(int, int), int mode, UINT32 cbId)
 Initiates an asynchronous link. More...
int AttachLinkEx2 (const char *devName, const char *devProperty, DTYPE *dout, DTYPE *din, short access, int pollingRate, void(*cbFcn)(int, int, void *), int mode, UINT32 cbId, void *reference)
 Initiates an asynchronous link. More...
int CloseGlobalLink (int linkId)
 Closes an active globals data link. More...
int CloseLink (int linkId)
 Cancels an active data link. More...
int CloseNetGlobal (const char *keyword)
 Closes an active globals data link according to the globals Keyword. More...
int ExecLink (const char *devName, const char *devProperty, DTYPE *dout, DTYPE *din, short access)
 Executes a synchronous link. More...
int ExecLinkEx (const char *devName, const char *devProperty, DTYPE *dout, DTYPE *din, short access, UINT16 timeout)
 Executes a synchronous link (Extended call). More...
int FreeAccessLock (char *context, char *server)
 Frees an access lock on the server specified. More...
int GetAccessLockInformation (char *context, char *server, NAME32 *callerName, NAME32 *callerIp, NAME32 *timeLeft)
 Acquires access lock information from the server specified. More...
int GetAccessLockStatus (char *context, char *server)
 Acquires the current access lock status on a client's access lock. More...
int GetAllowDependentLinks (void)
 returns the setting for this value More...
int GetAlwaysRetry (void)
 Gets the current setting of the 'Always Retry' flag. More...
int GetAutoLinkErrorAlarms (void)
 Gets the current setting of the autoLinkErrorAlarms flag. More...
GrpTblEntry * GetCallbackGroup (size_t id)
 Returns a reference to the callback Group Table Entry associated with the identifier supplied. More...
int GetClnRecvQueueDepth (void)
 Gets the default client-side receive queue depth for all client links. More...
int GetCompletionDataSize (int i)
 Returns the most recent data size of the link index supplied. More...
int GetCompletionDataSizeFromCallbackId (int id)
 Returns the most recent data size of the link associated with the callback id supplied. More...
int GetCompletionDataType (int i)
 Returns the most recent data type of the link index supplied. More...
int GetCompletionDataTypeFromCallbackId (int id)
 Returns the most recent data type of the link associated with the callback id supplied. More...
short GetCompletionSource (int i)
 Returns the error source associated with the input link index. More...
short GetCompletionSourceFromCallbackId (int id)
 Returns the error source associated with the callback identifier supplied. More...
char * GetCompletionStatus (int i)
 Returns the error string associated with the input link index. More...
char * GetCompletionStatusFromCallbackId (int id)
 Returns the error string associated with the callback identifier supplied. More...
int GetConnectionList (char *lstbuf, int bufsize)
 Gets the current connection table. More...
int GetConnectionTable (ConTblInfo *tbl, int *tblSize)
 Gets the current connection table. More...
int GetConnectionTableCapacity (void)
 Gets the maximum number of entries allowed in the connection table. More...
int GetCurrentDataStatus (int i)
 Returns the data status code associated with the input link index. More...
int GetCurrentDataStatusFromCallbackId (int id)
 Returns the data status code associated with the callback identifier supplied. More...
double GetCurrentDataTimeStamp (int i)
 Returns the data timestamp associated with the input link index. More...
double GetCurrentDataTimeStampFromCallbackId (int id)
 Returns the data timestamp associated with the callback identifier supplied. More...
int GetCurrentLinkStatus (int i)
 Returns the completion code associated with the input link index. More...
int GetCurrentLinkStatusFromCallbackId (int id)
 Returns the completion code associated with the callback identifier supplied. More...
int GetDataFromCallbackId (int id, DTYPE *dout, UINT16 *status)
 Supplies the DTYPE data object and call status for the callback ID in question. More...
int GetDataFromLinkId (int linkId, DTYPE *dout, UINT16 *status)
 Supplies the DTYPE data object and call status for the link ID in question. More...
int GetDataStamp (int linkId)
 Gets the data stamp with which the incoming data set has been tagged. More...
int GetDataStampFromCallbackId (int id)
 Gets the global system data stamp with which the incoming data set has been tagged. More...
int GetDefaultTransportMode (void)
 Gets the default TINE transport mode used in client-side links. More...
int GetGlobalDataType (int id)
 Returns the data type of global link index supplied. More...
int GetGlobalDataTypeFromCallbackId (int id)
 Returns the data type of global link callback id supplied. More...
int GetGlobalLinkId (char *keyword)
 retrieves the link ID for a globals link More...
int GetGlobalLinkIdFromCallbackId (int cbId)
 retrieves the link ID for a globals link More...
int GetGlobalsDataStamp (int glbId)
 Gets the data stamp with which the incoming globals data set has been tagged. More...
int GetGlobalsHeartbeat (void)
 gets the heartbeat (in seconds) during which time no 'timeout' messages will be sent to a globals dispatch routine (client-side) More...
int GetGlobalsSystemStamp (int glbId)
 Gets the system data stamp with which the incoming globals data set has been tagged. More...
int GetGlobalsTableCapacity (void)
 gets the globals table capacity (client-side) More...
double GetGlobalsTimeStamp (int linkId)
 Returns the timestamp of the globals keyword with the given link ID. More...
double GetGlobalsTimeStampFromCallbackId (int id)
 Returns the timestamp of the globals keyword with the given link callback ID. More...
GrpMember * GetGroupMemberList (GrpTblEntry *grp)
 Returns a linked list of the group members for the callback group supplied. More...
int GetLastGlobalDataSize (int id)
 Returns the most recent data size of the global link index supplied. More...
int GetLastGlobalDataSizeFromCallbackId (int id)
 Returns the most recent data size of the global link callback id supplied. More...
char * GetLastLinkError (short cc, char *errstr)
 The error string associated with the input error number. More...
int GetLinkCallbackDelay (int linkId)
 Gets the client-side callback notification. More...
void * GetLinkCallbackReference (int id)
 Returns the supplied callback reference for the link ID in question. More...
char * GetLinkName (int i)
 Returns the full link name associated with the input link index. More...
char * GetLinkNameFromCallbackId (int id)
 Returns the full link name associated with the callback identifier supplied. More...
int getLinkOutputStatus (int lnkId, char *strSts, int maxKeyLength, int splitlines)
int GetLinkQueueDepth (int linkId)
 Gets the client-side receive queue depth for the link in question. More...
int GetSubscriptionRenewalThreshold (int linkId, int *thresholdInPercent)
 Gets the current client-side subscription threshold for the link in question. More...
int GetSuspendCallbacks (void)
 returns the suspends asynchronous callback notification setting More...
double GetSynchronizationTolerance (void)
 Gets the tolerance used in deciding whether to apply a timestamp offset or not. More...
int GetSystemDataStamp (int linkId)
 Gets the system data stamp with which the incoming data set has been tagged. More...
int GetSystemDataStampFromCallbackId (int id)
 Gets the system data stamp with which the incoming data set has been tagged. More...
int GetSystemStampDelay (void)
 Returns the registered system cycle delay. More...
int GetSystemStampOffset (void)
 Returns the registered system cycle offset. More...
UINT16 GetTransferFlag (int linkId)
 Gets the data transfer flag for the given link ID. More...
UINT16 GetTransferFlagFromCallbackId (int id)
 Gets the data transfer flag for the give callback identifier. More...
int ModifyLinkAttributes (int i, short access, int pollingRate, void(*cbFcn)(int, int), int mode, UINT32 cbId)
 Allows the caller to assign new link attributes to an active link. More...
int PutLnkErrorValue (int i, void *errValue)
 Flags a link so that the given error value is used as the data value in case of any link error. More...
int PutLnkTimeStamp (int i)
 Flags a link so that the local timestamp is used for all incoming data sets. More...
int ReassignLinkData (int id, void *buffer, UINT32 length)
 Reassigns the bound data buffer for the link table id given. More...
int recvNetGlobal (const char *keyword, DTYPE *dout, void(*cbFcn)(int, int))
 Initiates a net globals data link. More...
int recvNetGlobalEx (const char *keyword, DTYPE *dout, void(*cbFcn)(int, int), UINT32 cbId)
 Initiates a net globals data link (extended call). More...
int recvNetGlobalEx2 (const char *keyword, DTYPE *dout, void(*cbFcn)(int, int, void *), UINT32 cbId, void *reference)
 Initiates a net globals data link (doubly extended call). More...
int RegisterCycleTriggerFunction (CYCBFCNP fcn, char *eqm, char *prpLst, void *reference)
 Registers a cycle trigger callback dispatch function. More...
void ResetSuspendCallbacks (void)
 stops suspending callbacks and resets the reference counter More...
int ResubmitDataLink (int id)
 Resubmits a (CM_SINGLE) data link. More...
int SetAccessLock (char *context, char *server, int lockType, int lockDuration)
 Acquires an access lock to the server specified. More...
void SetAllowDependentLinks (int value)
 turns the ability to manage identical (dependent) links ON or OFF More...
void SetAlwaysRetry (int value)
 Sets the 'Always Retry' flag to the value given. More...
void SetAutoLinkErrorAlarms (int value)
 Sets the autoLinkErrorAlarms flag. More...
void SetAutoLinkWatchdogs (int value)
 Enables/Disables automatic link watchdogs. More...
void SetClnRecvQueueDepth (int depth)
 Sets the default client-side receive queue depth for all client links. More...
int SetConnectionTableCapacity (int value)
 Sets the maximum number of entries in the connection table. More...
void SetDefaultTransportMode (int value)
 Sets the default TINE transport mode used in client-side links. More...
void SetGlobalsHeartbeat (int value)
 sets the heartbeat (in seconds) during which time no 'timeout' messages will be sent to a globals dispatch routine (client-side) More...
void SetGlobalsTableCapacity (int value)
 sets the globals table capacity More...
void SetLinkCallbackDelay (int linkId, int cyclesToDelay)
 Sets a client-side callback notification. More...
void SetLinkQueueDepth (int linkId, int depth)
 Sets the client-side receive queue depth for the link in question. More...
int SetLinkWatchdogPollingInterval (int value)
 Sets the link watchdog polling interval to the value given. More...
int SetNotificationTolerance (int linkId, float toleranceAbsolute, float tolerancePercent)
 Allows the caller to apply a tolerance pertaining to link notification. More...
int SetNotificationToleranceEx (int linkId, float toleranceAbsolute, float tolerancePercent, int offset, int length, int flags)
 Allows the caller to apply a tolerance pertaining to link notification (extended call). More...
int SetSubscriptionRenewalThreshold (int linkId, int thresholdInPercent)
 Gets the current client-side subscription threshold for the link in question. More...
void SetSuppressHeartbeatNotification (int value)
 Determines whether CM_DATACHANGE data links signal incoming data by calling the corresonding callback routine even when the incoming data is a HEARTBEAT notification. More...
void SetSuspendCallbacks (int value)
 set suspends asynchronous callback notification ON or OFF More...
void SetSynchronizationTolerance (double toleranceInSeconds)
 Sets the tolerance used in deciding whether to apply a timestamp offset or not. More...
void SetSystemStampDelay (int cycleDelay)
 Establishes the system cycle delay. More...
void SetSystemStampOffset (int cycleOffset)
 Establishes a system cycle offset. More...
int UnregisterCycleTriggerFunction (CYCBFCNP fcn, void *reference)
 Unregisters a previously registered cycle trigger callback dispatch function. More...
int UpdateDataStampsFromCallbackId (int id, DTYPE *dout)
 Fills in the given DTYPE data object with all data stamp information. More...
int UpdateDataStampsFromLinkId (int linkId, DTYPE *dout)
 Fills in the given DTYPE data object with all data stamp information. More...


int gConTblCapacity = CONTBL_CAPACITY
 Determines the maximum number of entries in the connection table. More...
UINT32 LastCompletionDataSize = 0
 Supplies the data size of the most recent link. More...
int LastCompletionDataType = CF_NULL
 Supplies the data type of the most recent link. More...
short lastLnkErrSrc = 0
 Gives the signature of the last Link Error. More...

Detailed Description

TINE Client-side API Routines.

Below are the principal client-side API routines which allow the user to obtain data from elements in the control system. Data acquistion can either be synchronous (e.g. ExecLink()) where execution is blocked until a call completes, or asynchronous (e.g. AttachLink()) where the results of a call are given to a callback routine upon completion. Data can also be 'monitored' asynchronously either at a supplied polling rate or upon data change.

Function Documentation

◆ AttachLink()

int AttachLink ( const char *  devName,
const char *  devProperty,
DTYPE dout,
DTYPE din,
short  access,
int  pollingRate,
void(*)(int, int)  callback,
int  mode 

Initiates an asynchronous link.

Asynchronous data exchange. AttachLink() returns immediately with a positive link index if the device name can be resolved and there are sufficient resources on the client side. Otherwise, a call to AttachLink() returns a negative completion code which can be interpreted with GetLastLinkError().

AttachLink() differs from AttachLinkEx() in that the callback will always return the link identifier as the callback id parameter in the callback routine.

devNameis the full device name (/<Context>/<Server>/<Device>) of the device to contact. For example: "/HERA/BPM/WL167". Note that, if devName references a locally registered equipment module, an internal call to ExecLocalLink() is made. For instance: "/LOCAL/BPMEQM/WL167" sets the context to "LOCAL", and "BPMEQM" must be a locally registered equipment module. In such a case, the call can only be successful when the client and server are running together in the same process).
devPropertyis the device property requested, for example "ORBIT.X"
doutis a pointer to the output data set, that is, the data set to be returned from the server to the client. The structure element ‘dout->data’ should be a pointer to a pre-allocated data buffer, which is to receive the returned data. If dout is a NULL pointer, it is assumed that no data are to be returned.
dinis a pointer to the input data set, that is, the data set to be sent to the server from the client. If din is a NULL pointer, it is assumed that no data are to be sent to the server Note that the input data set is used to specify the contract! This means that the data values (in addition to the data array length and data format) will be cached at the server side in the case of persistent links with input data.
accessis the data access mode. This can be any of the TINE access codes ORed together (CA_READ, CA_WRITE, etc.)
pollingRateis the polling rate in milliseconds as seen at the server. For SINGLE transfers, this value also serves as a timeout parameter.
callbackis the address of the user-supplied callback routine to be called when data arrive from the server. The prototype of this routine must be as shown, where the first argument (id) gives the id of the link which is calling the callback, and the second argument (cc) gives the completion code. For successful data transmission, cc will always be 0, otherwise it can be interpreted with GetLastLinkError().
modeis the transfer mode (see discussion on Data Transfer Modes).
A positive link handle if successful, otherwise the negative of a TINE completion code which can be interpreted by a call to GetLastLinkError().
See also
AttachLinkEx(), DTYPE


// global variables:
short TRCchannel[100];
float TRCvoltage[100];
int idTRC;
// callback routine:
void TRCcallback(int id, int cc)
char errstr[256];
if (cc)
printf("TRC error : %s\n",GetLastLinkError(cc,errstr));
if (id == idTRC)
// the data are here, do something with them
int MyInitRoutine(void)
char errstr[256];
DTYPE din, dout;
dout.dFormat = CF_FLOAT;
dout.dArrayLength = 100; = TRCvoltage;
din.dFormat = CF_SHORT;
din.dArrayLength = 100; = TRCchannel;
// fill in TRCchannel with the channels of interest and send to server:
idTRC = AttachLink("/HERA/TRC/WL167", "VOLTAGE", &dout, &din, CA_READ, 1000, TRCcallback, CM_REFRESH);
if (idTRC < 0) // something is wrong
printf("Can’t AttachLink to /HERA/TRC/WL167 : %s\n",GetLastLinkError(-idTRC,errstr));
// ...

◆ AttachLinkEx()

int AttachLinkEx ( const char *  devName,
const char *  devProperty,
DTYPE dout,
DTYPE din,
short  access,
int  pollingRate,
void(*)(int, int)  callback,
int  mode,
UINT32  callbackID 

Initiates an asynchronous link.

Asynchronous data exchange. AttachLinkEx() returns immediately with a positive link index if the device name can be resolved and there are sufficient resources on the client side. Otherwise, a call to AttachLinkEx() returns a negative completion code which can be interpreted with GetLastLinkError().

AttachLinkEx() differs from AttachLink() in that the caller can supply a callback identifier to be returned in the callback function. In lieu of this, the callback will return the link identifier.

devNameis the full device name (/<Context>/<Server>/<Device>) of the device to contact. For example: "/HERA/BPM/WL167". Note that, if devName references a locally registered equipment module, an internal call to ExecLocalLink() is made. For instance: "/LOCAL/BPMEQM/WL167" sets the context to "LOCAL", and "BPMEQM" must be a locally registered equipment module. In such a case, the call can only be successful when the client and server are running together in the same process).
devPropertyis the device property requested, for example "ORBIT.X"
doutis a pointer to the output data set, that is, the data set to be returned from the server to the client. The structure element ‘dout->data’ should be a pointer to a pre-allocated data buffer, which is to receive the returned data. If dout is a NULL pointer, it is assumed that no data are to be returned.
dinis a pointer to the input data set, that is, the data set to be sent to the server from the client. If din is a NULL pointer, it is assumed that no data are to be sent to the server Note that the input data set is used to specify the contract! This means that the data values (in addition to the data array length and data format) will be cached at the server side in the case of persistent links with input data.
accessis the data access mode. This can be any of the TINE access codes ORed together (CA_READ, CA_WRITE, etc.).
pollingRateis the polling rate in milliseconds as seen at the server. For SINGLE transfers, this value also serves as a timeout parameter.
callbackis the address of the user-supplied callback routine to be called when data arrive from the server. The prototype of this routine must be as shown, where the first argument (id) gives the id of the link which is calling the callback, and the second argument (cc) gives the completion code. For successful data transmission, cc will always be 0, otherwise it can be interpreted with GetLastLinkError().
modeis the transfer mode (see discussion on Data Transfer Modes).
callbackIDis supplied by the caller as an identifier to be returned in the callback function. Pass UNASSIGNED_CALLBACKID in order to receive the link ID in the supplied callback function.
A positive link handle if successful, otherwise the negative of a TINE completion code which can be interpreted by a call to GetLastLinkError().
See also
AttachLink(), DTYPE


// global variables:
short TRCchannel[100];
float TRCvoltage[100];
int myId = 10;
// callback routine:
void TRCcallback(int id, int cc)
char errstr[256];
if (cc)
printf("TRC error : %s\n",GetLastLinkError(cc,errstr));
if (id == myId)
// the data are here, do something with them
int MyInitRoutine(void)
char errstr[256];
DTYPE din, dout;
dout.dFormat = CF_FLOAT;
dout.dArrayLength = 100; = TRCvoltage;
din.dFormat = CF_SHORT;
din.dArrayLength = 100; = TRCchannel;
// fill in TRCchannel with the channels of interest and send to server:
idTRC = AttachLinkEx("/HERA/TRC/WL167", "VOLTAGE", &dout, &din, CA_READ, 1000, TRCcallback, CM_REFRESH,myId);
if (idTRC < 0) // something is wrong
printf("Can’t AttachLink to /HERA/TRC/WL167 : %s\n",GetLastLinkError(-idTRC,errstr));
// ...

◆ AttachLinkEx2()

int AttachLinkEx2 ( const char *  devName,
const char *  devProperty,
DTYPE dout,
DTYPE din,
short  access,
int  pollingRate,
void(*)(int, int, void *)  callback,
int  mode,
UINT32  callbackID,
void *  reference 

Initiates an asynchronous link.

Asynchronous data exchange. AttachLinkEx2() returns immediately with a positive link index if the device name can be resolved and there are sufficient resources on the client side. Otherwise, a call to AttachLinkEx() returns a negative completion code which can be interpreted with GetLastLinkError().

AttachLinkEx2() differs from AttachLinkEx() and AttachLink() in that the caller can supply a callback identifier and a reference pointer to be returned in the callback function.

devNameis the full device name (/<Context>/<Server>/<Device>) of the device to contact. For example: "/HERA/BPM/WL167". Note that, if devName references a locally registered equipment module, an internal call to ExecLocalLink() is made. For instance: "/LOCAL/BPMEQM/WL167" sets the context to "LOCAL", and "BPMEQM" must be a locally registered equipment module. In such a case, the call can only be successful when the client and server are running together in the same process).
devPropertyis the device property requested, for example "ORBIT.X"
doutis a pointer to the output data set, that is, the data set to be returned from the server to the client. The structure element ‘dout->data’ should be a pointer to a pre-allocated data buffer, which is to receive the returned data. If dout is a NULL pointer, it is assumed that no data are to be returned.
dinis a pointer to the input data set, that is, the data set to be sent to the server from the client. If din is a NULL pointer, it is assumed that no data are to be sent to the server Note that the input data set is used to specify the contract! This means that the data values (in addition to the data array length and data format) will be cached at the server side in the case of persistent links with input data.
accessis the data access mode. This can be any of the TINE access codes ORed together (CA_READ, CA_WRITE, etc.).
pollingRateis the polling rate in milliseconds as seen at the server. For SINGLE transfers, this value also serves as a timeout parameter.
callbackis the address of the user-supplied callback routine to be called when data arrive from the server. The prototype of this routine must be as shown, where the first argument (id) gives the id of the link which is calling the callback, the second argument (cc) gives the completion code, and the third argument is the user supplied reference pointer. For successful data transmission, cc will always be 0, otherwise it can be interpreted with GetLastLinkError().
modeis the transfer mode (see discussion on Data Transfer Modes).
callbackIDis supplied by the caller as an identifier to be returned in the callback function. Pass UNASSIGNED_CALLBACKID in order to receive the link ID in the supplied callback function.
referenceis a user-supplied pointer which will be returned in the callback routine. This can be a very useful means for de-referencing the callback.
A positive link handle if successful, otherwise the negative of a TINE completion code which can be interpreted by a call to GetLastLinkError().
See also
AttachLink(), AttachLinkEx(),DTYPE


typedef void (*REFFCN)(void);
// global variables:
short TRCchannel[100];
float TRCvoltage[100];
int myId = 10;
// callback routine:
void TRCcallback(int id, int cc, void *ref)
char errstr[256];
if (cc)
printf("TRC error : %s\n",GetLastLinkError(cc,errstr));
if (id == myId)
// the data are here, do something with them
if (cc == 0)
{ // now call another routine that this callback is supposed to call
void forwardVoltage(void)
// do something special here
int MyInitRoutine(void)
char errstr[256];
DTYPE din, dout;
dout.dFormat = CF_FLOAT;
dout.dArrayLength = 100; = TRCvoltage;
din.dFormat = CF_SHORT;
din.dArrayLength = 100; = TRCchannel;
// fill in TRCchannel with the channels of interest and send to server:
idTRC = AttachLinkEx2("/HERA/TRC/WL167", "VOLTAGE", &dout, &din, CA_READ, 1000, TRCcallback, CM_REFRESH,myId,(void *)forwardVoltage);
if (idTRC < 0) // something is wrong
printf("Can’t AttachLink to /HERA/TRC/WL167 : %s\n",GetLastLinkError(-idTRC,errstr));
// ...

◆ CloseGlobalLink()

int CloseGlobalLink ( int  linkId)

Closes an active globals data link.

Use this call to close an active data link. Note that the parameter passed must be the returned link id when the original call to recvNetGlobal() was made. If the call is successful, and the link is the last globals link on a context's multicast group, the application will detach from the group.

linkIdthe globals link index to be canceled
See also
recvNetGlobal() or recvNetGlobalEx() and CloseNetGlobal()

◆ CloseLink()

int CloseLink ( int  i)

Cancels an active data link.

Use this call to cancel an active data link (alias: CloseLink()). Note that the parameter passed must be the returned link id when the original call to AttachLink() or AttachLinkEx() was made.

ithe link index to be canceled
0 upon success or a TINE error code
See also
AttachLink(), AttachLinkEx()



◆ CloseNetGlobal()

int CloseNetGlobal ( const char *  keyword)

Closes an active globals data link according to the globals Keyword.

Use this call to close an active data link. If the call is successful, and the link is the last globals link on a context's multicast group, the application will detach from the group.

keywordthe globals keyword used to establish the link.
See also
recvNetGlobal() or recvNetGlobalEx() and CloseGlobalLink()

◆ ExecLink()

int ExecLink ( const char *  devName,
const char *  devProperty,
DTYPE dout,
DTYPE din,
short  access 

Executes a synchronous link.

Synchronous data exchange. ExecLink() does not complete until the data transfer has completed or a timeout has ensued. ExecLink() differs from ExecLinkEx() in that the default timeout of 1000 msec is assumed

devNameis the full device name (/<Context>/<Server>/<Device>) of the device to contact. For example: "/HERA/BPM/WL167". Note that, if devName references a locally registered equipment module, an internal call to ExecLocalLink() is made. For instance: "/LOCAL/BPMEQM/WL167" sets the context to "LOCAL", and "BPMEQM" must be a locally registered equipment module. In such a case, the call can only be successful when the client and server are running together in the same process).
devPropertyis the device property requested, for example "ORBIT.X"
doutis a pointer to the output data set, that is, the data set to be returned from the server to the client. The structure element ‘dout->data’ should be a pointer to a pre-allocated data buffer, which is to receive the returned data. If dout is a NULL pointer, it is assumed that no data are to be returned.
dinis a pointer to the input data set, that is, the data set to be sent to the server from the client. If din is a NULL pointer, it is assumed that no data are to be sent to the server
accessis the data access mode. This can be any set of access codes ORed together (CA_READ, CA_WRITE, CA_CONNECT, etc.)
0 if successful, otherwise a TINE completion code which can be interpreted by a call to GetLastLinkError().
See also
ExecLocalLink(), ExecLinkEx(), DTYPE


#include "tine.h"
char errstr[256];
float bpm_positions[131];
DTYPE dout;
dout.dFormat = CF_FLOAT;
dout.dArrayLength = 131; = bpm_positions;
// start at WL167 and get 131 consecutive positions
if ((cc=ExecLink(“/HERA/BPM/WL167”, ”POSITIONS", &dout, NULL, CA_READ)) != 0)
printf(“BPM POSITIONS: %s\n”,GetLastLinkError(cc,errstr));

◆ ExecLinkEx()

int ExecLinkEx ( const char *  devName,
const char *  devProperty,
DTYPE dout,
DTYPE din,
short  access,
UINT16  timeout 

Executes a synchronous link (Extended call).

Synchronous data exchange. ExecLinkEx() does not complete until the data transfer has completed or a timeout has ensued. ExecLinkEx() differs from ExecLink() in that the user may specify a timeout period for the call to complete.

devNameis the full device name (/<Context>/<Server>/<Device>) of the device to contact. For example: "/HERA/BPM/WL167". Note that, if devName references a locally registered equipment module, an internal call to ExecLocalLink() is made. For instance: "/LOCAL/BPMEQM/WL167" sets the context to "LOCAL", and "BPMEQM" must be a locally registered equipment module. In such a case, the call can only be successful when the client and server are running together in the same process).
devPropertyis the device property requested, for example "ORBIT.X"
doutis a pointer to the output data set, that is, the data set to be returned from the server to the client. The structure element ‘dout->data’ should be a pointer to a pre-allocated data buffer, which is to receive the returned data. If dout is a NULL pointer, it is assumed that no data are to be returned.
dinis a pointer to the input data set, that is, the data set to be sent to the server from the client. If din is a NULL pointer, it is assumed that no data are to be sent to the server
accessis the data access mode. This can be any combination of access codes ORed together (CA_READ, CA_WRITE, CA_CONNECT, etc.).
timeoutthe timeout period in milliseconds for the call to complete. When it is known a priori that a call takes a long time to complete than you can set this value accordingly. ExecLink() makes a call to ExecLinkEx() with the timeout parameter set to 1000 msec. Note that by default, a 'retry' will automatically be attempted in case the call does not complete in the time specified. This 'retry' can add significantly to the total call completion time. For instance if the target is simply not running, the call will take approximately two times the timeout specified (plus an additional 100 msec) before returning. If this behavior is NOT desired, then the 'access' parameter should be ORed with the CA_NORETRY flag. Also note that lossy networks can easily lead to packet loss in the case of a (default) UDP transaction. In a similar sense, a busy server might also cause a TCP transaction to fail to complete within the time specified.
0 if successful, otherwise a TINE completion code which can be interpreted by a call to GetLastLinkError().
See also
ExecLocalLink(), ExecLink(), DTYPE


#include "tine.h"
char errstr[256];
float bpm_postions[131];
DTYPE dout;
dout.dFormat = CF_FLOAT;
dout.dArrayLength = 131; = bpm_positions;
// start at WL167 and get 131 consecutive positions
if ((cc=ExecLinkEx“/HERA/BPM/WL167”, ”POSITIONS", &dout, NULL, CA_READ,3000)) != 0)
printf(“BPM POSITIONS: %s\n”,GetLastLinkError(cc,errstr));

References argument_list_error.

Referenced by FindServerOnNetwork(), GetAccessLockInformation(), GetDeviceProperties(), GetDevicePropertyEGU(), GetDevicePropertyInformation(), GetSystemPropertiesEx(), and GetSystemPropertyInformation().

◆ FreeAccessLock()

int FreeAccessLock ( char *  context,
char *  server 

Frees an access lock on the server specified.

A client application can obtain an access lock to the given server provided the caller has WRITE privilileges himself. Once the lock is obtained, no other process will be allowed WRITE access regardless of any other access control lists. A lock may be preemptive (LOCK_PREEMTIVE) or persistent (LOCK_PERSISTENT). Preemptive locks may be aborted (LOCK_ABORT) by other callers with WRITE privilileges. Persistent locks may not. A Client API Callsan free a lock he has obtained by calling this method (nominally equivalent to SetAccessLock() + LOCK_CANCEL.

contextis the targeted context of the server
serveris the targeted device server
a tine return code.


/* acquire a persistent lock (persistent lock will ignore the duration parameter) */
cc = SetAccessLock("DESY2","PiControls",LOCK_PERSISTENT,0);
if (cc != 0) dbglog("SetAccessLock : %s",erlst[cc]);
/* do something important ... */
/* release the lock */
See also
SetAccessLock(), GetAccessLockInformation(), GetAccessLockStatus()

References invalid_parameter.

◆ GetAccessLockInformation()

int GetAccessLockInformation ( char *  context,
char *  server,
NAME32 callerName,
NAME32 callerIp,
NAME32 timeLeft 

Acquires access lock information from the server specified.

A client application can obtain an access lock to the given server provided the caller has WRITE privilileges himself. Once the lock is obtained, no other process will be allowed WRITE access regardless of any other access control lists. A lock may be preemptive (LOCK_PREEMTIVE) or persistent (LOCK_PERSISTENT). Preemptive locks may be aborted (LOCK_ABORT) by other callers with WRITE privilileges. Persistent locks may not. A Client API Callsan obtain the current access lock information via this call. This will provide information as to the caller's user name, network address, and time remaining. If there is no access lock on the server specified, then the caller's name will be empty, the network address will be "" and the time remaining will be "0 seconds remaining".

contextis the targeted context of the server
serveris the targeted device server
callerNameis a NAME32 object to hold the user name of the holder of the access lock.
callerIpis a NAME32 object to hold the network address of the holder of the access lock.
timeLeftis a NAME32 object to hold a string given the seconds remaining on the access lock.
a tine return code.


int cc;
NAME32 callerName,callerIp,timeLeft;
cc = GetAccessLockInformation("TEST","LxSineServer",&callerName,&callerIp,&timeLeft);
if (cc == 0)
dbglog("LxSineServer locked by %s at address %s (%s)",,,;
See also
SetAccessLock(), FreeAccessLock(), GetAccessLockStatus()

References DTYPE::dArrayLength, DTYPE::data, DTYPE::dFormat, ExecLinkEx(), invalid_parameter, NAME32::name, and DUNION::vptr.

◆ GetAccessLockStatus()

int GetAccessLockStatus ( char *  context,
char *  server 

Acquires the current access lock status on a client's access lock.

A client application can obtain an access lock to the given server provided the caller has WRITE privilileges himself. Once the lock is obtained, no other process will be allowed WRITE access regardless of any other access control lists. A lock may be preemptive (LOCK_PREEMTIVE) or persistent (LOCK_PERSISTENT). Preemptive locks may be aborted (LOCK_ABORT) by other callers with WRITE privilileges. Persistent locks may not. A Client API Callsan of course hold different access locks to different servers, and can obtain the current lock status for any of them by using this function.

contextis the targeted context of the server
serveris the targeted device server
a tine return code indicating the status of the access lock.
See also
SetAccessLock(), FreeAccessLock(), GetAccessLockInformation()

References invalid_parameter.

◆ GetAllowDependentLinks()

int GetAllowDependentLinks ( void  )

returns the setting for this value

When set to TRUE, attempts to establish (multiply) identical links to the same target are allowed. In this case the original link is desigated the 'parent link' and constitutes the actual link (client to server). Other client-side links to the same target (have the same contract) will then obtain their results from the parent link.

the current setting of this feature. (default: TRUE)
See also

◆ GetAlwaysRetry()

int GetAlwaysRetry ( void  )

Gets the current setting of the 'Always Retry' flag.

Client Links can be instructed to always apply the CA_RETRY flag upon initialization by setting this flag to TRUE. If TRUE all link timeouts will be retried up to three times before issuing a link timeout notification. The default value is TRUE.

the current value of the retry flag.
See also

◆ GetAutoLinkErrorAlarms()

int GetAutoLinkErrorAlarms ( void  )

Gets the current setting of the autoLinkErrorAlarms flag.

A server can set automatic 'link_error' alarms when a link to another server goes down. This call retrieves the current value of this setting, (default = TRUE).

the current setting of the autoLinkErrorAlarms flag.
See also

◆ GetCallbackGroup()

GrpTblEntry * GetCallbackGroup ( size_t  id)

Returns a reference to the callback Group Table Entry associated with the identifier supplied.

idis the group callback id (effectively the reference pointer to the callback function associated with the group.
a reference to the group table entry (GrpTblEntry *) if the given id corresponds to a registered callback group, or NULL if not found.
See also
GetGroupMemberList(), GrpTblEntry, GrpMember

◆ GetClnRecvQueueDepth()

int GetClnRecvQueueDepth ( void  )

Gets the default client-side receive queue depth for all client links.

Asynchronous data acquisition implies a callback handler which accepts and processes incoming data. Under most circumstances the callback handler should process the incoming data quickly and return prior to the next data acquisition (otherwise the data rate is set too high to be useful for the client). However circumstances arrive where either bursts of data arrive or the client side is otherwise busy processing an atypical event, etc. In these cases queueing the incoming data can be beneficial. You can get the default queue depth for initializing links with this routine.

the current setting for the default receive queue depth or a negative TINE return code upon error.

◆ GetCompletionDataSize()

int GetCompletionDataSize ( int  i)

Returns the most recent data size of the link index supplied.

iis the link index for which the completed data size is desired
The most recent data size of the link index supplied
See also


#include "tine.h"
char errstr[256];
if ((cc=ExecLink(“/HERA/HEPBPM/WL167”,” POSITIONS.X”,&dout,NULL,CA_READ)) != 0)
printf(“link failed : %s\n”,GetLastLinkError(cc,errstr));
printf(“%d values returned\n”,GetCompletionDataSize(-1));

References LastCompletionDataSize.

◆ GetCompletionDataSizeFromCallbackId()

int GetCompletionDataSizeFromCallbackId ( int  id)

Returns the most recent data size of the link associated with the callback id supplied.

idis the callback id of the link for which the completed data size is desired
The most recent data size of the link associated with the callback id supplied
See also


#include "tine.h"
void PostSystemInit()
char errstr[256];
if ((id=AttachLinkEx(“/HERA/HEPBPM/WL167”,” ORBIT.X”,&dout,NULL,CA_READ,1000,bpmcback,CM_POLL,bpmcbackID)) < 0)
printf(“link failed : %s\n”,GetLastLinkError(-id,errstr));
void bpmcback(int id, int cc)
printf(“%d values returned\n”, GetCompletionDataSizeFromCallbackId(bpmcbackID));
// ...

◆ GetCompletionDataType()

int GetCompletionDataType ( int  i)

Returns the most recent data type of the link index supplied.

iis the link index for which the data type is desired
The most recent data type of the link index supplied
See also


#include "tine.h"
char errstr[256];
dout.dFormat = CF_DEFAULT;
dout.dArraySize = 4000; // bytes assumed for type CF_DEFAULT = buffer; // buffer had better be able to hold the data which is returned!
if ((cc=ExecLink(“/HERA/HEPBPM/WL167”,” POSITIONS.X”,&dout,NULL,CA_DEFAULT)) != 0)
printf(“link failed : %s\n”,GetLastLinkError(cc,errstr));
switch (fmt)
case CF_FLOAT:
for (i=0; i<siz; i++) printf(“bpm #%d : %g\n”,i,((float *)buffer)[i]);
// etc. ...

◆ GetCompletionDataTypeFromCallbackId()

int GetCompletionDataTypeFromCallbackId ( int  id)

Returns the most recent data type of the link associated with the callback id supplied.

idis the callback id of the link for which the completed data type is desired
The most recent data type of the link associated with the callback id supplied
See also


#include "tine.h"
void doinit()
char errstr[256];
dout.dFormat = CF_DEFAULT;
dout.dArraySize = 4000; // bytes assumed for type CF_DEFAULT = buffer; // buffer had better be able to hold the data which is returned!
if ((id=AttachLinkEx(“/HERA/HEPBPM/WL167”,” POSITIONS.X”,&dout,NULL,CA_READ,1000,bpmcback,CM_POLL,bpmcbackID)) < 0)
printf(“link failed : %s\n”,GetLastLinkError(-id,errstr));
// ...
void bpmcback(int id, int cc)
// ...
switch (fmt)
case CF_FLOAT:
for (i=0; i<siz; i++) printf(“bpm #%d : %g\n”,i,((float *)buffer)[i]);
// etc. ...

◆ GetCompletionSource()

short GetCompletionSource ( int  i)

Returns the error source associated with the input link index.

iis the link index of the link for which the current status string is desired.
The error source associated with the input link index as one of LNK_ERROR_LCL or LNK_ERROR_RMT, or -1 if the link index is invalid.
See also

References lastLnkErrSrc.

◆ GetCompletionSourceFromCallbackId()

short GetCompletionSourceFromCallbackId ( int  id)

Returns the error source associated with the callback identifier supplied.

idis the callback id of the link for which the current status string is desired.
The error source associated with the callback identifier supplied as one of LNK_ERROR_LCL or LNK_ERROR_RMT, or -1 if the callback identifier is invalid.

◆ GetCompletionStatus()

char* GetCompletionStatus ( int  i)

Returns the error string associated with the input link index.

iis the link index of the link for which the current status string is desired.
The error string associated with the input link index, or NULL if the the link index is invalid.
See also


◆ GetCompletionStatusFromCallbackId()

char* GetCompletionStatusFromCallbackId ( int  id)

Returns the error string associated with the callback identifier supplied.

idis the callback id of the link for which the current status string is desired.
The error string associated with the callback identifier supplied, or NULL if the callback id is invalid.
See also


◆ GetConnectionList()

int GetConnectionList ( char *  lstbuf,
int  bufsize 

Gets the current connection table.

A client's connections are managed and maintained in a connection table. You can retrieve the current connection table by using this call

lstbufis a reference to a string buffer which will hold the connection table list
bufsizegives the size in bytes of the string buffer passed in the first argument.
0 upon success or a TINE return code.

References argument_list_error, and buffer_too_small.

◆ GetConnectionTable()

int GetConnectionTable ( ConTblInfo *  tbl,
int *  tblSize 

Gets the current connection table.

A client's connections are managed and maintained in a connection table. You can retrieve the current connection table by using this call

tblis a reference to block of memory which will hold the ConTblInfo array giving the current Client API Callsonnection table.
tblSize(input) is a pointer to an integer value containing the maximum size (number of entries) the the tbl reference can hold. (output) will contain the size of the current connection table.
0 upon success or a TINE return code.
See also
GetConnectionTableCapacity(), SetConnectionTableCapacity()

References argument_list_error.

◆ GetConnectionTableCapacity()

int GetConnectionTableCapacity ( void  )

Gets the maximum number of entries allowed in the connection table.

A client's connections are managed and maintained in a connection table. The size of this table is pre-allocated at initialization time. This allows for fast lookups, since a connection ID is simply an entry into the table. If it is known that the client will need a large number of simultaneous links then this value should be set accordingly at initialization time.

See also

References gConTblCapacity.

◆ GetCurrentDataStatus()

int GetCurrentDataStatus ( int  i)

Returns the data status code associated with the input link index.

If the remote equipment module is called, this is the return code delivered. If the link returns or notifies the caller and the equipment module has not been called (e.g. in case of time out) this value will be 'not posted'.

iis the link index of the link for which the current completion code is desired.
The status code associated with the input link index
See also

◆ GetCurrentDataStatusFromCallbackId()

int GetCurrentDataStatusFromCallbackId ( int  id)

Returns the data status code associated with the callback identifier supplied.

If the remote equipment module is called, this is the return code delivered. If the link returns or notifies the caller and the equipment module has not been called (e.g. in case of time out) this value will be 'not posted'.

idis the callback id of the link for which the current completion code is desired.
The data status code associated with the callback identifier supplied
See also

◆ GetCurrentDataTimeStamp()

double GetCurrentDataTimeStamp ( int  i)

Returns the data timestamp associated with the input link index.

iis the link index of the link for which the current data timestamp is desired.
The data timestamp associated with the input link index
See also
GetDataTimeStampAsTimeval, GetDataTimeStamp, GetCurrentDataTimeStampFromCallbackId

◆ GetCurrentDataTimeStampFromCallbackId()

double GetCurrentDataTimeStampFromCallbackId ( int  id)

Returns the data timestamp associated with the callback identifier supplied.

iis the callback identifier of the link for which the current data timestamp is desired.
The data timestamp associated with the input callback identifier
See also
GetDataTimeStampAsTimeval, GetDataTimeStamp, GetCurrentDataTimeStamp

◆ GetCurrentLinkStatus()

int GetCurrentLinkStatus ( int  i)

Returns the completion code associated with the input link index.

iis the link index of the link for which the current completion code is desired.
The completion code associated with the input link index


#include "tine.h"
char errstr[256];
dout.dFormat = CF_FLOAT;
dout.dArraySize = 300; = buffer; // buffer had better be able to hold the data which is returned!
if ((id=AttachLink(“/HERA/HEPBPM/WL167”,” ORBIT.X”,&dout,NULL,CA_READ, linkCbk,CM_POLL)) != 0)
printf(“link failed : %s\n”,GetLastLinkError(-id,errstr));
if (cc) // uh-oh !
printf(“Can’t take action ! : %s\n”,GetLastLinkError(cc,errstr));

◆ GetCurrentLinkStatusFromCallbackId()

int GetCurrentLinkStatusFromCallbackId ( int  id)

Returns the completion code associated with the callback identifier supplied.

idis the callback id of the link for which the current completion code is desired.
The completion code associated with the callback identifier supplied


#include "tine.h"
char errstr[256];
dout.dFormat = CF_FLOAT;
dout.dArraySize = 300; = buffer; // buffer had better be able to hold the data which is returned!
if ((id=AttachLinkEx(“/HERA/HEPBPM/WL167”,” ORBIT.X”,&dout,NULL,CA_READ,1000,linkCbk,CM_POLL,bpmId)) != 0)
printf(“link failed : %s\n”,GetLastLinkError(-id,errstr));
if (cc) // uh-oh !
printf(“Can’t take action ! : %s\n”,GetLastLinkError(cc,errstr));

◆ GetDataFromCallbackId()

int GetDataFromCallbackId ( int  id,
DTYPE dout,
UINT16 *  status 

Supplies the DTYPE data object and call status for the callback ID in question.

If the user-supplied callback identifier is unambiguous, the output data information pertaining the the link can be obtained via this call. A reference to a DTYPE object will be filled with the current data parameters, including all time and data stamps, transfer reason, data format, etc.

id(input) is the callback id of the link supplied with the data link.
dout(output) is a reference to the DTYPE data object to be filled in.
status(output) is a reference to an unsigned short integer to receive the call's return code.
0 or a TINE error code.
See also

◆ GetDataFromLinkId()

int GetDataFromLinkId ( int  linkId,
DTYPE dout,
UINT16 *  status 

Supplies the DTYPE data object and call status for the link ID in question.

If the link ID is known, the output data information pertaining the the link can be obtained via this call. A reference to a DTYPE object will be filled with the current data parameters, including all time and data stamps, transfer reason, data format, etc.

linkId(input) is the link ID (see AttachLink()) of the data link.
dout(output) is a reference to the DTYPE data object to be filled in.
status(output) is a reference to an unsigned short integer to receive the call's return code.
0 or a TINE error code.
See also

References argument_list_error.

◆ GetDataStamp()

int GetDataStamp ( int  linkId)

Gets the data stamp with which the incoming data set has been tagged.

A server can set an integer data stamp with any transaction which will accompany all data transactions. The caller can retrieve this value with this call.

linkIdis the connection table link id (returned from a call to AttachLink()). If -1 is passed, then the currently active value for the data stamp is returned.
The data stamp if the call succeeds or -1.

◆ GetDataStampFromCallbackId()

int GetDataStampFromCallbackId ( int  id)

Gets the global system data stamp with which the incoming data set has been tagged.

A server can set an integer data stamp with any transaction which will accompany all data transactions. The caller can retrieve this value with this call.

idis the callback id (supplied with a call to AttachLinkEx()). If -1 is passed, then the currently active value for the data stamp is returned.
The data stamp if the call succeeds or -1.

◆ GetDefaultTransportMode()

int GetDefaultTransportMode ( void  )

Gets the default TINE transport mode used in client-side links.

the default TINE transport mode (either 'TCP' or 'UDP').
See also

◆ GetGlobalDataType()

int GetGlobalDataType ( int  id)

Returns the data type of global link index supplied.

This call is useful if a globals link was started with the target data format = CF_DEFAULT (and a sufficient buffer size was provided). In such cases the global data size can be obtained by calling GetLastGlobalDataSize().

iis the global link index for which the data type is desired.
The data type of the global in question.
See also

◆ GetGlobalDataTypeFromCallbackId()

int GetGlobalDataTypeFromCallbackId ( int  id)

Returns the data type of global link callback id supplied.

This call is useful if a globals link was started with the target data format = CF_DEFAULT (and a sufficient buffer size was provided). In such cases the global data size can be obtained by calling GetLastGlobalDataSize().

idis the global link callback id passed in the initial call to recvNetGlobalEx() or recvNetGlobalEx2().
The data type of the global in question.
See also

References invalid_index.

◆ GetGlobalLinkId()

int GetGlobalLinkId ( char *  keyword)

retrieves the link ID for a globals link

keywordis the globals keyword passed as an argument to recvNetGlobal().
the link table ID for the globals link or a negative TINE error code.

◆ GetGlobalLinkIdFromCallbackId()

int GetGlobalLinkIdFromCallbackId ( int  cbId)

retrieves the link ID for a globals link

The ID supplied as argument is the requested callback ID from the original link registration. This link ID is needed as argument to CloseLink().

cbIdis the callback ID passed as an argument to recvNetGlobalEx().
the link table ID for the globals link or a negative TINE error code.

◆ GetGlobalsDataStamp()

int GetGlobalsDataStamp ( int  glbId)

Gets the data stamp with which the incoming globals data set has been tagged.

A server can set an integer data stamp with any transaction which will accompany all data transactions. The caller can retrieve this value with this call.

glbIdis the connection table link id (returned from a call to recvNetGlobal()). If -1 is passed, then the 0 is returned.
The data stamp if the call succeeds or -1.

◆ GetGlobalsHeartbeat()

int GetGlobalsHeartbeat ( void  )

gets the heartbeat (in seconds) during which time no 'timeout' messages will be sent to a globals dispatch routine (client-side)

See also
SetGlobalsHeartbeat(), recvNetGlobal().

◆ GetGlobalsSystemStamp()

int GetGlobalsSystemStamp ( int  glbId)

Gets the system data stamp with which the incoming globals data set has been tagged.

A server can set a global data stamp value (e.g. cycle id or run number, etc.) which will accompany all data transactions. The caller can retrieve this value with this call.

glbIdis the globals table link id (returned from a call to recvNetGlobal()). If -1 is passed, then the currently active value for the data stamp is returned.
The data stamp if the call succeeds or -1.

◆ GetGlobalsTableCapacity()

int GetGlobalsTableCapacity ( void  )

gets the globals table capacity (client-side)

See also
SetGlobalsTableCapacity(), recvNetGlobal().

◆ GetGlobalsTimeStamp()

double GetGlobalsTimeStamp ( int  linkId)

Returns the timestamp of the globals keyword with the given link ID.

linkIdthe globals link index for which the timestamp is desired.
See also
recvNetGlobal() or recvNetGlobalEx() and CloseNetGlobal()

Referenced by GetGlobalsTimeStampFromCallbackId().

◆ GetGlobalsTimeStampFromCallbackId()

double GetGlobalsTimeStampFromCallbackId ( int  id)

Returns the timestamp of the globals keyword with the given link callback ID.

idthe callback ID passed to the intial call to recvNetGlobalEx().
See also
recvNetGlobalEx() and CloseNetGlobal()

References GetGlobalsTimeStamp().

◆ GetGroupMemberList()

GrpMember * GetGroupMemberList ( GrpTblEntry *  grp)

Returns a linked list of the group members for the callback group supplied.

grpis a reference to the group table entry (GrpTblEntry *) whose member list is desired.
a reference to a linked list of the group members for the callback group supplied
See also
GetCallbackGroup(), GrpTblEntry, GrpMember

◆ GetLastGlobalDataSize()

int GetLastGlobalDataSize ( int  id)

Returns the most recent data size of the global link index supplied.

iis the global link index for which the data size is desired. If i is -1 the last recorded incoming global data size (not a thread-safe thing to do).
The most recent data size of the global link index supplied
See also

◆ GetLastGlobalDataSizeFromCallbackId()

int GetLastGlobalDataSizeFromCallbackId ( int  id)

Returns the most recent data size of the global link callback id supplied.

idis the global link callback id for which the data size is desired.
The most recent data size of the global link callback id supplied
This is a best effort to determine the propery entry table for the callback id supplied as an argument. It is the duty of the caller to manage a unique set of callback ids for his application.
See also

◆ GetLastLinkError()

char* GetLastLinkError ( short  cc,
char *  errstr 

The error string associated with the input error number.

ccis the completion code for which the error string is desired. If cc is in fact the last Link Error then the returned error string is used, otherwise the system error string for the completion code in question is returned
errstris the error string buffer which is to contain the string description of the the cc parameter. A pointer to the same string buffer is returned (A null pointer returns "[null error string]").
The error string associated with the input error number.
See also


char errstr[256];
if ((cc=ExecLink(devname,"ECHO",&dout,&din,CA_READ)) != 0)
printf(“ExecLink : %s\n”,GetLastLinkError(cc,errstr));

◆ GetLinkCallbackDelay()

int GetLinkCallbackDelay ( int  linkId)

Gets the client-side callback notification.

Asynchronous data acquisition implies a callback handler which accepts and processes incoming data. In some exotic circumstances it might be desireable to delay a callback notification for some specified number of TINE kernel cycles. For instance a 'master link' should needs to fire its callback prior to examining data in other link callbacks. One can use this call to examine the current setting.

linkIdis the connection table link id (returned from a call to AttachLink()).
the current delay setting (DEFAULT = 0).
See also

◆ GetLinkCallbackReference()

void* GetLinkCallbackReference ( int  id)

Returns the supplied callback reference for the link ID in question.

If the user-supplied callback reference is given in the doubly extended AttachLink call to AttachLinkEx2(), this reference pointer can be retrieved by using this routine.

id(input) is the callback id of the link for which the current completion code is desired.
NULL or the reference pointer supplied in the call to AttachLinkEx2().
See also

◆ GetLinkName()

char* GetLinkName ( int  i)

Returns the full link name associated with the input link index.

idisthe link index of the link for which the link name is desired.
The full link name as "/<Context>/<Server>/<Device>[<Property>]", or "link not found" if the callback id is invalid.

◆ GetLinkNameFromCallbackId()

char* GetLinkNameFromCallbackId ( int  id)

Returns the full link name associated with the callback identifier supplied.

idis the callback id of the link for which the link name is desired.
The full link name as "/<Context>/<Server>/<Device>[<Property>]", or "link not found" if the callback id is invalid.

◆ getLinkOutputStatus()

int getLinkOutputStatus ( int  lnkId,
char *  strSts,
int  maxKeyLength,
int  splitlines 

\intern used internally: no pointer checking ...

lnkIdis the link id
strStsshould be at least 256 char

◆ GetLinkQueueDepth()

int GetLinkQueueDepth ( int  linkId)

Gets the client-side receive queue depth for the link in question.

Asynchronous data acquisition implies a callback handler which accepts and processes incoming data. Under most circumstances the callback handler should process the incoming data quickly and return prior to the next data acquisition (otherwise the data rate is set too high to be useful for the client). However circumstances arrive where either bursts of data arrive or the client side is otherwise busy processing an atypical event, etc. In these cases queueing the incoming data can be beneficial. You can get the current queue depth for a specific link using this routine.

linkIdis the connection table link id (returned from a call to AttachLink()).
the current queue depth setting for the link in question.

◆ GetSubscriptionRenewalThreshold()

int GetSubscriptionRenewalThreshold ( int  linkId,
int *  thresholdInPercent 

Gets the current client-side subscription threshold for the link in question.

Persistent contracts established by a Client API Callsalling one of the AttachLink() family 'subscribe' for the contract on the server. A subscription is only valid for a number of responses and must be renewed by the client. This of course happens automatically in the TINE kernel and is a guarantee that clients which 'disappear' ungracefully do not persist indefinitely. The 'number of responses' is known as the subscription renewal length. This value is adjusted according to a client's desired polling interval (i.e. the default value at 1 Hz, 60, is augmented to higher values when polling for instance at 10 Hz). The default value might under some circumstance be deemed to be too small. e.g. a server knows that properties are being 'scheduled' (see _SystemScheduleProperty()) at many Hz, which would cause the subscription counter to descrease more rapidly than the client's polling interval would otherwise dictate. In such cases the subscription 'renewals' would be far more frequently than an efficient data transmission would warrant.

linkIdis the link id for the link in question (returned from the original call to AttachLink().
thesholdInPercentis a reference to hold the current setting.
0 upon success of a TINE error code
See also

◆ GetSuspendCallbacks()

int GetSuspendCallbacks ( void  )

returns the suspends asynchronous callback notification setting

When set to TRUE, all asynchronous callbacks will be suspended until the call is reissued changing the setting to FALSE.

the current setting of this feature. (default: FALSE)
See also

◆ GetSynchronizationTolerance()

double GetSynchronizationTolerance ( void  )

Gets the tolerance used in deciding whether to apply a timestamp offset or not.

If a TINE time server is running and supplying a system time stamp, and this server is accepting this to synchronize its local clock when applying data time stamps, the tolerance used in applying this offset can be read by this routine.

toleranceInSeconds is the maximum time difference allowed before setting the data timestamp offset.
See also

◆ GetSystemDataStamp()

int GetSystemDataStamp ( int  linkId)

Gets the system data stamp with which the incoming data set has been tagged.

A server can set a global data stamp value (e.g. cycle id or run number, etc.) which will accompany all data transactions. The caller can retrieve this value with this call.

linkIdis the connection table link id (returned from a call to AttachLink()). If -1 is passed, then the currently active value for the data stamp is returned.
The data stamp if the call succeeds or -1.

◆ GetSystemDataStampFromCallbackId()

int GetSystemDataStampFromCallbackId ( int  id)

Gets the system data stamp with which the incoming data set has been tagged.

A server can set a global data stamp value (e.g. cycle id or run number, etc.) which will accompany all data transactions. The caller can retrieve this value with this call.

idis the callback id (supplied with a call to AttachLinkEx()). If -1 is passed, then the currently active value for the data stamp is returned.
The data stamp if the call succeeds or -1.

◆ GetSystemStampDelay()

int GetSystemStampDelay ( void  )

Returns the registered system cycle delay.

If a server's context has a registered 'CYCLER' then all read data will be tagged with the incoming system cycle number. If it is known a priori that due to hard i/o latency the application of the cycle tag needs to be delayed by some value, then this routine may be used to obtain the currently registered cycle delay value (in milliseconds).

The currently registered system cycle delay (default = 0 msec).
See also

◆ GetSystemStampOffset()

int GetSystemStampOffset ( void  )

Returns the registered system cycle offset.

If a server's context has a registered 'CYCLER' then all read data will be tagged with the incoming system cycle number. If it is known a priori that due to hard i/o latency the cycle tag needs to be offset by some value, then this routine may be used to obtain the currently registered cycle offset.

The currently registered system cycle offset (default = 0).
See also

◆ GetTransferFlag()

UINT16 GetTransferFlag ( int  linkId)

Gets the data transfer flag for the given link ID.

The caller can obtain an examine the data transfer reason associated with the last data transfer for the link ID given.

linkIdis the connection table link id (returned from a call to AttachLink()). If -1 is passed, then the current value of the transfer flag is returned.
The data transfer flag.

◆ GetTransferFlagFromCallbackId()

UINT16 GetTransferFlagFromCallbackId ( int  id)

Gets the data transfer flag for the give callback identifier.

The caller can obtain an examine the data transfer reason associated with the last data transfer for the callback identifier given.

idis the callback id (supplied with a call to AttachLinkEx()). If -1 is passed, then the current value of the transfer flag is returned.
The data transfer flag.

◆ ModifyLinkAttributes()

int ModifyLinkAttributes ( int  i,
short  access,
int  pollingRate,
void(*)(int, int)  callback,
int  mode,
UINT32  callbackID 

Allows the caller to assign new link attributes to an active link.

A TINE client by making this call can re-assign a callback function, access mode or polling rate currently in place for an active link.

iis the link identifier for the link in question (the returned identifier when the call to AttachLink() or AttachLinkEx() was originally made
accessis the data access mode. This can be any combination of TINE access code ORed together (e.g. CA_READ|CA_WRITE).
pollingRateis the polling rate in milliseconds as seen at the server. For SINGLE transfers, this value also serves as a timeout parameter.
callbackis the address of the user-supplied callback routine to be called when data arrive from the server. The prototype of this routine must be as shown, where the first argument (id) gives the id of the link which is calling the callback, and the second argument (cc) gives the completion code. For successful data transmission, cc will always be 0, otherwise it can be interpreted with GetLastLinkError().
modeis the transfer mode (see discussion on Data Transfer Modes).
callbackIDis supplied by the caller as an identifier to be returned in the callback funtion
0 if successful, otherwise a TINE completion code which can be interpreted by a call to GetLastLinkError().
See also
AttachLink(), AttachLinkEx(), DTYPE

◆ PutLnkErrorValue()

int PutLnkErrorValue ( int  linkId,
void *  errValue 

Flags a link so that the given error value is used as the data value in case of any link error.

linkIdis a valid link table id of the link for which the local timestamp should be applied.
errValueis a reference to the error value data set which should be applied in case of a link error.
0 if successful, otherwise a TINE completion code

◆ PutLnkTimeStamp()

int PutLnkTimeStamp ( int  linkId)

Flags a link so that the local timestamp is used for all incoming data sets.

linkIdis a valid link table id of the link for which the local timestamp should be applied.
0 if successful, otherwise a TINE completion code

◆ ReassignLinkData()

int ReassignLinkData ( int  id,
void *  buffer,
UINT32  length 

Reassigns the bound data buffer for the link table id given.

A monitored link is often 'bound' to a specified buffer which is to maintain a representation of the corresponding data (i.e. if the output DTYPE object passed in the call references a non-null data pointer). The caller can reassign this buffer by using this call.

idis the link table id (e.g. returned from the original call to AttachLink()).
bufferis a pointer to the new buffer;
lengthis the length in bytes of the new buffer. This is only used as a 'control'. The call is only successful if the length passed is at least as big as the number of bytes required in the original link.
If the monitored link uses an 'assigned' buffer (i.e. a NULL pointer was originally specified in the call) then the call will fail with the error code 'already_assigned',
If the monitored link makes use of exotic data types such as CF_IMAGE or CF_MDA then the caller must ensure the integrity of the buffer passed with respect to the original buffer.
0 upon success or a TINE error code.

◆ recvNetGlobal()

int recvNetGlobal ( const char *  keyword,
DTYPE dout,
void(*)(int, int)  callback 

Initiates a net globals data link.

A TINE client requests to receive network global parameters via this routine. Note that the client must reside on a network which itself is receiving broadcast data or onto which multicasts are being routed in order for this call to take effect.

recvNetGlobal() differs from recvNetGlobalEx() in that the callback will return the link identifier in the callback function.

keywordis the name of the network global which is desired. If the globals keyword exists on a specific context, then the keyword given should be prefixed with the context. For example "/PETRA/Energy". If the keyword is entered without a prefix then the 'SITE' globals are assumed (e.g. "PEENERGY").
doutis a pointer to the output data set, that is, the data set to be returned from the server to the client. The structure element ‘dout->data’ should be a pointer to a pre-allocated data buffer, which is to receive the returned data. If dout is a NULL pointer, it is assumed that no data are to be returned.
callbackis the address of the user-supplied callback routine to be called when data arrive from the server. The prototype of this routine must be as shown, where the first argument (id) gives the id of the link which is calling the callback, and the second argument (cc) gives the completion code. For successful data transmission, cc will always be 0, otherwise it can be interpreted with GetLastLinkError().
A positive link handle if successful, otherwise the negative of a TINE completion code which can be interpreted by a call to GetLastLinkError().
See also
recvNetGlobalEx(), sendNetGlobal(), DTYPE


#include "tine.h"
char errstr[256];
NGenergyID = recvNetGlobal("/PETRA/Energy",&dout,showenergy);
if (NGenergyID < 0)
printf("NETGLOBAL : %s\n",GetLastLinkError(-NgenergyID,errstr));

◆ recvNetGlobalEx()

int recvNetGlobalEx ( const char *  keyword,
DTYPE dout,
void(*)(int, int)  callback,
UINT32  callbackID 

Initiates a net globals data link (extended call).

A TINE client requests to receive network global parameters via this routine. Note that the client must reside on a network which itself is receiving broadcast data or onto which multicasts are being routed in order for this call to take effect.

recvNetGlobalEx() differs from recvNetGlobal() in that the caller can supply a callback identify to be returned in the callback function. In lieu of this, the callback will return the link identifier.

keywordis the name of the network global which is desired. If the globals keyword exists on a specific context, then the keyword given should be prefixed with the context. For example "/PETRA/Energy". If the keyword is entered without a prefix then the 'SITE' globals are assumed (e.g. "PEENERGY").
doutis a pointer to the output data set, that is, the data set to be returned from the server to the client. The structure element ‘dout->data’ should be a pointer to a pre-allocated data buffer, which is to receive the returned data. If dout is a NULL pointer, it is assumed that no data are to be returned.
callbackis the address of the user-supplied callback routine to be called when data arrive from the server. The prototype of this routine must be as shown, where the first argument (id) gives the id of the link which is calling the callback, and the second argument (cc) gives the completion code. For successful data transmission, cc will always be 0, otherwise it can be interpreted with GetLastLinkError().
callbackIDis supplied by the caller as an identifier to be returned in the callback funtion
A positive link handle if successful, otherwise the negative of a TINE completion code which can be interpreted by a call to GetLastLinkError().
See also
recvNetGlobal(), sendNetGlobal(), DTYPE


#include "tine.h"
#define ENERGY_ID 1
#define CURRENT_ID 2
void globalsCallback(int id,int cc)
switch (id)
// do something with the incoming energy
// do something with the incoming beam current
char errstr[256];
NGenergyID = recvNetGlobalEx("/PETRA/Energy",&dout,globalsCallback,ENERGY_ID);
if (NGenergyID < 0)
printf("NETGLOBAL : %s\n",GetLastLinkError(-NgenergyID,errstr));

◆ recvNetGlobalEx2()

int recvNetGlobalEx2 ( const char *  keyword,
DTYPE dout,
void(*)(int, int, void *)  callback,
UINT32  callbackID,
void *  reference 

Initiates a net globals data link (doubly extended call).

A TINE client requests to receive network global parameters via this routine. Note that the client must reside on a network which itself is receiving broadcast data or onto which multicasts are being routed in order for this call to take effect.

recvNetGlobalEx2() differs from recvNetGlobal() and recvNetGlobalEx() in that the caller can supply a callback identify and a reference pointer to be returned in the callback function. In lieu of this, the callback will return the link identifier and a null pointer.

keywordis the name of the network global which is desired. If the globals keyword exists on a specific context, then the keyword given should be prefixed with the context. For example "/PETRA/Energy". If the keyword is entered without a prefix then the 'SITE' globals are assumed (e.g. "PEENERGY").
doutis a pointer to the output data set, that is, the data set to be returned from the server to the client. The structure element ‘dout->data’ should be a pointer to a pre-allocated data buffer, which is to receive the returned data. If dout is a NULL pointer, it is assumed that no data are to be returned.
callbackis the address of the user-supplied callback routine to be called when data arrive from the server. The prototype of this routine must be as shown, where the first argument (id) gives the id of the link which is calling the callback, and the second argument (cc) gives the completion code. For successful data transmission, cc will always be 0, otherwise it can be interpreted with GetLastLinkError().
callbackIDis supplied by the caller as an identifier to be returned in the callback funtion.
referenceis supplied by the caller as a reference to be returned in the callback function. In this way, the callback can then de-reference the originating source of the callback.
A positive link handle if successful, otherwise the negative of a TINE completion code which can be interpreted by a call to GetLastLinkError().
See also
recvNetGlobal(), sendNetGlobal(), DTYPE


#include "tine.h"
#define ENERGY_ID 1
#define CURRENT_ID 2
typedef void (*REFFCN)(void);
void globalsCallback(int id,int cc,void *ref)
switch (id)
// do something with the incoming energy
// do something with the incoming beam current
if (cc == 0)
{ // link status is okay -> forward the info down the line
void forwardLink(void)
// do something special here
int startGlobalsLink(void)
char errstr[256];
NGenergyID = recvNetGlobalEx2("/PETRA/Energy",&dout,globalsCallback,ENERGY_ID,(void *)forwardLink);
if (NGenergyID < 0)
printf("NETGLOBAL : %s\n",GetLastLinkError(-NgenergyID,errstr));

◆ RegisterCycleTriggerFunction()

int RegisterCycleTriggerFunction ( CYCBFCNP  fcn,
char *  eqm,
char *  prpLst,
void *  reference 

Registers a cycle trigger callback dispatch function.

If a CYCLER is running in a server's context, then the server will receive 'Cycle Number' events scheduled by the designated CYCLER server. The cycle number will make use of the 'System Data Stamp' to tag all data sets obtained from the server. A server can also register a trigger function dispatch routine (or routines) to be called when a 'Cycle Number' event occurs. The dispatch routines will be called prior to setting the 'System Stamp' to the new Cycle Number, which will be set following the execution of all dispatch routines. Optionally, the server can provide a property (or list of properties) to be scheduled following the dispatch execution. This will ensure that such properties will be called immediately following dispatch execution AND contain the most recent Cycle Number as the 'System Data Stamp'.

fcnis a reference to the cycle trigger dispatch routine to be called following the reception of a new Cycle Number. This must have the prototype: void (*fcn)(int cycleNumber,int cycleStatus,void *reference). Thus, the dispatch routine will be called with the current cycle number, the cycle status (possibly 'link_timeout' if no cycle is received within the assigned globals heartbeat (see SetGlobalsHeartbeat)), and an optional 'reference', which is a void pointer of the caller's choosing (and will be returned to the caller in the dispatch routine).
eqmthe local equipment module name of the desired central server (e.g. "BPMEQM")
prpLstis the property or properties which are to be 'scheduled' following the execution of the dispatch routine. If more than a single property is to be scheduled, this should be a string containing a comma separated list.
referenceis a caller supplied void pointer which will be returned to the called in the dispatch routine.
0 if successful, otherwise a TINE completion code


#define PRP_CYCLE 1
int cycleNumber = 0;
int tsteqm(char *devName,char *devProperty,DTYPE *dout, DTYPE *din,short access);
void tstinit(void);
void tstbkg(void);
typedef void (*HDWIOFCNP)(int);
void hdwIoCycle(int cycle)
/* read relevant hardware (here we just print something out) */
printf("read hardware for cycle %d\n",cycle);
void onCycleTrigger1(int cycle,int cc,void *ref)
printf("received cycle %d <%d>\n",cycle,cc);
cycleNumber = cycle;
void onCycleTrigger2(int cycle,int cc,void *ref)
{ /* call the referenced function */
if (cc == 0) ((HDWIOFCNP)ref)(cycle);
void PreSystemInit(void)
RegisterFecInformation("CYCCATCH.8","TST","TEST","Cycle catcher tester","My Office","none","me",8);
void PostSystemInit(void)
/* register the equipment module: */
/* register a cycle trigger function with no scheduling and no reference */
/* register another cycle trigger function with a scheduled property and a reference to another function */
RegisterCycleTriggerFunction(onCycleTrigger2,EQMTAG,"CycleNumber",(void *)hdwIoCycle);
void tstbkg(void)
void tstinit(void)
int cc = 0;
DTYPE dout;
dout.dFormat = CF_INT32;
dout.dArrayLength = 1;
RegisterPropertyInformation(EQMTAG,"CycleNumber",&dout,NULL,CA_READ,AT_SCALAR,0,"current system cycle number",PRP_CYCLE,NULL);
int tsteqm(char *devName,char *devProperty,DTYPE *dout, DTYPE *din,short access)
int devnr,prpid,cc;
devnr = GetDeviceNumber(EQMTAG,devName);
prpid = GetPropertyId(EQMTAG,devProperty);
switch (prpid)
if (access&CA_WRITE) return illegal_read_write;
if ((cc=putValuesFromLong(dout,&cycleNumber,1)) != 0) return cc;
return 0;
See also

◆ ResetSuspendCallbacks()

void ResetSuspendCallbacks ( void  )

stops suspending callbacks and resets the reference counter

When set to TRUE, all asynchronous callbacks will be suspended until the call is reissued changing the setting to FALSE.

See also

◆ ResubmitDataLink()

int ResubmitDataLink ( int  id)

Resubmits a (CM_SINGLE) data link.

This routine is useful for asynchronous single links which should be 'retried' following a link timeout notification in the callback.

idis the link index for the link which is to be resubmitted
0 upon success or invalid_link

◆ SetAccessLock()

int SetAccessLock ( char *  context,
char *  server,
int  lockType,
int  lockDuration 

Acquires an access lock to the server specified.

A client application can obtain an access lock to the given server provided the caller has WRITE privileges himself. Once the lock is obtained, no other process will be allowed WRITE access regardless of any other access control lists. A lock may be preemptive (LOCK_PREEMTIVE) or persistent (LOCK_PERSISTENT). Preemptive locks may be aborted (LOCK_ABORT) by other callers with WRITE privileges. Persistent locks may not.

contextis the targeted context of the server
serveris the targeted device server
lockTypeis the desired lock type: one of LOCK_CANCEL, LOCK_PREEPMTIVE, LOCK_PERSISTENT or LOCK_ABORT.
lockDurationis the requested duration of the lock in seconds. This applies only to preemptive locks. Persistent locks will ignore this parameter and continue to renew the lock until the caller cancels the lock (graceful) or disappears (maximum 60 second wait).
a tine return code.


/* acquire a persistent lock (persistent lock will ignore the duration parameter) */
cc = SetAccessLock("DESY2","PiControls",LOCK_PERSISTENT,0);
if (cc != 0) dbglog("SetAccessLock : %s",erlst[cc]);
/* do something important ... */
/* release the lock */
See also
FreeAccessLock(), GetAccessLockInformation(), GetAccessLockStatus()

◆ SetAllowDependentLinks()

void SetAllowDependentLinks ( int  value)

turns the ability to manage identical (dependent) links ON or OFF

When set to TRUE, attempts to establish (multiply) identical links to the same target are allowed. In this case the original link is desigated the 'parent link' and constitutes the actual link (client to server). Other client-side links to the same target (have the same contract) will then obtain their results from the parent link.

A contract is deemed 'identical' if the device name and property parameters are identical and the input and output data objects have identical characteristics (including the data tag, format, and size). The link acquisition mode will be adjusted to the proper hierarchy level according to link dependencies. Likewise, the link polling rate will also be adjusted according to the link dependencies.
The default setting is 'TRUE'. Under some circumstances it could be desireable to set the value to FALSE (e.g. the central archiver sets this to FALSE).
valueis the desired setting. (default = TRUE).
See also

◆ SetAlwaysRetry()

void SetAlwaysRetry ( int  value)

Sets the 'Always Retry' flag to the value given.

Client Links can be instructed to always apply the CA_RETRY flag upon initialization by setting this flag to TRUE. If TRUE all link timeouts will be retried up to three times before issuing a link timeout notification. The default value is TRUE.

valueis the value of the retry flag.
See also

◆ SetAutoLinkErrorAlarms()

void SetAutoLinkErrorAlarms ( int  value)

Sets the autoLinkErrorAlarms flag.

A server can set automatic 'link_error' alarms when a link to another server goes down. This call sets the value of this flag, (default = TRUE).

valueis the desired setting of this flag (default = TRUE)
See also

◆ SetAutoLinkWatchdogs()

void SetAutoLinkWatchdogs ( int  value)

Enables/Disables automatic link watchdogs.

On-Data-Change or Event monitor links can sometimes fail to notice a missing server for up to the system heartbeat of 60 seconds. With this flag enabled (the default) all such links to a given server are coupled to a watchdog link which will fire the appropriate link notifications when a server goes down. If this feature is not desireable, it can be turned off with this call.

valueis either TRUE to turn this feature on (the default) or FALSE to turn it off

◆ SetClnRecvQueueDepth()

void SetClnRecvQueueDepth ( int  depth)

Sets the default client-side receive queue depth for all client links.

Asynchronous data acquisition implies a callback handler which accepts and processes incoming data. Under most circumstances the callback handler should process the incoming data quickly and return prior to the next data acquisition (otherwise the data rate is set too high to be useful for the client). However circumstances arrive where either bursts of data arrive or the client side is otherwise busy processing an atypical event, etc. In these cases queueing the incoming data can be beneficial. You can set the default queue depth for initializing links with this routine.

depthis the requested queue depth (values less than zero are ignored). A value of zero implies no queue will be maintained.

◆ SetConnectionTableCapacity()

int SetConnectionTableCapacity ( int  value)

Sets the maximum number of entries in the connection table.

the FecTbl and SrvTbl are allocated with the original gConTblCapacity value which is a 'worst case' scenario where every connection is to a unique FEC entry. Most reasons for increasing the capacity involve multiple links to only a 'few' FECs.

References invalid_data.

◆ SetDefaultTransportMode()

void SetDefaultTransportMode ( int  value)

Sets the default TINE transport mode used in client-side links.

valueis the desired default transport mode. This can be either 'TCP' or 'UDP' (the default). Indeed, if value does not equal 'TCP' then the default transport mode will be taken as UDP.
See also

◆ SetGlobalsHeartbeat()

void SetGlobalsHeartbeat ( int  value)

sets the heartbeat (in seconds) during which time no 'timeout' messages will be sent to a globals dispatch routine (client-side)

valueis the desired heartbeat in seconds (default: 60 seconds)
See also
GetGlobalsHeartbeat(), recvNetGlobal().

◆ SetGlobalsTableCapacity()

void SetGlobalsTableCapacity ( int  value)

sets the globals table capacity

This establishes the maximum size of the (client-side) table which is to receive network globals. (Default : 50).

valueis the desired table size.
this call must be made prior to the client-side registration for any network global in order to have any effect.
See also
GetGlobalsTableCapacity(), recvNetGlobal().

◆ SetLinkCallbackDelay()

void SetLinkCallbackDelay ( int  linkId,
int  cyclesToDelay 

Sets a client-side callback notification.

Asynchronous data acquisition implies a callback handler which accepts and processes incoming data. In some exotic circumstances it might be desireable to delay a callback notification for some specified number of TINE kernel cycles. For instance a 'master link' should needs to fire its callback prior to examining data in other link callbacks. One can use this call to accomplish this.

linkIdis the connection table link id (returned from a call to AttachLink()).
cyclesToDelayis the number of cycles to delay prior to firing the link callback. A value of zero (DEFAULT) implies no delay.
See also

◆ SetLinkQueueDepth()

void SetLinkQueueDepth ( int  linkId,
int  depth 

Sets the client-side receive queue depth for the link in question.

Asynchronous data acquisition implies a callback handler which accepts and processes incoming data. Under most circumstances the callback handler should process the incoming data quickly and return prior to the next data acquisition (otherwise the data rate is set too high to be useful for the client). However circumstances arrive where either bursts of data arrive or the client side is otherwise busy processing an atypical event, etc. In these cases queueing the incoming data can be beneficial. You can set the queue depth for a specific link using this routine.

linkIdis the connection table link id (returned from a call to AttachLink()).
depthis the requested queue depth (values less than zero are ignored). A value of zero implies no queue will be maintained.

◆ SetLinkWatchdogPollingInterval()

int SetLinkWatchdogPollingInterval ( int  value)

Sets the link watchdog polling interval to the value given.

Data-change or event style monitor links will receive data updates only when the examined data have changed or an event has been declared. In addition a systematic heartbeat is received at approximately once per minute per monitor link and a systematic watch dog link per target server is established (if enabled) at the minimum of the desired remote polling interval and the value given by this call (default = 1000 msec). Thus a link timeout notification will be sent to the link callback with minimum latency. The default link watchog polling interval can be set with this function call.

valueis the desired link watchdog polling interval in milliseconds.

References feclog(), and out_of_range.

◆ SetNotificationTolerance()

int SetNotificationTolerance ( int  linkId,
float  toleranceAbsolute,
float  tolerancePercent 

Allows the caller to apply a tolerance pertaining to link notification.

When a TINE client subscribes to data using CM_DATACHANGE mode, the data is sent from server to client when the data change without regard to any applied tolerance (zero tolerance). The client application may nonetheless wish to be notified only when the data have changed outside a given tolerance. This can be achieved by calling this routine. The same applies to CM_TIMER mode, where the data are sent server-to-client according to the schedule. In the latter case, all data comparisons are made entirely at the client side. Note that if this feature is desired in CM_TIMER mode, the CM_NODUPLICATES switch must be applied to the mode parameter in the call to AttachLink() or AttachLinkEx(). This switch will be appended automatically if SetSuppressHeartbeatNotification(TRUE) is called.

linkIdis the link identifier for the link in question (the returned identifier when the call to AttachLink() or AttachLinkEx() was originally made
toleranceAbsoluteif non-zero is a tolerance in the data units of the in-coming data. It is checked against irrespective of the current data values.
tolerancePercentif non-zero is a tolerance expressed as a percent, and refers to the previous data set.

If both an absolute tolerance and a percent tolerance are used, the absolute value of both contributions are added together to define the total tolerance which should be checked against.

0 if successful, otherwise a TINE completion code which can be interpreted by a call to GetLastLinkError().
See also
AttachLink(), AttachLinkEx()

References SetNotificationToleranceEx().

◆ SetNotificationToleranceEx()

int SetNotificationToleranceEx ( int  linkId,
float  toleranceAbsolute,
float  tolerancePercent,
int  offset,
int  length,
int  flags 

Allows the caller to apply a tolerance pertaining to link notification (extended call).

When a TINE client subscribes to data using CM_DATACHANGE mode, the data is sent from server to client when the data change without regard to any applied tolerance (zero tolerance). The client application may nonetheless wish to be notified only when the data have changed outside a given tolerance. This can be achieved by calling this routine. The same applies to CM_TIMER mode, where the data are sent server-to-client according to the schedule. In the latter case, all data comparisons are made entirely at the client side. Note that if this feature is desired in CM_TIMER mode, the CM_NODUPLICATES switch must be applied to the mode parameter in the call to AttachLink() or AttachLinkEx(). This switch will be appended automatically if SetSuppressHeartbeatNotification(TRUE) is called.

linkIdis the link identifier for the link in question (the returned identifier when the call to AttachLink() or AttachLinkEx() was originally made
toleranceAbsoluteif non-zero is a tolerance in the data units of the in-coming data. It is checked against irrespective of the current data values.
tolerancePercentif non-zero is a tolerance expressed as a percent, and refers to the previous data set.
offsetspecifies the array offset to be used in data comparison (DEFAULT: 0). If the given offset is less then 0 or greater than the length of the acquired data array (i.e. > 1 if a single value is acquired) it will be automatically set to 0.
lengthspecifes the length of the data array (beginning at the given offset) to be used in data comparison (DEFAULT: length of the acquire data array, or 1 if a single value is acquired). If the given value exceeds the array bounds, then it will be adjusted.
flagsis one of DTF_SUPPRESS or DTF_NOTIFY and specifies the desired form of the the 'out of tolerance' notification (DEFAULT: DTF_SUPPRESS). If DTF_SUPPRESS is specified, then callbacks will be suppressed unless there is an error or the most recent data set is out of tolerance. If DTF_NOTIFY is specified, then callbacks will not be suppressed. However, if the most recent data set is out of tolerance, then an otherwise successful callback completion code will be flagged as CE_SENDDATA + out_of_tolerance. The caller can then make use of this form of 'out of tolerance' signal to suit his needs.

If both an absolute tolerance and a percent tolerance are used, the absolute value of both contributions are added together to define the total tolerance which should be checked against.

0 if successful, otherwise a TINE completion code which can be interpreted by a call to GetLastLinkError().
See also
AttachLink(), AttachLinkEx()

Referenced by SetNotificationTolerance().

◆ SetSubscriptionRenewalThreshold()

int SetSubscriptionRenewalThreshold ( int  linkId,
int  thresholdInPercent 

Gets the current client-side subscription threshold for the link in question.

Persistent contracts established by a Client API Callsalling one of the AttachLink() family 'subscribe' for the contract on the server. A subscription is only valid for a number of responses and must be renewed by the client. This of course happens automatically in the TINE kernel and is a guarantee that clients which 'disappear' ungracefully do not persist indefinitely. The 'number of responses' is known as the subscription renewal length. This value is adjusted according to a client's desired polling interval (i.e. the default value at 1 Hz, 60, is augmented to higher values when polling for instance at 10 Hz). The default value might under some circumstance be deemed to be too small. e.g. a server knows that properties are being 'scheduled' (see _SystemScheduleProperty()) at many Hz, which would cause the subscription counter to descrease more rapidly than the client's polling interval would otherwise dictate. In such cases the subscription 'renewals' would be far more frequently than an efficient data transmission would warrant. The client side link can establish a higher renewal threshold value by making use of this call.

linkIdis the link id for the link in question (returned from the original call to AttachLink().
thresholdInPercentis the desired threshold given as a percent of the total number of subscription transfers. This should be positive integer. Accepted values range between 10 and 90 (percent).
0 upon success of a TINE error code
See also

◆ SetSuppressHeartbeatNotification()

void SetSuppressHeartbeatNotification ( int  value)

Determines whether CM_DATACHANGE data links signal incoming data by calling the corresonding callback routine even when the incoming data is a HEARTBEAT notification.

A client may wish to receive data notification events only when the incoming data have changed or the data link has an error, and not receive and respond to heartbeat notifications. Setting this global variable to TRUE will archieve this aim.

valuedetermines whether heartbeat notification will be suppressed or not Default: FALSE
See also

◆ SetSuspendCallbacks()

void SetSuspendCallbacks ( int  value)

set suspends asynchronous callback notification ON or OFF

When set to TRUE, all asynchronous callbacks will be suspended until the call is reissued changing the setting to FALSE.

valueis the desired setting
See also

◆ SetSynchronizationTolerance()

void SetSynchronizationTolerance ( double  toleranceInSeconds)

Sets the tolerance used in deciding whether to apply a timestamp offset or not.

If a TINE time server is running and supplying a system time stamp, and this server is accepting this to synchronize its local clock when applying data time stamps, the tolerance used in applying this offset can be set by this routine.

toleranceInSecondsis the maximum time difference allowed before setting the data timestamp offset. (Default: 0.5 seconds)
See also

◆ SetSystemStampDelay()

void SetSystemStampDelay ( int  cycleDelay)

Establishes the system cycle delay.

If a server's context has a registered 'CYCLER' then all read data will be tagged with the incoming system cycle number. If it is known a priori that due to hard i/o latency the application of the cycle tag needs to be delayed by some value, then this routine may be used to establish such a cycle delay value (in milliseconds).

cycleDelayis the desired cycle delay (milliseconds), which will must elapse before the incoming cycle number from the registered CYCLER is to be applied to all readback data. (default = 0).
See also

◆ SetSystemStampOffset()

void SetSystemStampOffset ( int  cycleOffset)

Establishes a system cycle offset.

If a server's context has a registered 'CYCLER' then all read data will be tagged with the incoming system cycle number. If it is known a priori that due to hard i/o latency the cycle tag needs to be offset by some value, then this routine may be used to establish such an offset.

cycleOffsetis the desired cycle offset (counts) to be applied to the incoming cycle number from the registered CYCLER. (Default = 0).
See also

◆ UnregisterCycleTriggerFunction()

int UnregisterCycleTriggerFunction ( CYCBFCNP  fcn,
void *  reference 

Unregisters a previously registered cycle trigger callback dispatch function.

If a cycle trigger event dispatch routine is no longer required, it can be unregistered using this routine.

fcnis a reference to the previously registered cycle trigger dispatch routine which is to be removed.
referenceis a caller supplied void pointer which will be returned to the called in the dispatch routine.
0 if successful, otherwise a TINE completion code
See also

◆ UpdateDataStampsFromCallbackId()

int UpdateDataStampsFromCallbackId ( int  id,
DTYPE dout 

Fills in the given DTYPE data object with all data stamp information.

If the user-supplied callback identifier is unambiguous, a reference to a DTYPE object will be filled with the current time and data stamps as well as the transfer reason. The remaining elements of the given DTYPE object are not touched.

id(input) is the callback id supplied with the data link.
dout(output) is a reference to the DTYPE data object to be filled in.
0 or a TINE error code.
See also

◆ UpdateDataStampsFromLinkId()

int UpdateDataStampsFromLinkId ( int  linkId,
DTYPE dout 

Fills in the given DTYPE data object with all data stamp information.

If the link ID is known, a reference to a DTYPE object will be filled with the current time and data stamps as well as the transfer reason. The remaining elements of the given DTYPE object are not touched.

linkId(input) is the link ID (see AttachLink()) of the data link.
dout(output) is a reference to the DTYPE data object to be filled in.
0 or a TINE error code.
See also

References argument_list_error.

Variable Documentation

◆ gConTblCapacity

int gConTblCapacity = CONTBL_CAPACITY

Determines the maximum number of entries in the connection table.

A client's connections are managed and maintained in a connection table. The size of this table is pre-allocated at initialization time. This allows for fast lookups, since a connection ID is simply an entry into the table. If it is known that the client will need a large number of simultaneous links then this value should be set accordingly at initialization time.

Default: 1000 (Or #define CONTBL_CAPACITY in project.def)

See also
SetConnectionTableCapacity(), GetConnectionTableCapacity()

Referenced by GetConnectionTableCapacity().

◆ LastCompletionDataSize

UINT32 LastCompletionDataSize = 0

Supplies the data size of the most recent link.

A global variable which supplies the data size of the most recent link.

This is not thread safe. In multithreaded applications, use GetCompletionDataSize() or GetCompletionDataSizeFromCallbackId()
See also
GetCompletionDataSize(), GetCompletionDataSizeFromCallbackId()

Referenced by GetCompletionDataSize().

◆ LastCompletionDataType

int LastCompletionDataType = CF_NULL

Supplies the data type of the most recent link.

A global variable which supplies the data type of the most recent link.

This is not thread safe. In multithreaded applications, use GetCompletionDataType() or GetCompletionDataTypeFromCallbackId()
See also
GetCompletionDataType(), GetCompletionDataTypeFromCallbackId()

◆ lastLnkErrSrc

short lastLnkErrSrc = 0

Gives the signature of the last Link Error.

If a call to ExecLink() or ExecLinkEx() fails it will return a non-zero TINE error code, which can be interpreted by GetLastLinkError(). It is sometime useful to know whether the return code was locally generated (for instance a time out) or remotely generated (for instance 'illegal property'). To this end you can examine the value of lastLnkErrSrc and check it against LNK_ERROR_LCL or LNK_ERROR_RMT

Referenced by GetCompletionSource().

int RegisterCycleTriggerFunction(CYCBFCNP fcn, char *eqm, char *prpLst, void *reference)
Registers a cycle trigger callback dispatch function.
Definition: Client API Calls:8265
int GetAccessLockInformation(char *context, char *server, NAME32 *callerName, NAME32 *callerIp, NAME32 *timeLeft)
Acquires access lock information from the server specified.
Definition: Client API Calls:10327
int RegisterFecInformation(char *name, char *sub, char *cntxt, char *dsc, char *loc, char *hdw, char *resp, UINT16 poff)
Assigns a FEC Name and descriptive information to the server process.
Definition: srvdbase.c:5528
int GetDeviceNumber(char *eqm, char *devname)
Gives the registered device number for the specified device name.
Definition: srvdbase.c:5339
@ illegal_read_write
Definition: errors.h:161
Definition: tinetype.h:1007
char * GetLastLinkError(short cc, char *errstr)
The error string associated with the input error number.
Definition: Client API Calls:7389
char name[32]
Definition: tinetype.h:255
int AttachLinkEx(const char *devName, const char *devProperty, DTYPE *dout, DTYPE *din, short access, int pollingRate, void(*cbFcn)(int, int), int mode, UINT32 cbId)
Initiates an asynchronous link.
Definition: Client API Calls:6832
int recvNetGlobalEx(const char *keyword, DTYPE *dout, void(*cbFcn)(int, int), UINT32 cbId)
Initiates a net globals data link (extended call).
Definition: Client API Calls:7714
int CloseLink(int linkId)
Cancels an active data link.
Definition: Client API Calls:7026
int RegisterPropertyInformation(char *eqm, char *prp, DTYPE *dout, DTYPE *din, short acc, short atype, UINT16 rowlen, char *dsc, int pid, char *rdr)
Assigns pertinent information for the specified property.
Definition: srvdbase.c:5956
Defines a TINE 32-character fixed-length string data object.
Definition: tinetype.h:253
void * vptr
Definition: tinetype.h:974
int GetCompletionDataSizeFromCallbackId(int id)
Returns the most recent data size of the link associated with the callback id supplied.
Definition: Client API Calls:7304
int AttachLink(const char *devName, const char *devProperty, DTYPE *dout, DTYPE *din, short access, int pollingRate, void(*cbFcn)(int, int), int mode)
Initiates an asynchronous link.
Definition: Client API Calls:6838
int GetCompletionDataSize(int i)
Returns the most recent data size of the link index supplied.
Definition: Client API Calls:7289
SINT16 * sptr
Definition: tinetype.h:978
@ illegal_property
Definition: errors.h:118
int AttachLinkEx2(const char *devName, const char *devProperty, DTYPE *dout, DTYPE *din, short access, int pollingRate, void(*cbFcn)(int, int, void *), int mode, UINT32 cbId, void *reference)
Initiates an asynchronous link.
Definition: Client API Calls:6826
int FreeAccessLock(char *context, char *server)
Frees an access lock on the server specified.
Definition: Client API Calls:10148
int recvNetGlobalEx2(const char *keyword, DTYPE *dout, void(*cbFcn)(int, int, void *), UINT32 cbId, void *reference)
Initiates a net globals data link (doubly extended call).
Definition: Client API Calls:7710
short dFormat
Definition: tinetype.h:1000
Defines a TINE data object.
Definition: tinetype.h:997
int recvNetGlobal(const char *keyword, DTYPE *dout, void(*cbFcn)(int, int))
Initiates a net globals data link.
Definition: Client API Calls:7718
float * fptr
Definition: tinetype.h:988
int GetCompletionDataTypeFromCallbackId(int id)
Returns the most recent data type of the link associated with the callback id supplied.
Definition: Client API Calls:10190
int GetCurrentLinkStatusFromCallbackId(int id)
Returns the completion code associated with the callback identifier supplied.
Definition: Client API Calls:7337
int SetAccessLock(char *context, char *server, int lockType, int lockDuration)
Acquires an access lock to the server specified.
Definition: Client API Calls:10321
int RegisterEquipmentModule(char *expName, char *eqmName, int numdevices, int(*fcn)(char *, char *, DTYPE *, DTYPE *, short), void(*ini)(void), void(*tsk)(void), int rate, void(*exi)(void))
Registers an equipment module with the TINE server engine.
Definition: srvdbase.c:5501
int SetPacketMTU(int mtu)
Sets the TINE Packet MTU for the UDP server socket.
Definition: iplib.c:197
int GetCurrentLinkStatus(int i)
Returns the completion code associated with the input link index.
Definition: Client API Calls:7332
int GetCompletionDataType(int i)
Returns the most recent data type of the link index supplied.
Definition: Client API Calls:10178
int GetPropertyId(char *eqm, char *prpName)
Gives the associated property identifier for the given property name.
Definition: srvdbase.c:5371
int RegisterDeviceName(char *eqm, char *devname, int devnr)
Assigns a device name to the specified device number.
Definition: srvdbase.c:5443
int ExecLink(const char *devName, const char *devProperty, DTYPE *dout, DTYPE *din, short access)
Executes a synchronous link.
Definition: Client API Calls:7270
void SetSystemUseDataProtection(int value)
Sets the data protection flag to the value given.
Definition: syslib.c:6224
UINT32 dArrayLength
Definition: tinetype.h:999

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